The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Heavenly Quests

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Heavenly Quests

In the Moving Heaven and Earth side quest of Final Fantasy 16, Clive embarks on a mission to locate the botanist's vanished assistant and collect various vineyard soil samples Discover how to find Bohumil's assistant and complete this intriguing quest

After completing the Make Do and Mend and Food for Thought side quests in Final Fantasy 16, players will need to progress further in the main story in order to unlock additional optional missions. Clive, the protagonist, will gain access to these quests once he returns to The Hideaway during the Hunter and the Hunted main quest. By interacting with each of the quest-givers, Clive can pursue these optional missions.

In order to start the Moving Heaven and Earth side quest in Final Fantasy 16, Clive must head north from the Grand Hall until he reaches The Furrows. Here, he will encounter Bohumil, the Chief Botanist, who informs him that his assistant has ventured out to find soil but has not yet returned. Concerned for her safety, Bohumil asks Clive to search for her.

How To Find Bohumil's Assistant

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Heavenly Quests

Upon accepting the Moving Heaven and Earth side quest, players should open the world map and fast-travel to Orabelle Downs, located just northeast of the Hideaway. To progress in the quest, Clive must cross the bridge in front of him and continue to the right until he reaches the next quest marker. As he approaches the marker, a scream can be heard, indicating the presence of nearby danger.

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Heavenly Quests

When Clive arrives at the location of the distressed cry, he will encounter three formidable adversaries known as Level 19 Vine Spinners. These arachnid-like creatures may appear daunting, but they can be easily vanquished if players have meticulously upgraded Clive's equipment. Upon defeating two of these Vine Spinners, two more will emerge to take their place. Once Clive triumphs over this second wave of foes, he will be rewarded with 2 Valley Madders and 4 Sharp Fangs.

How To Find All Vineyard Soil Samples

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Heavenly Quests

In the subsequent cutscene, Martelle, Bohumil's assistant, expresses gratitude to Clive for eliminating the Vine Spinners. Despite Martelle's desire to remain and gather soil, Clive firmly insists that she should return to the Hideaway while he takes charge of collecting the soil.

Turning towards the north and stepping into the field, a trio of green quest markers will materialize on the ground. These markers only become visible when Clive is in close proximity to them, so he may need to readjust his position to make them appear. To collect the soil, Clive must stand directly beside each of the quest markers; then, by holding down the X button, he can proceed to gather a sample.

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Heavenly Quests

When Clive has gathered the three Vineyard Soil Samples, he should pivot towards the southwest and proceed towards the adjacent field. In this area, he will discover the fourth and last soil sample just a few steps behind the fence.

How To Complete Moving Heaven And Earth In Final Fantasy 16

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Heavenly Quests

Once Clive has collected all the soil samples, he can conveniently return to The Hideaway and conclude the quest by speaking to Bohumil. Although there won't be any tangible rewards from Bohumil, Martelle will generously gift Clive with 10 Valley Madders, 20 Sharp Fangs, and 30 Bloody Hides, all of which have valuable applications in various crafting endeavors.

Final Fantasy 16 is available exclusively on PlayStation 5.