The Ultimate Guide to the Thrilling Perks of Being a Dwarf Noble in Dragon Age: Origins
Discover the captivating world of Dragon Age: Origins by immersing yourself in the role of a Dwarf Noble Unearth the secrets of underground royalty, navigate through unfamiliar realms, and engage in cutthroat politics Experience the thrill of battling ancestral enemies and embark on a journey from royal exile to becoming a Warden Paragon Embrace your destiny as the Heir of Titans and shape the future of this epic fantasy adventure
Playing as a Dwarf Noble in Dragon Age: Origins offers a unique perspective on fantasy nobility and the power dynamics within the ruling family of Orzammar.
The Dwarf Noble is afforded the opportunity to fully appreciate the advantages of their esteemed position, which includes immersing themselves in cutthroat dwarven politics and wielding power over Ferelden with ruthless indifference.
Dwarves possess a intricate connection to magic and an enduring animosity towards darkspawn, making the Dwarf Noble origin a profound and captivating narrative within the game.
When choosing to play as a Dwarf Noble in Dragon Age: Origins, players will challenge the traditional assumptions about fantasy nobility. Instead of elegant ballrooms and arranged marriages, they will uncover a different side of being part of the ruling class in Orzammar. While there is some opulence associated with being a dwarven prince or princess, players also find themselves immersed in the constant battle against darkspawn.
In Thedasian history, the Shaperate of Memories documents the greatest dwarven figures, and those who play as Aeducan or Brosca will have the opportunity to etch their names among these illustrious individuals. As a Dwarf Noble, players assume the role of King Endrin Aeducan's favored son or daughter, granting them immense power and influence. However, they soon come to realize that they are not alone in their privileged position, as there are two siblings who also desire more than what they have already been given.
10 Underground Royalty
The Dwarf Noble Warden has the freedom to fully embrace the privileges of their noble status unlike the Cousland Warden. Whether it involves manipulating merchants, orchestrating schemes, or indulging in the talents of dwarven craftsmanship, the choice is in the hands of the player. However, it is important to note that the Dwarf Noble is not a privileged aristocrat, but rather a skilled military commander.
Although being part of dwarven royalty does not directly involve themselves in Topsider politics, the Aeducan Warden still benefits greatly from their upbringing in both political and military matters. It is worth mentioning that dwarves do not adhere to the moral and doctrinal beliefs of the Chantry, allowing Noble Dwarf players to portray a Warden who makes decisions for Ferelden with a cold and ruthless perspective.
9 The Topside Is A Strange New World
Dwarf Noble or Commoner Wardens experience the Topside with fresh eyes, having never ventured aboveground prior to being recruited. While each origin provides new opportunities for exploration, dwarves find enchantment in simple things like trees and the absence of falling from the sky.
The Warden's growth in understanding of their dwarven origins is less extensive and involved compared to other races. However, the knowledge they do acquire about dwarves sparks intriguing speculation. With the insights revealed in Dragon Age: Inquisition, players revisiting Origins will particularly enjoy unraveling the clues intertwined within the Dwarf Noble origin.
8 Ancient, Lonely, And Insular Orzammar
Modern dwarven society is shaped by its past, although there are gaps and omissions. Aeducan players will gain a unique insight into the flexibility of the recorded history in the Memories. Recent Memories suggest that Orzammar, the last dwarf kingdom, solely focuses on itself and remembers only what is politically convenient.
Dwarves refer to themselves enigmatically as the Children of the Stone, and they uphold its essence even in death. Some dwarves possess the ability to hear the song of lyrium, while others hear the pulsation of an ancient and dormant evil. Players will uncover enough information about their origins to gradually piece together a greater underlying mystery surrounding the dwarves.
7 The Politics Are Deliciously Vicious
Ferelden politics may be enjoyable in Origins, but they pale in comparison to the thrilling and perilous realm of dwarven politics. As an Aeducan, players have the opportunity to leverage their status for information and allies, as long as they remain vigilant and proactive.
