The Ultimate Guide to Starfield: Mastering the Adoring Fan's Loyalty and Banishing Him Forever

The Adoring Fan, a beloved character in Starfield, may not be a top-tier companion, but his presence adds a touch of nostalgia for Bethesda fans Discover his location, assess his usefulness as a companion, and learn how to bid him farewell in this comprehensive guide
The infamous Adoring Fan returns to Bethesda's cosmic sci-fi RPG, Starfield. Players can interact with him by either befriending him, dismissing him, or even hiring him. There are various ways in which the Adoring Fan can assist players in the game, but there are a few important details they should know to successfully incorporate the character into their gameplay. This guide provides information on how to obtain the Adoring Fan in Starfield, as well as strategies for parting ways with him, should players find his excessive admiration unsettling or simply desire a different crew member for their flight.
Hero Worshipped Trait
To begin, it is crucial for players to create a character with one of the optional starting Traits in order to get started in Starfield. Among the various Traits available, some of the most exceptional ones offer players unique and entertaining rewards, albeit with certain conditions. However, if fans wish to encounter their Adoring Fan with his utterly eccentric haircut, even after the year 2330, the Hero Worshipped Trait is a must-have.
The Hero Worshipped Trait grants players the privilege of having an "Adoring Fan" who, as the trait warns, will appear randomly and incessantly babble. Despite the annoyance, the Adoring Fan does provide a few bonuses, assuming players can endure his ramblings and admiration. It is worth noting that the Hero Worshipped Trait is necessary to acquire the Adoring Fan; otherwise, he simply will not exist.
Where To Find The Adoring Fan
In Starfield, there is an interesting character known as the Adoring Fan. Similar to The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, the player does not encounter him by actively searching, but rather, he finds the player. This can be quite unsettling, and the Adoring Fan is well aware of it. He relentlessly follows the player, sprinting as fast as he can, until he spots them and starts pleading to be part of their crew. However, in order to recruit the Adoring Fan in Starfield, players must first complete the initial mission that takes them to the Constellation's Lodge on New Atlantis.
Once this mission is finished, players can make the decision to join the Constellation or take some time to contemplate it. Upon leaving, they can freely explore New Atlantis, enjoying the fresh air, or head straight to the Spaceport area of the city. Here, they will suddenly come across the Adoring Fan, who will sprint towards them like a guided missile, unwavering in his pursuit until he has the opportunity to talk to the player. He will promptly request to join their crew.
Is The Adoring Fan A Good Companion?
It is important to take into account the fact that players have the option to try and outrun the Adoring Fan and venture far away from New Atlantis. However, it is uncertain how or when he will manage to catch up. Nevertheless, rest assured that he will eventually catch up. It is advisable to avoid waiting in certain areas or sleeping if players truly wish to evade his eager gaze. In the event that players initially rejected him, they can locate the Adoring Fan at the Terrabrew Coffee shop on New Atlantis.
For those wondering whether they should recruit the Adoring Fan as a companion in Starfield, it is important to consider his available skills. The Adoring Fan specializes in Scavenging, Concealment, and Weight Lifting, essentially serving as a valuable asset for carrying items. It is widely acknowledged at Bethesda that the Adoring Fan's primary purpose is to accompany players and revel in their presence, but there is also a chance that he may occasionally surprise players with a random gift.
As a companion, the Adoring Fan is indispensable until he is dismissed from the crew. Consequently, he becomes immune to death and will continuously annoy the player both while on the ship and during other moments. Given his lackluster damage output, the Adoring Fan is not the most ideal companion to keep by one's side. Therefore, it is advisable to allow him to revel in his admiration for the player from a great distance. From a very considerable distance.
How To Get Rid Of The Adoring Fan
If the player has been noticed by the Adoring Fan, it's likely too late, as this character is now firmly attached. Nevertheless, there are several ways to eliminate the Adoring Fan in Starfield, albeit mostly through irreversible methods. Some approaches may be more aggressive than others.
Players should approach the Adoring Fan and politely ask, "Would it be alright if I inquire about some personal matters?" Proceed to choose the option, "We should discuss your enthusiasm as a fan." This will unlock various options for handling the Adoring Fan:
[Aggressive] "Your presence is no longer welcome. Permanently." This action will remove the Adoring Fan from the vital crew members, enabling players to eliminate him, regardless of his unawareness or inability to retaliate. Players who possess a sense of guilt can simply choose not to harm him.
By selecting these options, players can initiate a dialogue that allows them to permanently dismiss the Adoring Fan from the crew, resulting in him leaving forever. Once this decision is made, there is no possibility to recruit him again.
Alternatively, players can use these dialogue options to attempt a Persuade skill check. If successful, the Adoring Fan will move on from his excessive obsession with the player. This could be due to the belief that the player is a heartless killer or simply because he desires some self-reflection.
Starfield is now available for PC and Xbox Series X/S.