The Ultimate Intelligence Breakdown of The Big Bang Theory's Main Characters
Unravel the intelligence hierarchy of The Big Bang Theory's main characters From street smarts to academic prowess, discover who reigns supreme among this highly intelligent group of friends
The popular TV show, The Big Bang Theory, revolves around the brilliant minds of Dr. Sheldon Cooper, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali, and Howard Wolowitz. These four individuals, each specializing in different fields at Caltech, provide viewers with insights into the wonders of science, including engineering, astrophysics, String Theory, and experimental physics. Throughout the series, the audience is introduced to the wives (Penny, Bernadette, and Amy) of the main characters as well as their colleagues at the university.
The recurring dinners, where this intellectually diverse group gathers, highlight the unique strengths and weaknesses of each individual. While Sheldon may possess the highest IQ, it is clear that Penny, despite lacking formal education in science, surpasses him in street smarts. Similarly, Howard's prestigious job at Caltech and NASA does not necessarily make him more intelligent than his wife, who holds a doctorate in microbiology. Although the specific IQs of the entire cast remain unknown, let's attempt to assess the intelligence of ten important characters from The Big Bang Theory.
Updated on June 12th, 2021, by Lynn Gibbs: One of the defining aspects of The Big Bang Theory is the characters' intellectual prowess. The contrast in their intelligence not only leads to fascinating conversations but also generates humorous storylines, particularly with Penny. Despite the show revolving around their respective professions and projects, it also places immense importance on their friendships. This tight-knit group of friends supports one another in various aspects of life, ranging from unraveling complex String Theory concepts to navigating the challenges of parenthood. Each member, including Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, Howard, and others, possess their own unique wit and charm, which allows them to mutually learn from each other. While it's undeniable that Sheldon stands out as the most brilliant, he wouldn't have accomplished everything he did without the invaluable assistance of his friends' intellect.
Penny Never Graduated College, But Don't Count Her Out On Street Smarts
Upon their initial encounter, Penny reveals to the group of men her aspiration of becoming an actress. However, for the time being, she finds herself employed as a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory. As her relationship with Leonard progressively develops, viewers are informed about her short-lived stint at community college, which she ultimately abandoned. Notably, completing high school marks the pinnacle of her formal education.
When she and Leonard take their relationship to a more serious level, Penny decides to enroll in classes at the local community college in pursuit of her degree. However, once she gives up her acting job and waitressing gig to secure a comfortable position in pharmaceutical sales, her educational pursuits become a rarely discussed topic. Despite possessing more street smarts and common sense than the rest of the group, Penny's lack of formal education places her at the bottom of the priority list.
Stuart Had A Degree From A Prestigious Art School
Despite appearing as a melancholic proprietor of a comic shop who frequents therapy sessions more than his romantic escapades, Stuart's intelligence proves itself when one examines his remarkable accomplishments. Not only did he revive his shop from the ashes after a devastating fire, but he is also a university graduate.
As an artist, attending the Road Island School of Design is a significant milestone, and that's precisely what Stuart accomplished. Had his depression not overshadowed him for years, fans would have witnessed a greater sense of vitality in his career. Consequently, with his college diploma, he is ranked one position ahead of Penny.
Leslie Winkle Is The Female Counterpart To Leonard
Dr. Leslie Winkle, a colleague at Caltech alongside Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj, shares an affinity with Leonard as they both specialize in experimental physics. Their romantic involvement was brief, yet she continues to make recurring appearances throughout the 12 seasons of the show. A rather strained dynamic characterizes her relationship with Sheldon.
Thanks to Sheldon's superior intelligence, he frequently perceives Leslie's ideas as immature and unintelligent. Similarly, she regards him as an arrogant individual. However, it is important to note that Leslie possesses a high intelligence quotient comparable to that of the boys. This is evident as they approached her to replace Sheldon in the Physics Bowl team. Without Leslie, the boys would have been unable to participate or secure victory.
Howard Is The Only One Without His Doctorate (But His Skills Took Him To Space)
Apart from Penny and Stuart, Howard stands out in the group as the lone member without a doctorate. He endures constant teasing for only holding a master's degree. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that Howard, an engineer, obtained his master's degree from the esteemed MIT. Consequently, he never felt compelled to pursue a doctorate, particularly after securing his position at NASA.
Bernadette Was Born To Be The Boss
Howard frequently engages in intellectual battles with Sheldon, constantly vying to establish intellectual superiority. When Sheldon assumes the role of Howard's instructor at Caltech, Howard surprisingly demonstrates that he possesses comparable intelligence to Sheldon, if he so desires. Regrettably, lacking a doctorate degree, Howard finds himself lagging behind his closest companions, as well as his wife, Bernadette.
