The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking the Coveted 'Can You Pet the Dog?' Trophy/Achievement

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking the Coveted 'Can You Pet the Dog?' Trophy/Achievement

In the captivating game The Devil in Me, players will come across a charming canine named Connie, whose fate intertwines with the coveted Can You Pet the Dog? Trophy

Having a pet can be a terrifying experience in horror media, particularly in The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me, which offers a chilling twist on the slasher genre. Set in the world of The Dark Pictures Anthology, this game, created by Supermassive Games, follows the journey of the Lonnit Entertainment film crew as they venture into a replica of H.H. Holmes' infamous "Murder Castle" for their documentary, only to find themselves fighting for their lives.

In The Devil In Me, the main character Kate Wilder and her friends face numerous challenges that ultimately determine their fate. However, it is not just the five playable characters whose survival depends on the player. At one point, players come across a dog named Connie, and depending on their choices, they can either ensure her safety or seal her tragic fate. By protecting Connie, players can unlock the "Can You Pet The Dog?" Achievement.

This guide contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

Who Is Connie?

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking the Coveted 'Can You Pet the Dog?' Trophy/Achievement

When progressing through The Devil In Me, players will discover that the individual behind the invitation to the Murder Castle replica, Granthem Du’Met, is indeed Joseph Morello. An author specializing in true crime, Morello's fascination with H.H. Holmes led him to bring his family to the hotel replica upon Du’Met's invitation.

When Granthem Du’Met begins murdering his wife and children, he makes a deal with the killer to spare his youngest daughter, Bethany. In exchange, Joseph agrees to pretend to be Granthem and lead the next set of victims, including Kate and her companions, to the island. This foreshadowing is evident when Joseph and Bethany quickly rush to the ferry as soon as the protagonists arrive at the location.

Unbeknownst to them at the time, they inadvertently leave behind Connie, the family dog. Connie is an American Staffordshire Terrier with a friendly demeanor, but when Du’Met is around, he becomes feisty and alert. While players eventually uncover Connie's true history, his aggression towards the masked man already suggests the unfortunate fate of his previous owners.

Encountering Connie

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking the Coveted 'Can You Pet the Dog?' Trophy/Achievement

Throughout a player's experience in The Devil In Me, hints of Connie's existence are sprinkled throughout the game. In certain situations, players can discover items and snippets that suggest the presence of a dog somewhere on the island. For example, in the Morellos chapter, players may come across Connie's Bowl, which updates the Mysterious Creature component.

However, it is in the Cliffside chapter that Connie makes his first full appearance. Originally, this chapter follows Charlie and Mark as they make their way to the lighthouse. However, they encounter challenges in the form of unstable beams that make navigation difficult. The beam balancing Quick Time Events (QTEs) are initially controlled by Charlie if he has survived Ignition.

However, it would be more efficient to eliminate Charlie in the preceding chapter, thus requiring only Mark to engage in the QTE. Following this obstacle, Mark comes across Connie. Players must refrain from throwing the rock and instead choose to do nothing, prompting him to pet her. This action significantly impacts Connie’s chances of survival.

Connie’s Fate

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking the Coveted 'Can You Pet the Dog?' Trophy/Achievement

The player's significant encounter with Connie in the interactive drama takes place in the Homestead chapter, where Kate and Jamie successfully escape to a barn while being pursued by Du'Met. They cross paths with Connie and have a brief interaction just before the dog reacts aggressively to Du'Met's approaching presence.

Players are faced with a crucial decision: Should they eliminate Connie in order to avoid detection by Du’Met, or should they take the risk of the killer discovering their whereabouts? Let's explore the consequences of each option for both Connie and the other main characters:

Option 1: Killing Connie. This is the most unfavorable choice, as it eliminates the source of noise and ensures that Du’Met remains unaware of the players. Even the Curator, in his recap, expresses surprise at the players' ability to unintentionally cause harm to the dog while progressing in the story.

If the players choose not to take any action or ask Kate to join, Du'Met will locate them and murder Jamie. Subsequently, Kate is faced with another decision - to kill Connie or spare his life.

On the other hand, asking for Kate's assistance is the most beneficial option. If selected, Kate will take Connie and find a hiding spot in an attempt to pacify the dog. Although their plan doesn't go as intended, all three individuals have a possibility of surviving the confrontation with Du'Met.

Can You Pet The Dog?

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking the Coveted 'Can You Pet the Dog?' Trophy/Achievement

To guarantee Connie's appearance in The Devil In Me during Lake, especially after Du'Met murders the police officer and the group hastily flees to an empty speedboat, certain conditions must be met in the interactive drama game:

If Connie manages to survive the altercation with Kate and Jamie, she will subsequently make her way to the docks during the unfolding events at Lake.

If Mark manages to survive and pet Connie earlier, he will have the option to call him. Recognizing the kind man who gave him affection, Connie will immediately run towards the group in the speedboat.

By ensuring Connie's survival and presence in this situation, all the necessary elements for completing the achievement are secured, with only the Lake ending remaining as the final encounter. Once Connie and the rest of the party successfully reach the speedboat, Du'Met makes a final appearance for a decisive confrontation. During a series of Quick Time Events (QTEs), Connie can assist in attacking Du'Met before being thrown into the lake. If the remaining team members manage to stay alive prior to the explosion of the speedboat, Connie also successfully swims to the surface, ensuring his safety.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me was released in 2022 for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.