The Ultimate Possibilities Unveiled: Surprising Twists in Alice in Borderland Season 3's Joker Game After Season 2's Unexpected Finale
Discover the thrilling possibilities for Alice in Borderland Season 3's Joker Game Unveiling new Borderland challenges, mysterious governance, tough choices, and the potential loss of a beloved character Dive into a metaphorical journey inspired by the original manga's spin-offs Excitement awaits!
Season 3 of Alice in Borderland will introduce a new Borderland for the Joker game, with unpredictable challenges that blur the line between reality and fiction.
The survivors in The Joker game will be put to the test as they are tempted to escape reality, while only those who can find happiness in the real world will ultimately triumph.
Arisu will be faced with a difficult decision in The Joker game, as he is presented with the chance to bring his friends back to life, but also must confront his own grief and come to terms with their deaths.
After the confirmation of Alice in Borderland's season 3 announcement, which revealed that season 2's ending was a fakeout, speculation about the upcoming Joker game has been rampant. Initially, it appeared that things ended on a positive note for Arisu, Usagi, and the other survivors in season 2, as they defeated all the Borderland citizens and chose to return to the real world. Despite losing their memories from the game, they were given a second chance at life, and Arisu and Usagi even rekindled their relationship, promising a happy ending for the viewers.
However, just before the end credits of Alice in Borderland season 2 began to roll, a mysterious hint was dropped, reminiscent of Inception, suggesting that the surviving players have yet to acquire the Joker card. While some viewers initially believed that this revelation was a mere reference to the ambiguous conclusion of the original manga, Netflix's announcement of season 3 confirms that the upcoming installment will indeed feature a Joker game. Although there are still many unknown details surrounding the Joker game in season 3, as the first two seasons closely followed the original manga, it is possible to speculate and theorize about it based on the developments in the previous seasons.
8 Season 3's Joker Game Will Unfold In A New Borderland
Since the Joker game in Alice in Borderland season 3 introduces the Joker as a wildcard, it deviates from the traditional poker rules by embodying any other card. Consequently, this new game might take place in an entirely different Borderland, where the rules of the previous one no longer hold sway. As a result, Arisu and his team find themselves starting from scratch in order to conquer the ultimate challenge. The inclusion of the wildcard element also implies that they will confront some of the most unpredictable obstacles throughout season 3. The Joker game will immerse them in a state of turmoil and bewilderment, blurring the lines between reality and illusion.
7 The Joker Game Is a Test For The Borderland's Survivors
The Joker game serves as a test, challenging the survivors to confront their own choices. In the initial two seasons of Alice in Borderland, the games had a deeper meaning, awakening Arisu and other players who had lost hope in their real lives. The Joker character, known for deception and manipulation, will attempt to convince Arisu and the rest that they are still trapped in The Borderlands. Those who fall victim to the Joker's schemes will inevitably regress into their old habits, seeking escapism. On the other hand, those who resist the temptation to play the game will emerge victorious, discovering genuine happiness and fulfillment in the real world.
6 The Joker Game Will Be A Metaphor For The Real World
After the release of season 2 of Alice in Borderland, numerous theories emerged suggesting that the Joker card symbolizes the life that Arisu will face in the real world. This notion resonates with Mira's final words: "Life is just a game we play together. You should try to enjoy it." Although the Joker reveal in season 3 implies that there is more complexity to the Joker game than initially believed, its metaphorical significance remains intact. Rather than unfolding within The Borderlands, the final season could center around Arisu's struggles in the real world, as he grapples with the mounting challenges of living the game of life, all the while gradually remembering and recovering from the traumas he experienced during the games.
5 The Joker Game Will Offer Arisu A Tough Choice
Due to the Joker's superior manipulation skills, he will attempt to entice Arisu and his companions to participate in another game by persuading them that they have the power to revive all those who died in The Borderland. Initially falling for this deception, Arisu recognizes that this presents an opportunity to potentially save Chouta and Karube. However, engaging in the games once more will aid in his healing process and enable him to come to terms with the tragic loss of his friends. If this hypothesis proves accurate in season 3 of Alice in Borderland, Chouta and Karube may also make a brief reappearance as key figures in Arisu's journey.
4 Alice in Borderland Season 3 Will Have Two Jokers
A typical deck of cards usually has two Jokers, and only two characters, Banda and Yaba, took up residence in The Borderland in Alice in Borderland season 2. While this may seem coincidental, in season 3, these two characters might assume the roles of Jokers and introduce a highly challenging game for Arisu and the crew. Initially, Arisu and the team will struggle to solve this game because of their inability to remember each other and work as a cohesive unit. However, the Joker game arranged by Banda and Yaba will compel them to reestablish their forgotten bonds from seasons 1 and 2's Borderland games, ultimately leading them to victory.
3 The Joker Game Will Finally Reveal Who Governs The Borderland
The central mystery in Alice in Borderland revolves around the enigmatic figure in control of the Borderland. In the original manga, this powerful entity is embodied by The Joker, who acts as the Ferryman, guiding the surviving players back to the real world. When Arisu gazes upon the Joker and ponders whether he is a deity or a devil, haunting visions of the Sanzu River suddenly flood his mind. These visions imply that the Joker serves as an intermediary between the Borderland and reality. Furthermore, the reference to the Sanzu River suggests that the Borderland functions as a purgatory where departed souls must prove themselves by enduring various trials and tribulations.
However, considering the Netflix live-action series's portrayal of the Joker as the ultimate antagonist and mastermind in the world of Borderland, it is unlikely that it will provide the same level of explanation as the original manga. Therefore, if Arisu manages to defeat the Joker game in the third season, he will uncover the true orchestrator behind the games and all the hidden manipulations. Although Mira disregarded various theories concerning the games in the ending of Alice in Borderland season 2, she never outright dismissed the notion of a literal god presiding over the alternate reality. Thus, the Joker game in season 3 might finally shed light on the enigmatic creator and ruler of The Borderland.
2 The Joker Game Will Be Inspired By The Original Manga's Spin-Offs
Both seasons 1 and 2 of Alice in Borderland faithfully bring Haro Asu's original manga to life, leaving seemingly no remaining source material for a potential season 3. However, there are actually two spin-offs from the manga. One revolves around Arisu as the main character once again, while the other explores the adventures of a completely new set of characters. Since these spin-offs, Alice on Border Road and Alice in Borderland Retry, do not include the Joker character, season 3 of Alice in Borderland can only draw inspiration from their central games rather than directly adapting their narratives. It would be intriguing to witness how the third season of Alice in Borderland could potentially incorporate certain elements from these spin-offs and craft its own unique story arcs.
1 One Surviving Main Character From Season 3 Will Die In Season 3's Joker Game
Alice in Borderland's third episode of season one is widely regarded as one of the most impactful episodes in the series. It demonstrates that no one is exempt from the games' brutality. After the series introduced Arisu, Karube, and Chouta as the main characters, episode three stunned viewers by ruthlessly eliminating Karube and Chouta, instantly elevating the stakes of the games. Given the expectation for season three's Joker game to surpass all previous games, it is likely that the show will sacrifice one main character to illustrate the dangerous nature of the new game. Moreover, in response to viewer complaints about the protagonist's invincibility in season two, Alice in Borderland season three aims to challenge this perception by depicting at least one protagonist's tragic fate in the high-stakes Joker game.