The Ultimate Guide to Forming the Perfect Starting Party in For The King 2

The Ultimate Guide to Forming the Perfect Starting Party in For The King 2

Discover the ultimate party compositions for beginners in For The King 2 Unleash the power of a well-balanced team or opt for a high-speed DPS setup Master the game early on with these expert recommendations

When exploring Fahrul in For The King 2, it is essential to have a competent group of adventurers. Players who hastily assemble a random assortment of individuals will soon find themselves unable to handle the challenges posed by bandits, monsters, and other threats.

There is a multitude of options for building a party in this tabletop-inspired RPG. However, there are a couple of combinations that excel above others. This guide presents two team compositions utilizing the default starter characters, catering to both beginners and experienced players seeking to add excitement to their campaigns.

For The King 2: Best Starting Teams

The Balanced Beginner Party

The Ultimate Guide to Forming the Perfect Starting Party in For The King 2

This is a typical party setup often found in other RPGs that revolve around a party system. It consists of a tank, two characters specializing in dealing damage, and a support character. For For The King 2, the default class roster consists of a Blacksmith, either a Hunter or Stablehand, a Scholar, and a Herbalist.

A well-rounded team is capable of effectively tackling any challenge they face. Assign the role of tank to the Blacksmith, allowing them to absorb damage and control enemies, while the other members focus on dealing damage from a safer position. Although this composition may not be optimal for highly challenging campaigns, it is perfect for beginners who are still getting acquainted with the game.

To maximize effectiveness, it is advisable for players to equip the Blacksmith with items that increase their speed, ensuring they can keep up with faster enemies in the later stages of the game. Eventually, players can replace the Blacksmith with a different melee-oriented class that offers a better balance between strength and speed right from the start.

High-Speed DPS Party

The Ultimate Guide to Forming the Perfect Starting Party in For The King 2

This party carries a higher level of risk compared to the first one as it excludes the Herbalist and Blacksmith in favor of two Hunters, a Scholar, and a Stablehand. Turn order and frequency are determined by speed, and having swift characters allows players to eliminate most adversaries before they can act.

The Stablehand is a flexible class capable of using a variety of weapons with relative ease. Their key strengths lie in their high speed and decent strength, making them well-suited for frontline skirmishes. Although they lack the endurance of the Blacksmith, this becomes insignificant if players can inflict sufficient damage to eliminate at least one enemy right at the start of the battle.

Stablehands and Hunters are in charge of dealing damage to individual targets, while Scholars handle AOE needs. It is advisable for players to equip their Scholars with the most powerful Intelligence weapons possible in order to swiftly eliminate weaker enemies.

For The King 2 is currently accessible on PC.

Editor's P/S

In For The King 2, party composition plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of an adventure. The game offers a diverse roster of classes, each with unique abilities and strengths. The guide presented in this article provides valuable insights into forming two effective starting parties that cater to different playstyles and skill levels.

The first composition, consisting of a tank, two damage dealers, and a support character, offers a well-rounded approach suitable for beginners. It allows players to experience the game's core mechanics and gradually improve their strategies. On the other hand, the second composition, which emphasizes speed and damage output, carries a higher level of risk but can be incredibly rewarding for experienced players who enjoy fast-paced, high-stakes battles.