The Ultimate Revival: Why FromSoftware Must Bring Back King's Field

The Ultimate Revival: Why FromSoftware Must Bring Back King's Field

FromSoftware, a renowned developer, has the perfect opportunity to revive King's Field With its humble beginnings and current global recognition, a revival would be a strategic move for the company


FromSoftware's first game, King's Field, showed promise despite being rough around the edges, and a revival could be a natural next step for the developer.

A revival of King's Field could effectively address the lack of AAA-scale first-person dungeon crawlers in the current market, given their diminished frequency. With FromSoftware's proven track record and expertise in delivering immersive fantasy adventures, a revival of King's Field has the potential to captivate fans and evoke a sense of nostalgia.

FromSoftware, widely recognized as one of the top game developers today, has achieved great success with titles like Armored Core 6, Elden Ring, Sekiro, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and Demon's Souls. However, this was not always the case for the company. Despite being established in 1986, FromSoftware didn't gain popularity until the early 2010s. Nonetheless, they did have some successes before that, including their debut game called King's Field.

Originally released in 1994, King's Field showed promise despite its roughness. As a first-person dungeon crawler, the game received mixed reactions, just like its three subsequent sequels. With the accumulated knowledge and renowned reputation that FromSoftware has acquired over the years, it may be the perfect time for a revival of King's Field.

Why FromSoftware Should Revive King's Field

The Ultimate Revival: Why FromSoftware Must Bring Back King's Field

From Software's King's Field

King's Field was a groundbreaking game upon its release. While there were already first-person fantasy dungeon crawlers in existence, such as Dungeon Master in 1987, King's Field stood out with its challenging real-time battles, expansive levels, and wide variety of weapons and magic spells. As the series expanded with sequels, it eventually evolved into an interconnected action-RPG world that heavily influenced the design of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls.

Nowadays, first-person dungeon crawlers are rare, especially on a AAA scale. This creates an opportunity for a King's Field revival to fill a gap in the market. While games like Skyrim have elements of dungeon crawling, they are not solely focused on that aspect. A new King's Field game, or even just a remake or reimagining of the existing series, could provide a unique fantasy dungeon-crawling experience. Considering FromSoftware's recent success, it wouldn't take much for them to capture the attention of fans.

FromSoftware's reputation in the gaming industry has soared in the past decade, thanks to the success of titles like Dark Souls, Sekiro, Bloodborne, and now Elden Ring. These games have demonstrated the developer's ability to create challenging yet immersive fantasy experiences. The knowledge gained from producing these games could potentially lead to a remarkable revival of the beloved King's Field series. One of the series' standout features was its expansive open areas, teeming with hidden secrets, formidable adversaries, and unlockable equipment. The recent release of Elden Ring showcases FromSoftware's continued mastery of these elements, making a King's Field revival the logical next step.

In addition to its impressive track record, the prospect of a King's Field revival holds significant nostalgic appeal. Retro-themed games have been gaining popularity, particularly within the indie game scene. Whether it's 2D pixel art platformers or fast-paced shooters reminiscent of Doom, throwback games are all the rage. King's Field, as a first-person dungeon-crawler from the 1990s, perfectly fits this trend. By reintroducing or remaking King's Field, FromSoftware could tap into the powerful sense of nostalgia felt by older gamers. For many fans, the idea alone is enticing enough to warrant their enthusiastic support.

King's Field is available on PS1.