The Ultimate Shortcut: Unleashing the Ultimate AP Farming Method in Final Fantasy 16!

The Ultimate Shortcut: Unleashing the Ultimate AP Farming Method in Final Fantasy 16!

Enhance your AP farming in Final Fantasy 16 with the game-changing Wages of Warcraft item Unleash its benefits to maximize your AP gains and dominate the battlefield like never before!

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Earning the platinum trophy in Final Fantasy 16 is an extensive and challenging endeavor. To achieve this accomplishment, players must complete the game twice and fully master all abilities, even after completing it twice. This task proves to be quite difficult due to the AP gains in Final Fantasy 16, which require AP farming. While some locations are more effective than others, the Wages of Warcraft item is essential for efficient farming, even in Final Fantasy Mode.

Final Fantasy 16 consists of a total of 68 main chapters, including quests within quests. Initially, players may assume that they will acquire enough AP to master all abilities by the end of Final Fantasy mode. However, this assumption is unlikely to be true. Regardless of individual playstyles, completing the game twice will result in a significant AP deficit, necessitating farming to obtain the Platinum trophy. Sadly, there is no way to circumvent this requirement, but the Wages of Warcraft item greatly expedites and facilitates the completion process.

Final Fantasy 16: The Wages of Warcraft Item

The Ultimate Shortcut: Unleashing the Ultimate AP Farming Method in Final Fantasy 16!

With the way Final Fantasy 16's equipment is structured, players may not properly shop at Charon's store. They could even overlook certain items that are unlocked later on, such as the Wages of Warcraft item. This item becomes available once players embark on the main quest, Cid the Outlaw, and it boosts AP gains from regular combat encounters by 20%. At a certain point, players also unlock the ability to reinforce this item, which simply involves purchasing it again from Charon. By having two of these items in their inventory, players can then visit Blackthorne to reinforce it further, resulting in a 40% increase in AP per combat encounter. This enhancement not only proves beneficial during the main quest but also comes in handy for players who engage in farming activities.

Final Fantasy 16: The Benefits of the Wages of Warcraft Item on the Best AP Farm

The Ultimate Shortcut: Unleashing the Ultimate AP Farming Method in Final Fantasy 16!

The Hyenas in Ash have been established as the best AP farming spot in Final Fantasy 16. There are several reasons that contribute to this claim. Firstly, players can swiftly travel from the nearby Obelisk to the Hyenas with the aid of the Chocobo. Additionally, these enemies are remarkably easy to defeat, making them accessible even for players in their first visit to Ash on Final Fantasy mode. Furthermore, players are rewarded with approximately 600 AP points for each encounter with the Hyenas. This high AP yield, coupled with the ability to quickly reset and farm them, makes them a lucrative option. However, it is worth noting that the Wages of Warcraft adds an additional layer beyond just speed.

By equipping the fully upgraded Wages of Warcraft, players can defeat the Hyenas and earn around 1120 AP, which is quite beneficial. To accumulate 10,000 AP, players would need to run this AP farm approximately 9 times with the item equipped. Without it, they would have to complete 15 runs. Although 6 runs may not appear significant, it can significantly impact the time required to achieve the platinum trophy in Final Fantasy 16, depending on the amount of farming needed. Final Fantasy 16 is currently accessible on PS5.