The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

Mythbusters, a captivating and imaginative show, entertained audiences for over a decade With numerous exceptional episodes, this article ranks the top 15, showcasing remarkable experiments and thrilling myths tackled by the brilliant Mythbusters team

Article Overview

The best episodes of Mythbusters test pop culture myths and urban legends, proving whether they are true or false.

The show delves into a wide range of subjects, including car accidents, shark myths, moon landing conspiracies, and Hollywood movie stunts. Mythbusters has gained recognition for its sensational experiments and extensive tests, offering a blend of entertainment and scientific examination.

The finest Mythbusters episodes provide a delightful blend of entertainment and rigorous scientific experimentation. This reality TV series, which premiered on the Discovery Channel in 2003, features Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage, experts in special effects, who employ elements of the scientific method to thoroughly investigate rumors, myths, movie scenes, news stories, and more. The primary goal of the show is to determine whether these assertions are true or if they fail to withstand scientific scrutiny.

These outstanding episodes take topics already well-known in popular culture and subject them to the comprehensive examination of Jamie and Adam. This includes captivating but controversial theories like the alleged moon landing hoax. Additionally, numerous urban legends, such as the infamous Mentos and Diet Coke stomach explosion myth, are also featured. Mythbusters caters to a wide audience with entertaining episodes centered around popular movies like Jaws and Star Wars. Jamie and Adam's mission to embrace science and uncover the truth often entails explosive and destructive experiments, ensuring excitement and engagement for all.

15. Demolition Derby

Season 7, Episode 1

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

In the episode "Demolition Derby" of Mythbusters, a set of myths related to car accidents and potential ways of preventing them were tested. This provided an opportunity to analyze the car stunts depicted in Hollywood movies and determine if they could withstand real-life scientific scrutiny. Among the seven experiments conducted, only two were found to be conceivable. The team examined four popular myths involving a car being able to drive through an object and continue driving afterwards. The most notable test was a recreation of a previous season's experiment, where they aimed to find out if two large trucks colliding head-on could merge and crush a car. Successfully executing the stunt this time around, they conclusively debunked the myth.

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14. Jaws Special

Season 17, Episode 1

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

If there is one thing that has always been a hit on reality TV, it's Shark Week. That's why Jamie and Adam took it upon themselves to test numerous shark-related myths, including those surrounding the iconic movie Jaws. One widely known myth suggests that punching a shark in the nose can make it retreat. They also investigated theories about the sheer strength of sharks, their potential aversion to chili, the idea of dolphins acting as shark deterrents, the ability of sharks to detect fear, and much more. The immense popularity of sharks is what really made this endeavor so captivating.

13. Underwater Car

Season 5, Episode 4

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

12. NASA Moon Landing Hoax

The episode "Underwater Car" once again drew inspiration from Hollywood as the guys set out to test the validity of various escape methods when a car is submerged. They conducted experiments to determine the timing and feasibility of opening a car door underwater, as well as the potential for escape before the car sinks entirely. Additionally, they explored the possibility of opening or breaking through the windows after the car becomes submerged. Encouragingly, they discovered that it is indeed possible to open the doors either through swift action or with patience, even if one waits too long. Moreover, they identified a few strategies for breaking a window to facilitate escape.

Season 6, Episode 10

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

Many conspiracy theories suggested that the NASA moon landing was a hoax, with people claiming that the footage was filmed on Earth and fabricated. However, the Mythbusters team embarked on a mission to debunk these theories and provide evidence that NASA did, in fact, send astronauts to the moon. Through rigorous testing and examination of various aspects such as photographs and scientific theories, they repeatedly proved that the moon landing was genuine and not staged. Additionally, they further strengthened the authenticity of the moon landing by confirming that NASA had placed a reflector on the lunar surface. Hence, the Mythbusters team solidified the factuality of the moon landing.

11. Flights Of Fantasy

Season 18, Episode 2

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

In "Flights of Fantasy," the Mythbusters team embarked on an exploration of two distinct myths and successfully demonstrated the plausibility of both. During the initial experiment, Adam and Jamie ventured to Beale Air Force Base to assess whether piloting and landing a Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance plane posed greater challenges compared to any other aircraft in the world. Adam Savage piloted the plane and rapidly realized the tremendous difficulty involved in maneuvering and safely landing this particular aircraft, ultimately requiring assistance to bring it down. The second test aimed to determine the potential risks of injuries caused by propellers of unmanned multirotor flights. The team conclusively proved that commercially available models presented no danger, while custom-built models indeed posed a significant threat.

10. Alcatraz Escape

Season 2, Episode 8

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

One of the highlights of the show occurred early on, specifically in episode eight. It was during this episode that Savage and Hyneman tackled a myth that would define the essence of the show: the daring attempt to recreate the extraordinary escape of Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers from Alcatraz prison using an inflatable raft made from rubber raincoats. The team successfully constructed such a boat and embarked on their mission from Alcatraz, under the cover of darkness, with the goal of reaching the shore. Much to their astonishment, they successfully crossed San Francisco Bay and arrived at Marin Headlands. This accomplishment added a new level of credibility and authenticity to this unresolved mystery.

9. YouTube Special

Season 7, Episode 4

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

Mythbusters initially concentrated on long-standing myths, such as the Alcatraz escape, which reportedly took place in 1962. However, as the show progressed, it began exploring myths originating from a different source - YouTube. In the YouTube Special episode, which aired in 2009, the focus was solely on myths that had gained circulation through this newly established platform. This particular episode involved the creation of a colossal ball made entirely out of LEGO bricks, which was then set in motion down a San Francisco street while a friend dressed as Indiana Jones attempted to outrun it. Additionally, the team conducted experiments to verify the truth behind the Match bomb myth, successfully demonstrating the potency of match heads.

