The Ultimate Ranking of Friends Vs Friends Weapon Cards

The Ultimate Ranking of Friends Vs Friends Weapon Cards

Discover the ultimate weapon cards in Friends vs Friends From the deadly Katana to the explosive Boomstick, find out which cards will help you dominate the game Perfect your strategy with our top 5 picks, including the powerful Brasshopper and the devastating Punch-R Get ready to take down your opponents with the best weapons around

Amidst the constant influx of deckbuilding and roguelike indie games, Friends vs Friends manages to stand out with its eye-catching retro-style graphics and adrenaline-inducing FPS gameplay. While reviews praise the game's unique aesthetic, the importance of its arsenal cannot be overlooked. As such, let's delve into the top weapons in Friends vs Friends and what makes them so effective.

5 Brasshopper

The Ultimate Ranking of Friends Vs Friends Weapon Cards

Out of the 8 Weapon Cards available in FvsF, only 5 of them are truly exceptional, and the Brasshopper is considered the weakest among them. Despite its charming name, the Brasshopper is essentially a submachine gun with visually stunning pixel-art design. FPS enthusiasts can easily recognize it as a Uzi-type weapon with a high fire rate, large ammo magazine, and low damage output with wide spread. While it may take a full clip or more to eliminate an enemy with the Brasshopper, it is still relatively easier to use compared to other weapons.

The Brasslover gun may not be the most powerful weapon in Friends vs Friends, but it serves as an excellent choice for novice players or those who lack confidence in their shooting skills. As players progress and unlock characters like Myk Raver, who comes equipped with the Brasslover, they can start each round with a reliable firearm. Moreover, the Brasslover pairs well with cards such as Big Mag, Bullet Time, Steel Bullets, or More Accuracy, making it a versatile option that performs decently. Overall, the Brasslover is a dependable weapon that won't disappoint, despite not being the top choice.

4 Boomstick

The Ultimate Ranking of Friends Vs Friends Weapon Cards

The Boomstick is unmistakably the shotgun of choice in Friends vs Friends. Brainwash Gang's developers have crafted an impressive shotgun, from its appearance to its tactical efficacy. Every shot fired from the Boomstick feels remarkably impactful, leaving opponents scrambling to flee as soon as they catch a glimpse of it in someone's hands.

The Shotgun is a classic choice for video game enthusiasts, especially those who enjoy retro-shooters. It excels in close combat, but its effectiveness diminishes at range. Reloading the weapon requires careful timing, as players can easily become vulnerable to attacks. While other guns may gradually increase in power as they are leveled up, the Boomstick experiences a massive jump in damage from level 1 to 2. At its highest level, it deals an impressive 16 damage per pellet, for a total of 18 damage per shot if all pellets hit. However, opponents can easily counter the Boomstick by staying at a distance or laying traps in the user's path. To maximize its potential, players can pair the weapon with useful cards such as Steel Bullets, Health Down, Move Faster, Ninja Log, Big Mag, and Energy Drink.

3 Laika

The Ultimate Ranking of Friends Vs Friends Weapon Cards

The Laika, also known as the 'Handcannon', is a revolver in the game that players either love or hate depending on their experience with shooters. For those with great aim in FPS games, the Laika is a powerful weapon that doesn't require aiming down as scope like the Albatross 21 and doesn't require getting too close to the enemy like the Boomstick. It boasts high damage per bullet, a decent firing speed, and low weapon spread, but its long reload time makes it a risky choice for those who don't finish off their targets completely before reloading. To make the most out of the Laika, players can use cards such as Big Mag, Bullet Time, Energy Drink, Steel Bullets, Big Head, Health Down, No Jump, and Ninja Log.

2 Punch-R

The Ultimate Ranking of Friends Vs Friends Weapon Cards

The Punch-R Rocket Launcher may not excel in terms of reload speed, fire rate, or magazine size, but it compensates for these shortcomings with its devastating damage. With each shot capable of reducing an opponent's health bar by half or more, this explosive weapon can quickly turn the tide in Friends vs Friends matches. Given the small size of the game's maps and the ease with which players can be cornered, the Punch-R Rocket Launcher is a force to be reckoned with. It's no surprise that similar weapons are often featured in other video game franchises. To maximize the effectiveness of this gun, players can utilize cards such as Move Faster, More Accuracy, Tin Man, Invisible, No Jump, Move Slower, and Health Down.

1 Katana

The Ultimate Ranking of Friends Vs Friends Weapon Cards

The unconventional weapon of choice in this indie first-person-shooter game is the Katana, which surprisingly outperforms guns. Players who unlock Sable Santana will be well acquainted with this weapon as it is her default choice. The Katana can cause severe damage to opponents, but it requires the player to engage in close combat, which can be challenging. However, the Katana possesses the unique ability to block incoming bullets when the player holds the Secondary Action button, reducing the damage by 90%. This feature makes it difficult to get the upper hand against an approaching Katana wielder, and players must keep a safe distance from them, similar to the Boomstick's counter.

Katana players can utilize a variety of cards such as Move Faster, Move Slower, Health Down, Invisible, No Jump, Empty Mag, Small Mag, Less Accuracy, Medkit, Double Jump, Small Head, Health Up, and Helmet to overcome these challenges. It is crucial for any player who chooses to wield this weapon to familiarize themselves with any card that can facilitate their approach or hinder their opponent's escape. The game Friends vs Friends is currently available on Steam and is slated for release on consoles in 2023.
