Justin Paul Kelly, a young actor, plays a pivotal role in Netflix's The Umbrella Academy, a series based on the popular graphic novels from Dark Horse Comics. Premiering on Netflix in February 2019, the show revolves around the eponymous superhero team composed of seven children with extraordinary powers. Born under strange circumstances, they face apocalyptic threats while attempting to rebuild their fractured familial bonds. Time travel serves as a key element in The Umbrella Academy, introducing intriguing storylines that captivate viewers.
In the first season, The Umbrella Academy experiences the unexpected return of Number Five, a long-lost member who possesses the ability to travel through time. He reveals a dire prediction of the world's impending demise to his fellow team members. This initial encounter with time paradoxes sets the stage for the ongoing consequences of traveling through different eras. New characters emerge, and existing ones take on alternate forms, adding a layer of mystery to the narrative. Justin Paul Kelly portrays a character deeply intertwined with The Umbrella Academy and those affected by these temporal anomalies.
Justin Paul Kelly Plays A Young Harlan Cooper In The Umbrella Academy
Justin Paul Kelly portrays the young version of Harlan Cooper in seasons 2 and 3 of The Umbrella Academy. Harlan, despite not being born with superpowers, unwittingly inherits some abilities from Viktor Hargreeves during his childhood. Unfortunately, Harlan's lack of control over these powers results in the accidental deaths of his own father, the formation of the Sparrow Academy, and the ultimate demise of The Umbrella Academy's mothers, causing the Grandfather Paradox in season 3. Harlan's powers are unleashed during moments of intense stress, as he cannot regulate them.
Kelly's portrayal of Harlan, a non-verbal autistic child, adds an extra layer of tragedy to his character's connection with Viktor. Despite the challenges associated with the role, Kelly deftly captures the subtleties required, delivering a performance that does not come across as exaggerated or cliche. Instead, he brings a quiet sorrow and tenderness to Harlan that is both poignant and authentic within the context of The Umbrella Academy.
Justin Paul Kelly Also Voices Chase On PAW Patrol
Harlan in The Umbrella Academy marks Justin Paul Kelly's debut in a major live-action role. However, he has already achieved great success in television through his leading voice role in the popular children's show, PAW Patrol. In the show, Kelly brilliantly voices Chase, a German Shepherd police dog who serves as one of the main characters and is prominently featured in its marketing campaigns. Kelly has been lending his voice to Chase from season 5 until the midpoint of season 10.
PAW Patrol has captivated young audiences with its exceptional popularity and influence. The show is known for its vibrant ensemble of animal characters, each representing a different public service job. Among the cast, Chase holds particular significance as the unofficial leader of the animal team, alongside his human owner, Ryder. Kelly's portrayal of Chase has been one of the longest-running, spanning 130 episodes. His uplifting voice acting spreads positivity and sincerity, making the show a delight to watch. With his noteworthy accomplishments at such a young age, Justin Paul Kelly has proven himself as a rising star, evident in his roles in The Umbrella Academy and PAW Patrol.