Despite the blow to Howard's ego, his wife Bernadette proves herself to be exceptionally intelligent, often surpassing him in wit and knowledge. When they first started dating, Bernadette was drawn to Howard's unique blend of intellect and humor. However, as time passed, Bernadette pursued her own academic endeavors, specializing in microbiology, and even had her Ph.D. fully funded by her employer.
Bernadette, who works for the same company as Penny, frequently teases about earning significantly more than Howard. Given their two children, their financial stability is ensured by her education and job, enabling Howard to potentially choose to remain at home with the kids.
Leonard Has An IQ Of 173
The pilot episode of The Big Bang Theory reveals Sheldon's astounding IQ score of 187, a fact he is fond of sharing with others. Adding to the intellectual prowess, Sheldon claims that both he and Leonard possess a combined IQ of 360, implying that Leonard's individual IQ approximates around 173.
Raj's Lack Of Romance Overpowered His Smarts
Sheldon wouldn't cohabitate with an individual whose intellect doesn't parallel his own. Additionally, he successfully obtained his Ph.D. after completing his education at Princeton, an esteemed Ivy League institution. Moreover, Sheldon collaborated with another brilliant mind to formulate an innovative scientific theory that revolutionized the field of science.
Contrary to popular belief, Leonard isn't the only brainiac among the group. Sheldon has repeatedly acknowledged Raj's intelligence, emphasizing that he can be just as brilliant. In fact, Raj's exceptional abilities were even recognized by People's 30 under 30 during season 2. Sheldon's deep admiration for Raj's work was evident when he covertly attempted to secure a university position for him, ensuring he wouldn't face deportation to his native India.
Barry Kripke Gave Sheldon A Run For His Money
As a holder of a doctorate in astrophysics from Cambridge University, Raj contributes to the group in a unique manner, distinct from Sheldon, Leonard, and Howard. He has even collaborated with Sheldon on research pertaining to Dark Matter. Despite not receiving the same level of attention as the other three, Raj undoubtedly possesses exceptional intelligence.
While Barry Kripke may be considered Sheldon's arch-nemesis, it is largely due to Barry's subtle intimidations towards Sheldon. Alongside his Ph.D., Barry contributes his expertise in string theory at Caltech. Kripke makes his first appearance in season two, challenging Sheldon and his colleagues in an unforgettable robot battle. Notably, Kripke's robot outperformed Sheldon's, showcasing his intellectual superiority over Sheldon once again.
Amy Farrah Fowler Isn't Far Behind Sheldon
, the episode titled 'The Cooper/Kripke Inversion' of season 6, Barry and Sheldon are forced to collaborate on a grant proposal. Despite Sheldon's initial arrogance about his intellectual supremacy, he is astounded to discover that Barry's research surpasses his own. This particular incident serves as an eye-opener for Sheldon, as he witnesses his own vulnerability and acknowledges the existence of someone who might be more accomplished than him.
Although Barry Kripke is known for his intelligence, there is a widespread belief that Amy Farrah Fowler, Sheldon's wife, surpasses him in intellect. A dedicated fan has conjectured that her IQ would range between 180 and 185, attributing it to her professional standing and brilliant mind. Amy holds a doctorate in neurobiology from Harvard, which is widely recognized as one of the world's premier academic institutions.
Sheldon Has An IQ Of 187
She has also had the opportunity to work at Caltech to complete one of her academic pursuits, demonstrating her invaluable contribution to the field of science. Additionally, it cannot be overlooked that without her assistance, Sheldon would not have achieved the coveted Nobel Prize that he has relentlessly pursued since birth. Concerning her relationship with Sheldon, she possesses an intricate understanding of him that surpasses his own self-awareness. Through subtle manipulation, she skillfully orchestrates outcomes in her favor, all while Sheldon remains unaware until it is too late.
Unsurprisingly, Sheldon Cooper reigns supreme in terms of intelligence within the group. This comes as no shock considering he entered college at the tender age of 11. Despite his lack of proficiency in deciphering the intricacies of human behavior, he remains the standout protagonist of the show.
He is a prodigious genius, renowned for his exceptional intellect and idiosyncrasies, making him the first choice for any scientific queries, problems, or theories. The series primarily revolves around Sheldon and his close-knit group of friends, which eventually inspired a spinoff following the conclusion of The Big Bang Theory (Young Sheldon). Despite displaying occasional rudeness and egoism, Sheldon remains endearingly known as "Shelly" to a devoted fanbase.