Unlike Couslands, Aeducan Wardens do not harbor a long-term thirst for revenge that drives the plot forward. Additionally, they cannot claim the dwarven throne in the endgame. Nevertheless, Aeducans possess the power to reshape dwarven society. The political choices made by the Warden early on and during the Orzammar quests have the potential to impact lives and either reinforce or challenge the existing power dynamics.
6 Ancestors Over Andraste
Dwarves do not worship gods, but rather honor and pray to their Ancestors. The importance and level of reverence given to an Ancestor is based on their contributions and actions within dwarven society, with the most esteemed being known as the Paragons. Remarkably, a dwarf does not have to be deceased to attain Paragon status, and these individuals are revered in a manner similar to living deities.
What is particularly captivating about dwarven beliefs is their strong grounding in reality, just like the Stone they are connected to. Despite the almost mystical qualities of the Stone, it may surprise players to discover that dwarves do not actually worship it. Adding to the intrigue, phenomena such as the "Stone sense" are tangible experiences within dwarven culture.
5 Male Aeducans Can Father An Heir
Aeducan Wardens are a unique presence within their families. The player's relatives remain significant throughout the game, and this is one of the few origin families that experiences growth based on the Warden's gender. Neither gender experiences a typical fairytale romance. Female Dwarf Nobles have the rare opportunity to engage in a romantic relationship with Gorim, although it ends with Aeducan's exile.
On the other hand, male Dwarf Nobles have the chance to engage with one or more noble-hunters. If chosen, the Warden is in for a surprise upon their return to Orzammar: they discover a casteless child and their despairing mother waiting for them. This is the only origin where the Warden can have a child prior to being conscripted.
4 Magic Can’t Touch This?
Dwarves, unlike other races, are not affected by conventional magic due to their disconnection from the Fade. However, they possess a unique ability to safely mine lyrium, which raises questions about their relationship with magic being more intricate than perceived.
Playing as a dwarf in Origins may primarily showcase their heightened resistance to spells, but it also provides an intriguing angle for roleplaying within the magical aspects of the game. Unlike other Wardens of different races, Aeducan or Brosca Wardens become the sole dwarves in recent history to have any form of interaction with the Fade, making them significant in the realm of dwarven lore.
3 Darkspawn Are Ancestral Enemies
The Dwarf Noble origin offers players exclusive firsthand knowledge of darkspawn before being recruited. Among the dwarven warriors, battling the darkspawn is considered prestigious. Although all dwarves are aware of the darkspawn, the privileged castes of Orzammar compete for the opportunity to join Deep Roads expeditions.
Not all houses share the advantage that Dwarf Noble players possess. House Aeducan boasts a esteemed past associated with darkspawn, surpassing the contributions of other houses. The Paragon and founder of the player's house saved the dwarven race during the First Blight, making it fitting for an Aeducan to resolve the Fifth.
2 From Royal Exile To Warden Paragon
Exiled dwarves are usually not welcome back in dwarven society, with their names and contributions wiped from the Memories as if they were never there. Despite not being able to reclaim the throne of the last dwarven kingdom, an Aeducan Warden can still strive to be remembered and revered as a Paragon, a rewarding substitute for all that was lost. Aeducan players won't be privileged enough to return to the Frostback Mountains and live lavishly like Grey Wardens, but attaining the status of a Paragon is a fulfilling alternative.
1 Heir Of Titans
The dwarves in Dragon Age possess a mysterious and fascinating history. Although choosing to play as an Aeducan character may not initially reveal much relevant information in the first game of the series, it is evident that the dwarves have only retained a minute fraction of their true identity and origins.
When a Blight arises, it becomes imperative to summon the most skilled experts. Warden Aeducan, descended from a renowned king and savior, is groomed to lead armies and combat darkspawn, as well as destined to become a Paragon. There is no darkness that an Aeducan will hesitate to confront, driving their sword deep until all movement ceases.
Dragon Age Origins, released in 2009 by Bioware, marked the beginning of a successful RPG franchise. Acting as the cornerstone of the Dragon Age universe, this initial installment introduced the menacing Dark Spawn and a diverse ensemble of intriguing personalities.
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