The Ultimate Power of a Fire/Fairy-Type Pokémon Revealed
Unleashing the ultimate power, a Fire/Fairy-type Pokémon would dominate the battlefield in ways never seen before Prepare for a game-changing combination that will revolutionize your Pokémon battles
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet broke away from the traditional formula and introduced new and powerful Pokemon with unique type combinations, offering new strategies in battle.
Players have been engaging in discussions about underutilized combinations of Pokemon types, such as Bug/Dragon and Ghost/Rock, which would introduce both strength and intrigue to the game.
With a combination of Fire and Fairy types, a Pokemon could possess a well-rounded offensive and defensive prowess, offering numerous resistances and immunities. Consequently, it would emerge as a formidable contender in battles.
The recent addition to the mainline Pokemon series, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, stands out as one of the most unique entries. It not only breaks away from the classic formula in various ways, but also introduces a plethora of new and powerful Pokemon, including those with fresh type combinations. These new type combos offer different battle strategies, making them exciting for fans eagerly awaiting the release of new generations. While not all type combinations are remarkably strong, some are even considered borderline unusable, there is one particular combo that would undoubtedly be overpowered - a Fire/Fairy-type creature.
Within the realm of unused type combinations in Pokemon games, there are a few that have garnered significant attention from players due to their immense strength or simply their distinctive design. For example, the highly favored Bug/Dragon type has yet to make an appearance. Additionally, there are combinations that would have made perfect sense on existing Pokemon, such as giving Ghost and Rock types to Cofagrigus or Bug and Dragon types to Yanmega. Although there was an initial leak suggesting a Fire/Fairy evolution for Fuecoco in Gen 9, it turned out to be fan art. However, the concept behind it remains intriguing, and it should be explored in future Pokemon games.
Why Pokemon's Unused Fire/Fairy Type Combo Would be OP
Some of the most effective type combinations in Pokemon games may not have the strongest offensive abilities, but they excel at taking hits due to their resistances and immunities. Conversely, a "strike first" playstyle may prioritize different strengths. A Fire/Fairy-type combination offers a well-balanced approach, with only four weaknesses, but eight resistances and one immunity. This combination also allows for supereffective damage against seven different types.
By combining Fire and Fairy, a Pokemon gains the ability to deal double damage to Fighting, Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice, Dragon, and Dark types with STAB moves. Assuming it doesn't possess moves from any other type, only Fire would resist both. Defensively, a Fire/Fairy-type Pokemon would be weak to Poison, Ground, Rock, and Water, but it would resist Fighting, Fire, Grass, Ice, Dark, and Fairy moves by 50%, Bug moves by 75%, and be immune to Dragon-type moves. Both Fairy and Fire types are highly regarded on their own, and their combination can result in a formidable force.
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The Fairy type's ability to deal double damage to Dragon Pokemon and be immune to Dragon moves is highly advantageous, especially considering that many Legendary and pseudo-Legendary Pokemon are Dragon types. Similarly, Dark types, which often dominate the meta due to their priority moves, Prankster ability, Foul Play, and other tricks, are countered by Fairy types, as Fairy types resist these attacks and deal double damage to Dark types.
On the other hand, Fire types provide excellent coverage against Steel types, which are typically a major threat to Fairy types, and Fire is also associated with the Burn status condition.
A Fire/Fairy type Pokemon with the ability to burn opponents, counter powerful Steel and Dragon types, and gain multiple advantages in battle would likely be one of the best Pokemon in the series, depending on its stats and overall moveset. For instance, a Normal/Steel type Pokemon would excel in terms of defenses but struggle offensively, whereas a Fire/Fairy creature would not face such challenges. Introducing this type combination as the Fire starter in the tenth generation Pokemon games would be a great way to showcase its capabilities, as starter Pokemon typically have balanced stats, abilities, and movepools.