The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Genshin Impact's Unwritten Rules

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Genshin Impact's Unwritten Rules

Discover the hidden secrets of Genshin Impact with its unwritten rules From prioritizing higher level players in domains to shooting Timmie's birds, embark on thrilling adventures and pass the time with exhilarating parkour Unleash the full potential of your gaming experience

Genshin Impact, being one of the most financially successful games in recent years, has cultivated a dedicated community that has grown alongside the game. This community has embraced the game's constant updates and fully explored every aspect of the vast world of Teyvat. While the game has evolved over time, the community has established certain expectations for how the game should be played, whether it's in solo mode or in multiplayer co-op. These unwritten rules, although some are lighthearted, aim to promote fairness and prevent conflicts during multiplayer sessions.

Higher Level Players in a Domain Get Character Priority

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Genshin Impact's Unwritten Rules

One of the most captivating aspects of Genshin Impact is its multiplayer functionality, allowing up to four players to embark on thrilling adventures in the vast world of Teyvat. This not only enhances the immersive experience of exploration but also presents opportunities for tackling the game's numerous challenging domains. To ensure seamless progression in these domains, Genshin players have devised a strategy of granting priority to the highest-level player when it comes to selecting their preferred character. This approach takes into account the player's extensive experience with specific characters, maximizing their potential and enabling them to contribute to the team's success.

Always Shoot Timmie's Birds

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Genshin Impact's Unwritten Rules

In the world of gaming, there are certain unwritten rules that enhance the multiplayer experience, while others are simply meant for amusement. One such unwritten rule in Genshin Impact has nothing to do with improving co-op gameplay, but rather involves terrorizing a young boy and his flock of birds. Located in the city of Mondstadt, there is an NPC named Timmie who can be found on a bridge, taking care of his beloved birds. Surprisingly, players have the ability to shoot these birds, much to Timmie's horror. This has led to an unwritten agreement among players that whenever they encounter Timmie and his birds, they are compelled to shoot them without fail.

Parkour to Pass the Time

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Genshin Impact's Unwritten Rules

As Genshin Impact continues to expand and attract new players, the community has developed a set of unwritten rules. These rules cover various aspects of the game, including preferred characters, spending in-game currency, and co-op etiquette. Despite the game's emphasis on open-world exploration, these rules contribute to making Genshin Impact an inclusive and enjoyable experience for players of all backgrounds.

Genshin Impact is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is currently in development.