The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Lineage Factor in One Piece

Unveiling the remarkable influence of the Lineage Factor in One Piece, Dr Vegapunk and MADS have revolutionized the world with groundbreaking technological advancements Explore the power of Germa 66, Artificial Devil Fruits, and unravel the scientific wonders behind the enigmatic Seraphim
The Lineage Factor, discovered by the illegal scientific research institute MADS under the leadership of Dr. Vegapunk, is considered to be the blueprint of all life in the world of One Piece. While it bears some similarities to DNA, its significance expands far beyond that. This concept has played a crucial role in various plot developments following the time skip, particularly in the Egghead Island Arc where the competition for the One Piece intensifies. Recognizing its revolutionary potential, the World Government wasted no time in enlisting the brilliant scientist Vegapunk to weaponize it for their own purposes. However, Vinsmoke Judge, a colleague of Vegapunk at MADS, made significant advancements in exploring the applications of the Lineage Factor. He utilized it to further his goal of restoring the Germa Kingdom's former glory through a rigorous militarization campaign.
In the world of One Piece, every lifeform possesses the Lineage Factor, which can be both modified and duplicated for various purposes. When an individual consumes a Devil Fruit, their Lineage Factor is altered, granting them unique superhuman abilities for the duration of their life. By extracting this modified Lineage Factor, researchers can duplicate the Devil Fruit or transfer its abilities to another person, contradicting the natural rule that each Devil Fruit ability is exclusive to a single individual. Vegapunk and Judge exploited this aspect of the Lineage Factor in their own research endeavors, which took different paths after the dissolution of MADS. Their experiments yielded a range of fascinating products that proved highly advantageous for both the scientists themselves and the political powers they sought to serve.
The Might Of Germa 66
The Germa Kingdom's successful application of the Lineage Factor resulted in the development of an army of clones. Led by Vinsmoke Judge, these clones were not only genetically and physically identical to their source, but also possessed their own unique soul and personality. To expedite their growth, the clones were cultured and incubated in controlled tanks with accelerated rates, allowing them to reach maturity at the age of 20 in just five years. Germa 66 created six different types of clones, each tailored for specific military scenarios based on their physical attributes.
Additionally, Judge utilized the Lineage Factor to genetically enhance his children before their birth. Through a surgical procedure, the Lineage Factor of the fetuses carried by their mother was modified. While Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji exhibited successful augmentations, Sanji did not initially display any abilities due to his mother's use of a drug that suppressed the enhancements. However, later in the Wano Arc, after wearing a Germa 66 Raid Suit, Sanji's latent powers were awakened.
In essence, the upgrades incorporated an exoskeleton that provided the children with exceptional durability, heightened strength, accelerated healing abilities, and the equivalent power of adult soldiers even during their early years. The only drawback to these enhancements was their impact on the Vinsmoke siblings' emotional capacity, with the exception of Reiju, who retained some level of empathy. Together with the clone army, this formed the foundation of Germa 66's formidable military prowess.
Artficial Devil Fruits
Another application of the Lineage Factor's scientific principles is seen in the development of Artificial Devil Fruits. Both Vegapunk and Caesar Clown have attempted to create these fruits, but Caesar's efforts have mostly been unsuccessful. However, Vegapunk has achieved remarkable success in replicating various Zoan fruits, including the legendary Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu. This particular fruit was created by extracting Kaido's Lineage Factor and Vegapunk's accomplishment was so extraordinary that even the World Government expressed interest in it. Although initially considered a failure, the fruit was consumed by Kozuki Momonosuke, who was able to wield many of Kaido's powers. The only difference between the two is that Momonosuke transformed into a pink version of an Azure Dragon. Additionally, Momonosuke was able to utilize Paramecia abilities with the assistance of Green Blood, a synthetic liquid he developed. This substance is used in both the Pacifista and the Seraphim's bodies.
The other attempt to create Artificial Devil Fruits was carried out by Caesar Clown, who expanded on Vegapunk's earlier research. Caesar developed his own version called SMILEs, which were produced using a substance known as SAD. Similar to Vegapunk's fruits, SMILEs were only able to replicate the abilities of the Zoan class. By combining various Lineage Factors extracted from different animals, SAD had the ability to modify a user's body upon consumption of the infused Devil Fruit, enabling them to exhibit the characteristics of the specific animal. However, the success rate of SMILEs was remarkably low, with only 10% of tests resulting in positive outcomes. Unlike standard Devil Fruits which simply render users unable to swim, SMILEs had an additional effect of inhibiting the expression of negative emotions, forcing individuals to live a life of perpetual laughter and smiling, regardless of their actual mental state.
The Science Behind The Seraphim
The Seraphim, who are the successors to the Pacifista, are clones of the former Seven Warlords of the Sea. They were created to replace the original members of the group. In the Egghead Island Arc, the revealed roster of Seraphim includes S-Shark (Jinbe), S-Snake (Boa Hancock), S-Hawk (Dracule Mihawk), and S-Bear (Bartholomew Kuma). These cyborgs are designed to resemble the Warlords and possess exceptional strength, durability, and combat skills. Vegapunk even considers them to be the "Strongest Form of Humanity" to ever sail the seas. The Seraphim are a combination of machinery and biological components, allowing them to age and improve their strength over time. One of their distinctive features is the addition of the Lunarian Alber's Lineage Factor, also known as King. This gives them wings for flight, as well as the durability and pyrokinetic abilities of the Lunarian race. The flames on their back are especially resilient, making them formidable opponents in battle.
The Seraphim's bodies are not only infused with Green Blood, but also granted Paramecia-class abilities associated with the Warlord they were cloned from. For example, S-Snake and S-Bear possess the Mero Mero no Mi of Boa Hancock, and Bartholomew Kuma's Nikyu Nikyu no Mi respectively. Moreover, each Seraphim is equipped with Devil Fruit abilities that complement their fighting styles. S-Hawk wields Daz Bonez's Supa Supa no Mi, while S-Shark harnesses the Sui Sui no Mi powers of Senor Pink. As a result, the Seraphim represent the pinnacle of Vegapunk's achievements with the Lineage Factor, embodying the full potential of each application he devised. Undoubtedly, they are among the most formidable weapons in the World Government's arsenal.