8. Duct Tape Island

Season 12, Episode 1

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

Most individuals are likely familiar with the age-old saying that anything can be fixed with Duct tape. The Mythbusters team, intrigued by this notion, decided to put it to the test. Their endeavor was met with great enthusiasm, resulting in the creation of multiple episodes centered around this concept. One standout episode titled "Duct Tape Island" immersed the team in a Survivor-like scenario, wherein they were solely reliant on Duct tape. The outcomes of their experiment proved to be both humorous and enlightening. Savage and Hyneman demonstrated that the versatile material could be utilized to construct a hammock, a distress signal, clothing, shelter, and much more.

7. MacGyver Myths

Season 5, Episode 31

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

MacGyver desperately pleaded for someone to come and evaluate the gadgets he had invented to extricate himself from difficult situations. The team from Mythbusters answered his call and, in the process, delivered an astonishing explosion that will forever remain engraved in TV history. Among the MacGyver myths put to the test was whether a cement truck, filled to the brim with cement, could stifle the impact of a bomb blast. The answer was a resounding no, particularly after the team packed it with ample explosives to generate a discernible shockwave. Once again, Mythbusters succeeded in debunking the myths perpetuated by television and movies.

6. Border Slingshot

Season 3, Episode 22

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

The 2005 episode "Border Slingshot" raised concerns about the possibility of illegal immigrants using a makeshift catapult to enter the United States. The myth suggested that immigrants were successfully launching themselves from a distance of 200 feet. However, extensive testing proved this claim to be false. It was determined that such an attempt would result in certain death for the person involved, and the construction of the slingshot, which required a large crane, could not be concealed in plain sight. Despite the outcome, it was still entertaining to watch the team's efforts.

5. Diet Coke And Mentos

Season 4, Episode 14

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

In a phenomenon that has become widely popular on the Internet, individuals engage in the act of dropping Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke. While rumors circulate about the potentially explosive consequences of swallowing both items simultaneously, this notion is unfounded. Nonetheless, the team decided to conduct a rather distressing experiment by overloading a pig's stomach with the aforementioned combination until they achieved the desired catastrophic outcome. Whether it is cement trucks or Coke bottles, this team possesses the ability to demolish just about anything.

4. Chicken Gun

Season 2, Episode 10

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

It's amusing to consider that a team predominantly consisting of motion picture effects artists, including Savage and Imahara who both had experience building models for the Star Wars prequels at ILM, would demonstrate such expertise in demolishing objects. However, demolish objects they certainly did. One notable instance was with the chicken gun. The basic myth: could a frozen chicken break through the window of a flying aircraft? Possibly. Nevertheless, they decided to take it a step further and test if it could penetrate the window when fired from an air compression cannon. The unequivocal answer to that was without a doubt: yes, it absolutely could.

3. Star Wars Special

Season 12, Episode 1

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

For fans of Star Wars, it was inevitable that an episode based on the space saga would be created. In addition to their connection with ILM, the team operated out of San Francisco and regularly debunked myths that arose from other movies (such as the death of the shark in Jaws). The team took on numerous myths, including whether it was as easy to dodge Stormtroopers' blaster fire as it appeared (which was not the case) and whether Ewoks could actually defeat Chicken Walkers on Endor (which they could). It was a fantastic episode that truly showcased the love for the Star Wars saga.

2. Exploding Toilet

Season 1, Episode 1

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

A thrilling episode that defied fears and captivated audiences was the explosive toilet segment. While debunking the notion of gasoline causing toilets to explode, the team decided to detonate a toilet for pure amusement. The essence of the show was the undeniable truth that whether factual or not, everything had the potential to detonate with the correct ignition.

1. Dive To Survive

Season 8, Episode 3

The Ultimate Ranking: Top 15 Mythbusters Episodes Unveiled

The Mythbusters team delivered even more entertainment for movie enthusiasts in one of their top episodes, as they examined and debunked commonly seen action-movie clichés. Two of the myths they explored were the notion of transforming a car into a bulletproof shield by filling it with phone books, and the possibility of surviving a shockwave by diving underwater. These ideas stemmed from Hollywood films where characters sought safety by submerging themselves in water during explosive situations. To test these theories, the team conducted various detonations both above and below water, subjecting their trusty crash test dummy Buster to multiple trials. Ultimately, they discovered that individuals can indeed survive by submerging in water, as it effectively reduces the speed of the shockwave.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of Mythbusters, I am thrilled to see the release of the ultimate ranking of the top 15 episodes. This show has captivated audiences for over a decade with its imaginative and entertaining experiments, and this list serves as a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Mythbusters team.

The top 15 episodes of Mythbusters represent the best of what the show has to offer. From testing pop culture myths and urban legends to delving into subjects like car accidents, shark myths, moon landing conspiracies, and Hollywood movie stunts, Mythbusters has always pushed the boundaries of what is possible on television.

One of my favorite episodes is "Demolition Derby," which put car accident myths to the test. This episode not only provided an opportunity to analyze the car stunts depicted in Hollywood movies but also to determine if they could withstand real-life scientific scrutiny. The team's experiments were both exciting and informative, and the results were often surprising.

Another standout episode is "Underwater Car," which explored the validity of various escape methods when a car is submerged. This episode was particularly captivating because it tapped into a fear that many people have: being trapped in a sinking car. The Mythbusters team conducted a series of experiments to determine the timing and feasibility of opening a car door underwater, as well as the potential for escape before the car sinks entirely. The results of these experiments were both fascinating and reassuring, and they provided valuable information that could potentially save lives.