The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

Discover the top 10 manga that surpass their anime adaptations From One-Punch Man to Ex-Arm, immerse yourself in these captivating stories that truly shine on the pages


Some anime adaptations fail to live up to the quality of the manga they are based on, making it better for fans to stick with the original source material.

Adapting certain aspects of manga for the screen can present challenges, resulting in adaptations that fail to capture the essence of the story. "One-Punch Man," "Berserk," and "The Promised Neverland" are examples of anime adaptations that fell short of the standards set by their manga counterparts, making the reading experience of these stories in manga form more enjoyable.

While some anime shows manage to improve upon their source material, many fail to match the quality of the manga they are based on. Although this is usually not a significant problem, there are some anime adaptations that do such a poor job of adapting the manga that it leaves a lasting negative impact on fans. Even anime shows that are not complete disasters may still pale in comparison to the original work, with the manga remaining the preferred way to fully experience the story.

This issue is not unique to anime adaptations. Many stories are crafted in a manner that fully utilizes their original medium, which cannot always be fully captured in an animated television show. Even manga, which is generally considered easier to adapt due to its visual format and potential for ready-made storyboarding, can pose challenges in certain aspects. Failing to effectively translate these elements onto the screen is where many adaptations stumble, with additional factors such as limited budget and tight deadlines also playing a role. The following ten manga titles are examples of anime adaptations that fell short in one way or another, due to these reasons or others.

10 One-Punch Man

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

The first season of One-Punch Man is widely regarded as one of the greatest anime adaptations ever created. Studio Madhouse meticulously handpicked a team of incredibly talented animators to ensure that the series captured the astounding level of detail found in Yusuke Murata's artwork from the manga version of One's renowned webcomic. However, Season 2, which was produced by a different studio called J.C. Staff after a considerable hiatus, unfortunately failed to meet the exceptional standards set by the first season and the manga's dynamic and awe-inspiring art. Consequently, fans of One-Punch Man may find it more satisfying to continue following the manga's storyline after the conclusion of the first season, as it surpasses the anime adaptation in quality.

9 One Piece

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

When it comes to One Piece, the anime is not entirely bad. In fact, it has garnered a substantial fan base and successfully captured many of the manga's highlights. However, in order to prevent catching up to Eiichiro Oda's ongoing manga, the anime has been forced to adopt a sluggish pace, often adapting just one chapter per episode. While this approach can result in exceptional moments like the epic Zoro vs King fight in Wano, it occasionally gives the impression of wasting time and stalling the plot. Considering the exceptional quality of the source material, it is generally more enjoyable to read One Piece rather than watch it.

8 Berserk

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

Berserk's anime adaptation in the 90s garnered a strong following, introducing many fans to Kentaro Miura's dark and gritty fantasy manga. Subsequently, a set of impressive Berserk movies emerged in the 2010s, yet a 2017 TV series left fans disillusioned due to its lackluster quality. Despite the varying quality of these adaptations, they all failed to cover content beyond the Golden Age, one of Berserk's initial story arcs. While the Golden Age arc is undeniably exceptional, the subsequent content is equally captivating, making it regrettable that the series has never received a more comprehensive adaptation. Those longing to discover Guts' fate after the conclusion of the anime must turn to the manga.

7 Soul Eater

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

Throughout its run, Soul Eater proved to be a commendable show. Set in a dark and gothic world, the series revolved around a group of soul hunters who formed a spiritual bond with their weapons. The story was captivating and endearing, serving as a splendid adaptation of Atsushi Ohkubo's manga. However, the anime's conclusion differed from its source material, leaving many fans dissatisfied. While still surpassing numerous other shows on this list, enthusiasts are advised to prioritize reading the Soul Eater manga instead of watching the anime.

