The Ultimate Guide to Maximize Your Power: Must-Have Consumables for Diablo 4 Necromancers

The Ultimate Guide to Maximize Your Power: Must-Have Consumables for Diablo 4 Necromancers

Equip yourself for success in Diablo 4 as a Necromancer with these indispensable consumables Never be caught unprepared with 4 Healing Potions, 3 Resistance Elixirs, 2 Iron Barb Elixirs, and 1 Incense


Diablo 4, the latest addition to the acclaimed isometric-RPG franchise, presents players with a thrilling continuation of the beloved Diablo 3. This highly anticipated game follows a series narrative where heroic characters dedicate themselves to safeguarding their world from the menacing armies of evil that seek to conquer and obliterate everything in their path. Within Diablo 4, players have the opportunity to choose from five distinct classes, including the captivating Necromancer.

In line with the conventions of RPGs, Diablo 4 offers players various consumables that can be obtained through combat, exploration, crafting, or purchasing from vendors. These consumables encompass a diverse range of abilities and effects, but one constant benefit is that they universally provide experience point boosts. This ensures that regardless of an individual's playstyle, these consumables will offer valuable advantages throughout their gameplay experience.

4 Healing Potions

The Ultimate Guide to Maximize Your Power: Must-Have Consumables for Diablo 4 Necromancers

Players should definitely equip themselves with healing potions in a game, as the hordes of enemies can be unforgiving. These potions provide a quick health boost during battles and can be obtained through looting, crafting, enemy drops, or vendor purchases.

Different levels of healing potions are available to players based on their levels, with the more effective potions being more expensive. Some potions can only be acquired after leveling up. It is advisable for players to always carry healing potions to be prepared for any situation. Even if they may not always seem necessary, having a bit of extra healing and a small XP boost can be beneficial.

The base amount of instant healing provided by the healing potions increases as they level up. Along with this, all the potions also grant healing for a duration of 3 seconds, equivalent to 35% of a character's maximum Life. The different levels of potions are as follows:

Weak Healing Potion - Instantly restores 17 Life.

Tiny Healing Potion (instantly heals 48 Life)

Minor Healing Potion (instantly heals 80 Life)

Light Healing Potion (instantly heals 141 Life)

Moderate Healing Potion (instantly heals 255 Life)

Strong Healing Potion (instantly heals 378 Life)

Greater Healing Potion (instantly heals 559 Life)

Major Healing Potion (instantly heals 827 Life)

Superior Healing Potion (instantly heals 1,274 Life)

Players get access to these potions as they level up, suiting their increase in max Life as they continue to level.

3 Resistance Elixirs

The Ultimate Guide to Maximize Your Power: Must-Have Consumables for Diablo 4 Necromancers

These versatile consumables are available in various forms, each offering distinct elemental resistances. These elixirs can be obtained through looting, enemy drops, crafting, or purchased from vendors. The standard elixirs cost 1000 coins, while the Shadow Resistance Elixir is priced at 2500 coins. With a range of resistance elixirs to choose from, players can tailor their selection based on the specific area they are exploring, the adversaries they may encounter, and even the formidable bosses that lie ahead.

2 Iron Barb Elixirs

The resistance elixirs offer protection against various forms of elemental damage, such as fire, cold, poison, lightning, and shadow. Depending on the circumstances they encounter, players should consider swapping the equipped elixirs to effectively mitigate the elemental threats. Even if players find themselves not in dire need of resistance elixirs, they can still benefit from the valuable small experience boost they provide.

The Ultimate Guide to Maximize Your Power: Must-Have Consumables for Diablo 4 Necromancers

These elixirs are undoubtedly among the most valuable consumables in the game, enhancing both a character's armor and thorns damage. Unlike other consumables that offer a mere XP boost, these elixirs provide an extended duration of increased XP. They are particularly beneficial when used right at the beginning of a gaming session, allowing players to maximize their time and progression in Diablo 4.

However, players can only have one of these elixirs activated at a time. Therefore, it would be wise for players to strategize the usage of the elixir, particularly when anticipating bigger battles that offer greater XP rewards, making it more worthwhile to boost characters.

1 Incense

The Ultimate Guide to Maximize Your Power: Must-Have Consumables for Diablo 4 Necromancers

Incense consumables are items that enhance parties and are particularly beneficial for players who are playing with friends. These consumables have various effects, such as temporarily increasing stats, boosting health, and empowering attacks. While not the most optimal choice for solo campaigns, the Necromancer, being a highly formidable class, can still benefit from incense consumables when playing in a party.

Crafting and purchasing these consumables is possible from various locations, but players will only gain access to a wide range of them at higher levels due to their immense usefulness.

Diablo 4 can be played on multiple platforms including PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X.