The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

Unravel the enigmatic world of From in Season 3 as it delves deep into unanswered questions from the previous season Discover the fate of Tabitha, the mystery behind the lighthouse, the truth about the town's cruel experiment, the secrets of the talismans, and more Brace yourself for a captivating journey filled with suspense, revelations, and unexpected twists

With the close of season 2, the mystery surrounding the town grew, leaving viewers with even more questions than answers. In season 3 of the captivating series "From" on MGM+, the unwilling residents find themselves trapped and yearning for answers. Not only must they find a way back home, but they also face a relentless struggle for survival as they battle against nightmarish creatures. In season 1, their main focus was safeguarding themselves with talismans to ward off the creatures. However, in season 2, the horror intensified with haunting visions, the curse of tainted blood, and fatal consequences during sleep. As season 2 came to an end, it left the remaining residents cautious and filled with unanswered questions, ready to be explored in season 3.

13 Is Tabitha Dead in From’s Town?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

Tabitha, in a desperate bid to save her daughter and the townspeople, reached the lighthouse during the climactic finale of Season 2. At the pinnacle, she encountered The Boy in White, who forcefully pushed her through the lighthouse glass. Astonishingly, Tabitha regained consciousness in a hospital bed, where a doctor informed her that she had been discovered unconscious by the roadside.

Interestingly, no mention was made of any companions accompanying her, implying her separation from her family. Although Tabitha's physical presence seemed nonexistent in Fromville as her body traversed the portal, she followed the same path as Victor's mother, whose lifeless form Victor discovered outside the Faraway tree after the town's tragic massacre.

This leaves the possibility open that what Victor saw was a vision of his mother, that she actually died that night, or that she had escaped and left behind an alternate version of her body. Unlike the residents who perish within the town, Tabitha managed to escape through the portal. As a result, the townspeople would perceive her as missing, or potentially discover an alternate version of her body outside the Faraway tree.

12 Will Tabitha Be Able To Reunite With Her Family?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

Following Tabitha's escape in the Season 2 finale, she finds herself faced with an heart-wrenching separation from her family. Concern sweeps over her as she wonders about their well-being in the town she left behind. Unfortunately, her attempts to share the truth about the town fall on deaf ears, leaving her frustrated and trapped in a hopeless situation with no apparent means of reuniting with her loved ones. Nevertheless, there remains a glimmer of hope as Tabitha contemplates the possibility that Victor's mother may also be in the real world, having made her way towards the lighthouse, just like Tabitha.

If so, Tabitha would have the opportunity to trace Victor's mother, and together they could navigate their way back to their beloved ones. However, in the case of Marielle, Kristi's fiancée, her strong desire to see Kristi might have led her to a potential reunion. The intensity of individuals' longing to be reunited with their loved ones in the town could be a determining factor for Tabitha in her quest to discover the pathway to Fromville.

11 Is The Lighthouse A Portal To Home?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

In season 2, the spotlight shifted to the lighthouse, revealing the desperate attempt of Victor's mother to reach it before vanishing mysteriously. Motivated by a sense of urgency to uncover the truth and save her daughter along with others in the town, Tabitha resolved to tread the same path towards the lighthouse. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when the Boy in White forcefully ejected her from the lighthouse, causing Tabitha to regain consciousness in a hospital bed that seemed all too real. Lighthouses symbolize safe passage and represent a haven of comfort and protection. In From, the lighthouse served as a portal to what appeared to be the actual world, providing the sole means of escaping the harrowing terrors of the town.

10 Who Is From's Boy In White?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

In From's Season 2 finale, the viewers are reintroduced to the Boy in White. He is seen at the top of the lighthouse with Tabitha before pushing her through the portal. Throughout the series, The Boy in White has played the role of a guardian angel to the town's residents. He saved Victor from a massacre when he was young and guided Victor to wait for Tabitha in the tunnels during From's Season 1 finale. The Boy in White appears to possess extensive knowledge about the events unfolding in the town and even seems aware of future occurrences.

His true intentions remain unknown, but two possible conclusions can be drawn from the information provided. First, it is plausible that he is responsible for the captive ghost children, and sending Tabitha back to reality was a means to prevent her interference. Alternatively, he might genuinely serve as a guardian figure, sending Tabitha back on a quest to uncover answers beyond the limitations of the town. Sarah notes that he is not simply a young boy, suggesting that she may have perceived him as something completely different.

9 What Is The Significance Of The Symbol In The Tunnel?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

Starting from season 2, Jade becomes fixated on the symbol he witnessed carved into the tree during his haunting vision of the Civil War soldier. This symbol takes a hold on Jade's mind, leading him to repeatedly sketch it and even create a glass bottle replica, only to deliberately shatter it to gain a fresh perspective.

Fueled by his insatiable curiosity, Jade eventually dares to explore the underground tunnels where he discovers a group of chanting children, repeating the word "anghkooey" on slabs of rock. Whenever the children appear, the symbol also manifests itself as roots above them. These roots seem to have a potential connection to the Faraway trees, which have been utilized by the residents for their survival and, in Tabitha's case, as a means of escape.

8 Who Are The Children In Tabitha & Jade's Visions & Why Are They Laying On The Rocks?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

The children's ethereal presence plays a crucial role in season 2's storyline. In a flashback, Victor's mother expresses the belief that saving the children is the key to freeing everyone in town. These enigmatic figures also haunt Tabitha, appearing in her visions and chanting "anghkooey" as she follows in Victor's mother's footsteps. Jade witnesses a vision of the children gathered in a circle of stone beds, evoking ancient ritualistic connotations. It is possible that these children were unknowingly sacrificed in an attempt to bring prosperity to the town, but instead brought about a curse.

