The Ultimate Modern Warfare 3 Experience: Beyond Cosmetics

The Ultimate Modern Warfare 3 Experience: Beyond Cosmetics

Allowing MW2 players to transfer unlockables to MW3 could greatly motivate players to transition Unlocking killstreaks, camo, and calling cards would enhance the gaming experience and create a seamless progression between the two highly anticipated games


Transfer of cosmetics from Modern Warfare 2 to Modern Warfare 3 is likely, but other customization options may not carry over.

By enabling players to retain their killstreaks from Modern Warfare 2, it may encourage them to transition to the sequel and address any worries about an incomplete game.

The inclusion of Calling Cards and camo from Modern Warfare 2 in Modern Warfare 3 would provide both new and existing players with an additional incentive to continue playing, without disrupting the game's equilibrium.

After months of speculation, gamers finally received confirmation earlier this week that a reveal for the highly anticipated Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, believed to be led by Sledgehammer Games, will be happening next week. The gameplay shown during the reveal is expected to make waves, but fans of the previous installment might be more interested in what content from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will carry over to the sequel. While it is likely that cosmetic purchases from Modern Warfare 2 can be transferred to the new game, the same cannot be said for other customization options.

The Call of Duty franchise offers various ways to customize characters beyond just skins, which players can unlock or buy. In addition to changing their appearance, players can personalize their loadouts with weapon-specific camouflage, earn Calling Cards by completing specific actions, and unlock killstreaks as they rank up. While it has not been common for these types of unlocks to transfer between games, allowing players to bring over their killstreaks, Calling Cards, camouflage, and more to Modern Warfare 3 would give players a wide range of options for wreaking havoc right from the start.

Carrying Over Killstreaks Could Incentivize Modern Warfare 2 Players to Make the Switch

The Ultimate Modern Warfare 3 Experience: Beyond Cosmetics

Concerns have been raised by some gamers regarding the latest installment of the franchise, fearing that it may repeat the mistakes of its predecessors and be released in an incomplete state. However, allowing players to carry over their killstreaks from Modern Warfare 2 could alleviate these worries. By granting access to previously earned killstreaks while introducing new unlockables, it would assure veteran players that they don't have to start from scratch. This incentive could persuade those undecided to take the plunge and embrace the new game.

Not only would bringing over killstreaks from Modern Warfare 2 be a rewarding gesture for loyal fans, but it would also provide them with a new objective to strive for in the sequel. The addition of new killstreaks to unlock, in addition to those already achieved, would give long-time players a sense of progression in Modern Warfare 3, rather than merely retracing their steps from the previous game. This would also mean that new players have even more content to unlock as they work their way up the ranks.

Camo and Calling Cards Could Make the Leap to Modern Warfare 3

The Ultimate Modern Warfare 3 Experience: Beyond Cosmetics

In addition to killstreaks, Activision should also consider bringing over Modern Warfare 2’s Calling Cards and weapon camo to Modern Warfare 3. These unlockables provide players with a way to track and showcase their progress in the game over time. To keep the game fresh, Sledgehammer Games could introduce new unlockable camo and Calling Cards, alongside those carried over from the previous game, to incentivize both new and returning players.

Introducing Modern Warfare 2’s Calling Cards and camo into its sequel may be an easier task compared to bringing over killstreaks. While giving players access to powerful previously unlocked killstreaks could potentially disrupt game balance, this wouldn't be an issue with Calling Cards and camo. As these customization options are purely cosmetic and don't impact moment-to-moment gameplay, players are unlikely to have any complaints about being eliminated by an enemy with flashy animated weapon camo, regardless of how bold the design may be.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is said to be under development, and it could entice players to switch over from the previous installment by allowing them to carry over their purchased cosmetics and earned unlocks, such as killstreaks and Calling Cards. This feature would not only ensure that the game is well-stocked with thrilling multiplayer content but also increase its chances of success when it hits the shelves and online stores.