6 Junji Ito Collection

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

Junji Ito is renowned as one of the foremost horror mangaka in the industry, celebrated for his chilling and unsettling narratives that have induced fear in fans worldwide. Naturally, the announcement of an anime adaptation of his work initially generated considerable excitement. Nonetheless, the final outcome failed to capture the same sense of terror found within these tales, thus leaving numerous viewers feeling underwhelmed. This cannot necessarily be attributed to the anime studio responsible for the project, but rather stems from Ito's masterful command of the manga medium. Many of his stories derive their terror from the static and exceptionally detailed artwork, which proves challenging for an anime to faithfully replicate. Therefore, it is in manga form that Ito's works truly thrive, surpassing their animated counterparts.

5 The Seven Deadly Sins

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

This fantasy series had a promising start, with animation by A-1 Pictures, renowned for their success with shows like Sword Art Online. It follows the journey of Melodias and Elizabeth as they embark on a quest to bring together the seven formidable warriors, known as the Deadly Sins, in order to combat a new, emerging evil. Initially, the show offered a satisfactory adaptation of Nakaba Suzuki's manga for a couple of seasons. However, everything took a turn when A-1 Pictures decided to step back from the project. The replacement studio, Studio Deen, did not allocate nearly as many resources to the show, resulting in a visually awkward presentation, with fight sequences that often resembled PowerPoint slides at their worst. These later episodes have become nearly unwatchable, leaving fans with no choice but to turn to the manga for their fix.

4 Tokyo Ghoul

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

Tokyo Ghoul's first season is exceptionally well-done, highlighting why numerous manga enthusiasts have become enamored with Sui Ishida's gripping masterpiece. The series revolves around Kaneki, a newly transformed Ghoul, as he navigates the sinister and violent clashes between humans and ghouls. While the initial season of the anime adeptly captures the inception of Kaneki's journey, the second season takes a divergent path unique to the animated adaptation, a deviation that has disconcerted many fans. These fans rightfully advocate for the manga's plot, which they deem superior. Consequently, those who yearn for a more compelling rendition of this narrative should immerse themselves in the pages of Tokyo Ghoul's manga.

3 The Promised Neverland

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

Following in the footsteps of Tokyo Ghoul, The Promised Neverland faced a similar predicament. The first season of the anime perfectly captured the essence of Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu's original manga. However, the second season veered off course, deviating from the source material with an anime-exclusive narrative. What sets The Promised Neverland apart from Tokyo Ghoul is that the second season initially hinted at adapting a well-loved manga arc, only to abruptly abandon it for a significantly inferior storyline. While certain fans still express dissatisfaction with the manga's conclusion, it remains a far superior rendition of The Promised Neverland's tale.

2 Record of Ragnarok

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

The Record of Ragnarok manga is mainly focused on intense and exhilarating battles. Its storyline revolves around a competition between gods and some of humanity's strongest fighters. The manga's art is highly detailed and awe-inspiring, making each fight a remarkable spectacle. However, the anime adaptation falls short in this aspect. While it stays faithful to the characters' designs, the animation itself lacks fluidity, often making the fights feel more like slide shows than dynamic and engaging battles. As a result, fans would be better off indulging in the superb manga by Shinya Umemura, Takumi Fukui, and Azychika instead of enduring the TV series.

1 Ex-Arm

The Ultimate Ranking: Manga That Outshine Their Anime Adaptations

Ex-Arm fails not just as an adaptation of the manga, but also as a general cartoon. The anime is based on Hi-Rock and Shinya Komi's manga, which revolves around a cyberpunk world where the police combat criminals using digitized brains to carry out illegal activities. However, all of this becomes inconsequential due to the appallingly poor animation, resulting in a confusing and incoherent show. The studio responsible for the animation attempted an experimental technique to create a distinctive visual style, but unfortunately, it turned out to be exceptionally dreadful. Fans who genuinely wish to experience the story of Ex-Arm would be better off reading the manga, as the anime will likely only leave them perplexed.

The anime adaptation may not always match the quality of its manga counterpart, but both mediums can still offer a satisfactory experience. However, in the case of these specific series, the difference in quality is so significant that fans are strongly recommended to read the manga for the ultimate experience. This list of 10 anime serves as a reminder for future adaptations to steer clear of these potential pitfalls.