The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Camels in Minecraft

The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Camels in Minecraft

Discover the captivating world of Minecraft's 120 update with the addition of camels! Uncover the secrets of feeding and breeding these magnificent creatures in the vast desert landscapes

Minecraft's highly anticipated 1.20 update has arrived, bringing significant changes to the game's core experience. Among the new features introduced in this update are fresh structures, game mechanics, and mobs.

A major focus of Minecraft's 1.20 update is the enhancement of desert biomes, aiming to make them feel more vibrant and inhabited. To achieve this, Mojang has added camels as a new mob in the game, as they bring a crucial sense of life to these areas. It is essential for players to familiarize themselves with these new camels and understand their behavior, particularly knowing what to feed them.

Minecraft 1.20: Desert Improvements and Camels

The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Camels in Minecraft

The Tales and Trails update for Minecraft, also known as the 1.20 update, focuses on improving exploration and expanding the overall experiences within the game. One notable addition is the introduction of a comprehensive archeology mechanic, particularly centered around desert biomes.

In this update, various desert structures like temples and wells have been transformed into archeological sites. These structures now have the potential to contain armor trims, which players can collect and utilize. Additionally, the update introduces camel mobs to the desert biomes, alongside the Sniffer mob. The camel mob serves multiple purposes and adds a distinct presence to the game.

Camels offer a unique opportunity for up to two players to ride them simultaneously, making them the only mob with this capability. In addition, their towering height provides a strategic advantage as players can navigate through hordes of melee-based mobs without sustaining any damage. Unlike Minecraft's horses, camels do not require taming but do need to be equipped with a saddle in order to be ridden.

Minecraft 1.20: Feeding and Breeding Camels

Once a player possesses a valuable passive mob like Minecraft's camels, it is crucial to ensure their proper care. As essential companions for exploration, camels are susceptible to damage and can have their health restored quickly by feeding them. Similar to other feed-able Minecraft mobs, camels only consume food that is native to their respective biomes.

Cacti play a crucial role in the well-being and breeding of camels in Minecraft. These prickly plants are abundant in the same desert biomes where camels are found, ensuring a steady supply of nourishment for these creatures. Feeding a cactus to a camel restores two hearts of its health, emphasizing the importance of carrying cacti while exploring with camels. Similar to other animals, camels can be led by players holding a cactus, making it convenient to guide them without using a saddle.

To breed camels, two adult camels must be fed cacti in close proximity to each other. This simple act results in the swift creation of a baby camel. Although there is a five-minute cooldown for camel reproduction, it is essential for players who wish to assemble a group of these animals for exploration purposes. Interestingly, players can expedite the maturation process of a baby camel by feeding it cactus, further enhancing the versatility of this spiky plant. Minecraft's camels not only add intrigue to the vast sandbox game but also provide a valuable use for cacti through health regeneration and breeding.

Minecraft is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and legacy platforms.