The Ultimate Guide to Valenwood's Essential Destinations in The Elder Scrolls
Discover the significance of Valenwood, a pivotal region in The Elder Scrolls' Tamriel Explore its historical and religious importance to the Bosmer through an in-depth exploration of its key locations
Valenwood is a province in Tamriel, known for its lush greenery, hidden cities, and ancient ruins. It is the ancestral home of the Wood Elves.
Valenwood comprises four primary areas, each housing significant historical sites and enigmatic magical enigmas. These areas are Malabal Tor, Reaper's March, Grahtwood, and Greenshade.
The Elder Scrolls series places great importance on Valenwood's rich history and cultural heritage. It served as the birthplace of the Aldmeri Dominion and features hallowed woodlands where Wood Elves meticulously adhere to the Green Pact.
The majority of The Elder Scrolls games take place in Tamriel, one of the primary continents on the planet known as Nirn. Tamriel is comprised of over nine provinces, with some serving as the central settings for recent mainline titles such as Skyrim and Morrowind. However, there are other provinces, like Valenwood, that were only explored in Elder Scrolls: Arena and The Elder Scrolls Online. Valenwood is recognized for its vibrant and abundant vegetation as well as its hidden cities. Additionally, it holds great significance in elven history, boasting sacred forests and ancient ruins.
Valenwood serves as the ancestral homeland of the Wood Elves, who are also referred to as the Bosmer in The Elder Scrolls universe. It encompasses a coastal plain that is densely forested and enjoys a subtropical climate. This province is also inhabited by Centaurs, Wood Orcs, and Imga. Another unique aspect of Valenwood is the presence of migratory trees upon which the Bosmer have constructed their cities. Divided into four distinct regions, each contains significant historical landmarks that hold mysterious magical secrets within them.
A Look Into the Important Locations in Valenwood’s Four Major Regions
The Malabal Tor region lies in the northwestern part of Valenwood, facing the Gold Coast of Cyrodiil and the Strid River. Bosmers in The Elder Scrolls believe that the Ouze, a tar pit found here, is connected to their feared afterlife, known as the Ooze. According to their beliefs, the Ooze is a punishment by the god Y'ffre for those who harm Valenwood's forests and consists of formless beings of chaos. The spirits of these wrongdoers are forever trapped in a purgatorial state, unable to interact with the living and condemned to watch life pass them by. Silvenar, Malabal Tor's religious center, is located here, and the region's vast forests are inhabited by Wood Orcs.
On the eastern side of Malabal Tor lies Reaper's March, which shares a border with Elsweyr. As a result, the region frequently faces raids from neighboring Khajiit and Colovians. The area contains remnants of Colovian and Khajiiti religious sites. Additionally, the city-state of Arenthia can be found here, known for its trade activities due to its close proximity to Valenwood's neighboring provinces.
The southeast region of Valenwood is known as Grahtwood, named after the majestic Graht-oaks that engulf the area. Its capital, Elden Root, stands upon a colossal Graht-oak called the Elden Tree. Revered as the centerpiece of the Wood Elven nation, Elden Root symbolizes their deep connection with nature. It was within this province that the Aldmeri Dominion was born, as the Wood Elves of Grahtwood, the Altmer of the Summerset Isles, and the Khajiits of Elsweyr united to suppress a civil war that plagued the region.
To the west of Grahtwood lies Greenshade, home to important figures such as the Eldest, a Strangler plant that has existed in Valenwood since its inception. It is customary for Bosmers who adhere to the Green Pact to make a pilgrimage to its dwelling. Within Greenshade also rests the ancient town of Hectahame, believed to house the very essence of the province. This significance is embodied by the Heart of Valenwood, a towering tree that stands as a symbolic representation. However, despite its religious importance, no Wood Elf would dare approach it, as it is fiercely protected by hostile Ayleid wards.
Valenwood, a province in Tamriel, is renowned for its rich historical significance. It serves as the birthplace of the Aldmeri Dominion, a remarkable alliance between the Elven and Khajiit civilizations. Moreover, Valenwood boasts sacred forests where Wood Elves pay homage to the Green Pact. Undoubtedly, this captivating setting deserves to be the focal point of the upcoming installment in the Elder Scrolls game series.
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