The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

The world of Final Fantasy can be relentless, and these ill-fated characters constantly find themselves in the midst of misfortune From tragic backstories to heart-wrenching losses, their journeys are filled with adversity and challenges that seem never-ending


Tragic Experiences of Final Fantasy Characters

Throughout their respective games, iconic Final Fantasy characters such as Rydia, Lenna, Terra, Cloud, Aerith, Vivi, Garnet, and Hope have all encountered profound misfortune and tragedy.

These characters have confronted numerous obstacles and emotional turmoil, ranging from losing loved ones to being manipulated and used by powerful forces. Despite their streaks of bad luck, they discover inner strength and forge connections with others, enabling them to triumph over adversity and fulfill their heroic destinies.

The Final Fantasy series has presented gamers with incredibly immersive worlds, accompanied by well-developed characters boasting extraordinary weapons, potent magic, and intriguing roles. It may appear effortless for players to navigate through any of the Final Fantasy realms with such a diverse range of jobs and abilities at their fingertips.

However, despite the myriad of options available to them, certain Final Fantasy characters continually find themselves in unfortunate situations. Whether due to their circumstances or simply bad luck, these characters have gained a reputation for frequently experiencing setbacks in their respective games.

8 Rydia (Final Fantasy 4)

The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

Rydia, introduced early on in Final Fantasy 4, experienced a great tragedy when her mother was killed along with her Mist Dragon. Adding to her despair, her entire village of Mist was destroyed when the ring delivered by Cecil and Kain detonated.

At first, Rydia deeply resented Cecil and Kain, and she unleashed her anger by summoning one of her formidable Eidolons. However, when Cecil intervened and protected her from Baron soldiers seeking her demise, Rydia set aside her grudge and willingly joined Cecil's party as one of its founding members.

7 Lenna Charlotte Tycoon (Final Fantasy 5)

The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

Despite being the Princess of Tycoon, Lenna has faced difficult decisions from a young age. One such heart-wrenching choice was deciding whether to save her mother by removing her pet wind drake Hiryu's tongue or to let her mother perish.

When Lenna meets Bartz and his group, she wholeheartedly joins their mission to stop Exdeath and safeguard the crystals. However, her selfless nature often results in her getting injured, as seen when she eats dragon grass to prove its safety to Hiryu. Combined with the loss of her father and Hiryu, it is clear that Lenna has faced a string of misfortune throughout her journey in Final Fantasy 5.

6 Terra Branford (Final Fantasy 6)

The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

From the moment of her birth, it seemed that the introverted yet determined Terra was destined for a life filled with misfortune. As a mere baby, she was separated from her parents and subsequently subjected to brainwashing and manipulation by the Gestahlian Empire, particularly by Kefka, who wielded her as a weapon for their world domination plans.

Joining the Returners and breaking free from the clutches of the Gestahlian Empire offer little solace for Terra, as she now must confront the emotional aftermath of possessing magical abilities and the horrific acts she was coerced into committing during her time in the Empire's service. Without a doubt, Terra has endured numerous hardships, which amplifies the satisfaction derived from witnessing her eventual acceptance of her powers and unwavering determination to bring an end to Kefka's reign of terror.

5 Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7)

The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

Cloud, the protagonist of Final Fantasy 7, finds himself at the center of numerous tragic events orchestrated by Shinra and Sephiroth. His hometown, Nibelheim, is destroyed, and he also loses his close friend Zack Fair. To say that Cloud has experienced a lifetime of misfortune would be an extreme understatement.

These traumatic incidents lead Cloud to adopt a false identity, assuming the persona of a SOLDIER and assimilating Zack's memories. However, his journey towards locating Sephiroth takes a toll on his mental well-being. In the Northern Cave, Cloud suffers a breakdown, compounded by the effects of severe Mako poisoning from his encounter with the Lifestream. As a consequence, he becomes incapacitated and unable to move.

4 Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy 7)

The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

Terra's tragic and unstable circumstances also apply to Aerith's birth. In a horrifying turn of events, Professor Hojo murdered Aerith's father, Professor Gast, and then abducted Aerith and her mother for cruel experiments within the first twenty days of her life. Consequently, Aerith grew up in seclusion, completely unaware of her extraordinary Cetra abilities.

When Aerith encounters Cloud, she gets entangled in the conflict between Avalanche and Shinra, leading to her abduction once again by the latter group. From that moment on, she becomes an integral part of the mission to prevent Sephiroth from acquiring the Black Materia and summoning Meteor, ultimately making a profound sacrifice to achieve this goal.

3 Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy 9)

The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

When considering black mages, one of the first Final Fantasy characters that comes to mind is the kind-hearted Vivi Ornitier. Unfortunately, Vivi has faced his fair share of misfortune. Even in times of peace, he tends to have bad luck. This is evident when he tries to attend the famous play, "I Want to Be Your Canary," only to realize that his ticket was fake all along.

To make matters worse, Vivi unexpectedly becomes involved in the Tantalus Theater Group's scheme to kidnap Princess Garnet. As a result, he becomes a target for Queen Brahne's Black Mages who are primarily used as weapons of mass destruction. This distresses Vivi greatly. Adding to his troubles, Vivi makes a distressing discovery about his own short lifespan, which plunges him into a profound depression.

2 Garnet Til Alexandros (Final Fantasy 9)

The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

Garnet, like Vivi, has faced a series of unfortunate events since leaving the Alexandrian palace. At first, Garnet is disturbed by her mother's sudden change in behavior, but she eventually realizes that her mother has become a monster, wreaking havoc across the Mist Continent.

Adding to Garnet's troubles, many people are fighting for her, leading her to feel powerless and responsible for the chaos. It is only after Garland destroys Alexandria that Garnet feels overwhelming shame for failing to protect her kingdom. Thankfully, Zidane helps Garnet regain her determination to defend Alexandria.

1 Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy 13)

The Ultimate List of Final Fantasy Characters who Had the Worst Luck!

Hope Estheim, an underrated and naive character in the Final Fantasy 13 game, endures tremendous suffering. Originally an ordinary boy residing in the port city of Palumpolum, his life takes a tragic turn when he and his mother find themselves embroiled in the Purge, triggered by the discovery of a Pulse fal'Cie. As a result, his mother loses her life, leaving Hope transformed into a Pulse l'Cie.

Struggling with his newfound status as an enemy of Cocoon, Hope experiences fear and initially faces rejection from Lightning, whom he clings to for support. Furthermore, he harbors resentment towards Snow for failing to save his mother. Nonetheless, with the encouragement of Lightning, Hope begins to mature and adapt to the chaotic existence in which he is entangled.