Furthermore, there could be a connection between these children and Tilly, the new arrival, as they might be the seven grandchildren she mentioned. During Tilly's prayer circle, which included seven individuals, she recited Psalm 23:4, a passage from the Bible that emphasizes the need for faith in a higher power in the face of evil. With all of this information, it becomes apparent that rescuing the ghost children is crucial if the townspeople are to have any chance of escaping the horrors they face.

7 Is Jim’s Theory That The Town Is A Cruel Experiment True?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

In From, a popular question arises: why are the town's people there in the first place? In the first season, Jade and Jim's motive was to establish a radio tower, hoping to reach out to others for rescue, under the assumption that they existed in the real world. Sadly, their radio equipment was destroyed during a colossal storm. Prior to this mishap, Jim received a message, urging him to prevent his wife from excavating a hole in their basement.

As we transition into the second season, Jim becomes increasingly convinced that the town's residents are nothing more than pawns involved in a cruel experiment. This belief is reinforced by the mysterious origins of their food, livestock, and other supplies. However, the unexpected event of Tabitha's return to the real world through a portal suggests the presence of supernatural or mythical factors at play regarding their entrapment in the town.

6 Can From's Characters Really Stop The Monsters?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

In season 2, viewers finally witnessed the demise of one of the nightmare creatures. Boyd, driven by desperation, bravely wounded himself and the smiley monster, allowing the transfer of the worm blood he obtained from Martin. This ultimately led to the creature's fatal fall. During the autopsy, it was discovered that the creature's internal structure is nearly identical to that of a human, with the exception of the absence of any fluids, except for the bile in the gallbladder.

In an attempt to eliminate the monsters, Boyd coats bullets with the bile. However, after a few unsuccessful shots, he retreats. It appears that these creatures have no weaknesses except for the blood transfer. Given this knowledge, unless the townspeople can acquire more worm blood, their only option to rid themselves of the monsters is to flee the town. Another possibility is that the monsters are susceptible to their natural human blood, which could be used as a form of defense.

5 What Did Christopher Do To The Town When Victor Was A Kid?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

Victor, the last remaining resident of the town, had witnessed a time when talismans had not yet kept the monsters away from their homes. Christopher arrived in the town at the same time as Victor, initially displaying kindness. However, his demeanor took a significant shift upon encountering the symbol that Jade seeks now.

Aware of the sinister forces at work, Victor cautioned Jade to avoid these symbols, stating, "There are malevolent forces here. They compel people to commit evil deeds." On the night of the massacre, Victor's mother warned him and his sister to find a hiding place unknown to anyone, implying the need to stay concealed from Christopher. This suggests that the symbol may have corrupted him, aligning him with the very forces that bring terror to the town.

4 What Really Happened To Victor's Sister Eloise?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

On the night Victor's mother disappeared, she instructed him and his sister Eloise to remain in the cellar. Presently, Eloise's whereabouts are unknown, leaving two possible explanations. Either she accompanied her mother on a journey to the lighthouse, or she tragically met her demise during the horrifying massacre that occurred that night.

It is evident that Eloise had premonitions of the events that would unfold in the town, as seen in her drawings featuring the bottle tree, the Civil War soldier, and the lighthouse. These visions are reminiscent of those experienced by other characters in the show, such as Sarah and Boyd. They may have served as a form of protection from the town's dangers, resulting in Eloise simply being missing, offering a glimmer of hope for a future reunion with Victor.

3 Who Was Martin & Why Was He Chained Up Before From Season 2?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve


Upon meeting Martin in season 2 of From, Boyd finds him chained to a stone wall. Martin claims to have been a marine, evident from his tattoo featuring the USMC emblem, specifically a fouled anchor. It is noteworthy that this emblem differs from the modern USMC emblem with a globe behind the anchor. Based on this, it can be deduced that if Martin truly served as a marine, it would have been between 1840 and 1886, before the emblem was modified. These dates align with the presence of Civil War soldiers seen in visions, as the Civil War occurred from 1861 to 1865, suggesting that Martin could have been among those who served during that time.

However, considering that the music box was playing at the moment, Martin could potentially be just another vision, similar to the other men from the Civil War. It is also possible that Martin existed in a different timeline than Boyd, and when Boyd entered the tree, he not only changed his location but also traveled through time. As Martin's blood seemed to possess the ability to kill the creatures, it is likely that he was chained up to ensure that the only weapon against them remained trapped.

2 How Do The Talismans Really Work In From?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

Content: Season 1 revealed the details about the talismans discovered by Boyd, which provided the residents of the town with a sense of comfort while sleeping, as long as they didn't invite the creatures in. Prior to these talismans, the townspeople would hide every night to avoid being attacked. Donna explained that the talismans were effective only in enclosed spaces and couldn't simply be worn around the neck for protection.

However, when Paula died in her sleep, it became evident that the talismans couldn't prevent all forms of evil from entering the town. Until a more effective method of combating the monsters is found, the talismans remain the primary defense for the townspeople, offering some protection each night.

1 What Will Happen To Fatima's Baby In From?

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Season 2's Biggest Secrets: 13 Burning Questions Season 3 Must Finally Solve

Fatima's surprising discovery of her pregnancy in season 2 was met with shock, as she had been previously informed that she could not conceive. Suspicious of the town's intentions, she believed this might be another way for them to torment her. However, Donna offered a more positive perspective, suggesting that it could be a rare instance of something good happening amidst a series of unfortunate events. It is also possible that the town somehow resolved her infertility issue, much like it appeared to have miraculously cured other residents of their ailments.

This phenomenon of healing is evident in Boyd's recovery from Parkinson's, Ellis rapidly healing from a stab wound, and Ethan's ability to walk again after having a table leg removed from his leg. If this trend also applied to Fatima, she and Ellis could potentially have a healthy baby, serving as a beacon of hope for the entire community in season 3.