The Ultimate Guide to Hatching Gen 5 Pokemon in Pokemon GO: Discover the Rarest Finds!

Discover the excitement of hatching eggs in Pokémon GO! Explore the Unova region and uncover a wide range of Gen 5 Pokémon waiting to be hatched Learn how to obtain eggs, find out which Unova Pokémon can be hatched, and master the art of hatching eggs
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How to Obtain Pokemon EggsWhich Unova Pokemon Hatch from Eggs?
Reimagining Pokemon Egg Hatching
The addition of 156 never-before-seen Pokemon in the fifth generation of Pokemon made it one of the most ambitious regions to date. However, not all Unova Pokemon are currently available to catch in Pokemon GO. To make matters more interesting, some Gen 5 Pokemon can only be obtained through hatching eggs or have exceedingly rare spawn rates in the wild.
(Note: The revised content maintains the original meaning while presenting it in a more concise and engaging manner.)
Hatching Eggs are a fundamental feature of the mainline Pokemon games, thus it comes as no surprise that they are also included in Pokemon GO. Nevertheless, the process of hatching eggs in Pokemon GO differs from the traditional method. In order to add Unova Pokemon to their team, trainers must acquire a range of different eggs.
How to Obtain Pokemon Eggs
Players of Pokemon GO can carry a maximum of 12 Eggs simultaneously, with 3 of these Eggs designated as Bonus Storage specifically for the Strange Eggs. The duration required for each Egg to hatch determines its assigned label.
5km (Adventure Sync)
10km (Adventure Sync)
12km (Strange Eggs)
Players can obtain eggs by spinning PokeStop or Gym discs. By using this method, players have the chance to get eggs with distances of 2km, 5km, or 10km. However, if they desire a 7km egg, they must open a gift from a friend. On the other hand, the 12km eggs, known as Strange Eggs, are unique and can only be acquired by defeating a Team GO Rocket Leader or Giovanni.
Which Unova Pokemon Hatch from Eggs?
Additionally, players will only receive Adventure Sync Eggs if there is available space in their Egg storage. Therefore, even if they have achieved the required milestones, they will not be granted an Egg if their storage is full.With the recent addition of Larvesta, a Bug/Fire-type Pokemon, to the Egg Pool, there are now multiple Generation 5 Pokemon that can be obtained from Eggs. While Larvesta is currently exclusive to Eggs, it is possible that this could change in the future. For instance, Deino, a Dark/Dragon-type Pokemon, can be obtained by hatching a 10km Egg, but it can also be encountered in the wild or received as a reward for completing Field Research Breakthroughs.
Each Pokemon that hatches from Eggs are rated on a 1-5 scale, with 1 being most common, and 5 being incredibly rare.
2km Eggs | ||
Pokemon (Gen 5) | Typing | Rarity |
Larvesta | Bug/Fire | ★★★★★ |
5km Eggs | ||
Pokemon (Gen 5) | Typing | Rarity |
Roggenrola | Rock | ★ |
Larvesta | Bug/Fire | ★★★★★ |
5km Eggs (Adventure Sync Only) | ||
Pokemon (Gen 5) | Typing | Rarity |
Stunfisk | Ground/Electric | ★ |
7km Eggs | ||
Pokemon (Gen 5) | Typing | Rarity |
* Galarian Stunfisk | Ground/Steel | ★★ |
* Galarian Darumaka | Ice | ★★★★★ |
10km Eggs | ||
Pokemon (Gen 5) | Typing | Rarity |
Emolga | Electric/Flying | ★ |
Tirtouga | Water/Rock | ★★ |
Archen | Rock/Flying | ★★ |
Deino | Dark/Dragon | ★★★ |
Larvesta | Bug/Fire | ★★★★★ |
10km Eggs (Adventure Sync Only) | ||
Pokemon (Gen 5) | Typing | Rarity |
N/A | - | - |
12km Eggs (Strange Eggs) | ||
Pokemon (Gen 5) | Typing | Rarity |
Sandile | Ground/Dark | ★ |
Pawniard | Dark/Steel | ★ |
Vullaby | Dark/Flying | ★ |
Scraggy | Dark/Fighting | ★★ |
Deino | Dark/Dragon | ★★★ |
The Galarian Forms of Darumaka and Stunfisk, which are Ice-type and Ground/Steel-type respectively, can be hatched from 7km Eggs. These forms were introduced in Black/White. The contents of the Egg Pool, including the 7km Eggs, often change over time, especially during holidays and special events. This allows players to obtain exclusive Pokemon. To acquire these Eggs, players must open Gifts from friends during the event. Any 7km Eggs received before or after the event will contain the original pool of Pokemon.
How to Hatch Eggs
In Pokemon GO, the only method to hatch Eggs is by using an Incubator. Presently, there are two types of Incubators available: the regular Egg Incubator and the Super Incubator. Both types have a limit of 3 uses before they break, but players always have one permanent Egg Incubator in their storage.
It is possible to incubate only one Egg at a time. When an Egg is placed in a Super Incubator, the distance needed to hatch it is reduced by half.
Egg Incubators are available for purchase at the in-game shop for 150 PokeCoins, with Super Incubators priced at 200 PokeCoins. Additionally, players can acquire Incubators by raising their Trainer Level or completing specific Special Research Tasks. If players are interested in buying Incubators in larger quantities, they can consider purchasing the Voyager Box or the Hatch Box from the Limited Time Only! section of the shop. Pokemon GO is a mobile game that can be played on mobile devices.