Geppetto, the creator of the puppets, plays a prominent role in the Lies of P. Despite his outward appearance as an ordinary elderly man, he exudes an air of mysteriousness. In Lies of P, players will meet Geppetto initially while he is under assault from the Mad Donkey on the Alchemist Bridge.
Seeking clarity, the inquisitive individual recognizes Geppetto as someone who can offer valuable insights. However, before tensions escalate, Pinocchio intervenes to halt the confrontation. Consequently, Geppetto retreats to Hotel Krat, granting players an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with him, covering a range of topics.
How to Get The Story of One Father Trophy
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To earn the trophy "Story of One Father," players must venture to Arche Abbey, the location where the Black Cat and the Red Fox have captured Geppetto. This area is infested with a multitude of monsters and powerful bosses that must be defeated to gain access to Geppetto. Initially, players must overcome the Door Guardian and acquire the High-level Alchemist Badge from it.
As players advance, they will encounter Laxasia The Complete, a puppet entirely devoted to Simon Manus.
Prepare yourself accordingly for one of the most challenging battles in the game. After defeating her, players will encounter the Black Cat and the Red Fox. Avoiding these fights is possible by offering them the Gold Coin Fruit and allowing them to depart peacefully. However, if the Black Cat is killed, players will be unable to evade the Red Fox battle.
Once Geppetto is found, he will provide the key to access the highest point where Simon Manus, attempting to play God, awaits. Be aware that this boss is formidable, employing both physical and special attacks. Additionally, it will be a two-phase fight, so conserving resources during the initial phase is recommended. Once Simon is defeated, players must descend to an area where Geppetto awaits.
Engage in a conversation with him to initiate a vital exchange. He will request Pinocchio's heart, which Pinocchio will willingly surrender. Following this decision, players will find themselves awakening at Hotel Krat. Although the game concludes at this point, it is advisable to abstain from starting a New Game Plus immediately. Instead, visit Geppetto's quarters to discover a letter. Take a moment to peruse its contents in order to acquire the concluding chapter of Geppetto's story and earn the Story of One Father trophy. Additionally, before embarking on a fresh playthrough, make sure to approach the piano and execute a flawless melody to attain the Pianist of Krat trophy.
Lies of P is now available on PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.