The Ultimate Secrets Await in Starfield: Discover the Astonishing Treasures within the Sanctum Universum of New Atlantis!
Starfield players with the Raised Universal Trait can unlock exclusive rewards by locating the Sanctum Universum in New Atlantis' MAST District Discover the contents of the special chest and learn how to remove the Raised Universal Trait
Traits in Starfield are integral and often have both advantages and disadvantages. However, there are a few exceptions, such as the Raised Universal Trait. This particular Trait allows players to access a special chest in New Atlantis, providing them with a small yet advantageous boost at the beginning of their interstellar journey.
Furthermore, Starfield players have the freedom to remove the Raised Universal Trait immediately after unlocking the Sanctum Universum chest. This means there are no real drawbacks to choosing this Trait. This guide will provide all the necessary information, including locating the Sanctum Universum, the contents of the chest, and instructions on removing the Raised Universal Trait after opening the chest.
Where to Find the Sanctum Universum in Starfield
To locate the Sanctum Universum, players must ride the NAT to the MAST District of New Atlantis. Upon disembarking the train, they should proceed up the ramp directly ahead of them until they reach an open-air space. From here, they should turn left and continue straight, passing by trees and water features, until they reach a one-story building adorned with gold trim. This structure is the Sanctum Universum.
Upon entering the Sanctum Universum, players must turn left and there they will come across a yellow chest situated next to the outer wall of an office. Similar to the chest found at the House of the Enlightened, the appearance of the Sanctum Universum chest is dependent on players choosing the Raised Universal Trait. For those experiencing difficulty in locating the chest or the Sanctum Universum itself, please refer to the video above.
What's Inside the Sanctum Universum Chest?
The Sanctum Universum chest boasts a selection of consumable items along with a handful of books. Among the treasures, players will stumble upon the Neocity Urbanwear, an invigorating green attire bestowing a remarkable 5% bonus to 02 Recovery. While the chest's contents may not be deemed exceptionally valuable, the notion of obtaining these spoils with no expense makes a compelling case for opting for the Raised Universal Trait.
How to Remove the Raised Universal Trait
Players who have taken the contents of the chest may want to remove the Raised Universal Trait. Fortunately, this can easily be done by speaking with Keeper Aquilus and selecting the option that says, "[Raised Universal] I know I was raised in the Sanctum. But I'm not sure I believe anymore". Following the conversation, players will be given the opportunity to permanently remove the trait by selecting the option that says, "[Remove Raised Universal Trait permanently] I'm sorry. I just don't believe".
Starfield is currently available on PC and Xbox Series X|S.