The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Healing in Code Vein

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Healing in Code Vein

Learn the essential healing techniques in Code Vein and discover valuable tips to ensure your survival in this action-packed RPG

Code Vein, although an excellent game, is notorious for its challenging nature. Unlike typical industry standards, players in Code Vein have access to a limited assortment of healing items. Consequently, it is not uncommon for players to struggle with progressing in the game's storyline.

However, fret not, as this comprehensive guide will equip players with all the necessary knowledge and strategies to facilitate easy healing in Code Vein. Moreover, this guide will also shed light on valuable tidbits and tips that often go overlooked by players.

How to Heal in Code Vein

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Healing in Code Vein

Code Vein gives players four ways to heal, which are as follows:

1. Regeneration

Regeneration is the fundamental method of healing. It functions akin to Dark Souls' Estus Flask. When reaching a bonfire, known as a Mistle, the Regeneration charges are restored. Additionally, defeating a Greater Lost also replenishes the charges. Here are some important points to remember about Regeneration:

- Players can utilize Regeneration as an item to restore health from injuries.

Additional charges for regeneration can be obtained by progressing in the game, allowing players to fully heal and continue exploring without needing to go back to Mistles every time.

2. Regeneration boosters

Regen Inducers are consumables that provide greater healing effects compared to Regeneration. Unlike Regeneration, Regen Inducers are not renewable, making them scarce. Due to their limited availability, players are recommended to save Regen Inducers as a final option, particularly during critical boss battles, in order to swiftly recover when facing a seemingly hopeless situation.

3. Presents.

Gifts have the surprising ability to restore the health of both characters and teammates in the game. However, it is important to note that these Gifts come with certain drawbacks. For instance, if players choose to utilize the Guardian Aid Gift alongside Astrea, they will be able to heal their teammates but at the cost of their own health. Therefore, it is essential for players to exercise caution and carefully consider the conditions that come along with using Gifts.

4. Mistles

As previously stated, Mistles in the game resemble bonfires in Dark Souls. Players can seek solace at Mistles by utilizing the nearby blood bushes to rejuvenate their character's health. The remarkable aspect of Mistles is their availability at no cost, however, utilizing them will result in the resurgence of all regular enemies.

While Mistles are available without charge, they are not easily come by. Encountering a Mistle signifies that the player will need to face numerous challenges in the future.

Code Vein is available on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.