Jedi Master Sskeer, a complex and powerful character from The High Republic, is brought to life in an impressive fan-made animation.
Sskeer undergoes the loss of his arm, the severing of his connection to the Force, and confrontations with both the dark side and the Drengir throughout his journey.
This animated showcase, created by fans, exhibits the immense potential for a High Republic animated series. It highlights Sskeer and various other Jedi from this formative era in the galaxy.
Check out this awesome fan-made animation of Jedi Master Sskeer from the High Republic Era. Created by Artoo and shared on Twitter, the animation showcases Sskeer in his white and gold Jedi robes, wielding a blue lightsaber. Take a look at the impressive animation below:
Sskeer Is One Of The Most High Republic's Most Powerful (And Complex) Jedi
Artoo's stunning animation, paired with its exceptional 3D backdrop, will undoubtedly leave Star Wars enthusiasts yearning for Lucasfilm to embark on an actual animated series set in the High Republic era.Jedi Master Sskeer embarked on a tumultuous journey in Marvel Comics' The High Republic series, marked by various challenges and transformations. During the Battle of Kur, he suffered the loss of his arm at the hands of the Nihil marauders. This incident had a profound impact on Sskeer, causing a gradual disconnection from the Force. As he grappled with the resulting trauma, his inner struggle led him towards the dark side, fueling increased aggression and a more violent demeanor compared to his fellow Jedi. Additionally, Sskeer fell victim to the Drengir, a plant-based species, which infested his body. Remarkably, he managed to grow a new arm resembling plant-life, but ultimately chose to sever his connection with the Drengir, removing both the infestation and the plant arm in a valiant effort to resist their corrupting influence.
Sskeer's loss of the Force proved advantageous when the Nihil began utilizing the Nameless creatures, capable of incapacitating Force-users. While his ultimate fate remains uncertain following the downfall of Starlight Beacon, the prospect of witnessing Sskeer and numerous other Jedi from the High Republic era in an animated Star Wars series is immensely exciting. In the interim, this fan-created animation showcasing Sskeer serves as compelling evidence of the immense potential of The High Republic.