The Ultimate Guide to Fallout 76: Unveiling Atlantic City's Dominant Factions!

The Ultimate Guide to Fallout 76: Unveiling Atlantic City's Dominant Factions!

Discover the thrilling world of Fallout 76's Atlantic City DLC, where the dynamic landscape is ruled by three fierce rival factions Immerse yourself in this epic adventure and navigate the power struggles that shape the fate of the city


Fallout 76's post-launch updates have improved the game, with new Expeditions taking players to brand-new locations like Atlantic City.

Atlantic City, a thriving and pristine setting in the Fallout series, exudes the energy of casinos, gambling, and peculiar individuals, evoking memories of Fallout: New Vegas.

In the forthcoming DLC, players will encounter three major factions in Atlantic City: the Municipal Government, The Family (a syndicate of organized crime), and The Showmen (a guild of entertainers), each exerting their unique influence over the city.

Once at the center of controversy, Fallout 76 has significantly improved since its initial launch. As a multiplayer game that continues to provide updates after its release in 2018, players are taken to new locations outside of the original map of Appalachia through a feature called Expeditions.

The first Expedition, known as The Pitt, introduced this type of gameplay in 2022, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the next experience. Recently, it was announced that Atlantic City will be the next expansion for Fallout 76. As details about Atlantic City continue to emerge, it has been confirmed that three distinctive factions possess significant influence over the city known for its entertainment.

Fallout 76: Atlantic City - The City's Three Factions

The Ultimate Guide to Fallout 76: Unveiling Atlantic City's Dominant Factions!

The promotional material for the Atlantic City Expedition in Fallout 76 presents the location as a surprisingly thriving place within the franchise, having been minimally affected by the nuclear war. Unlike other locations typically explored in the game, Atlantic City remained relatively untouched and has prospered in the post-war era. With its lively casinos, abundant gambling, and vibrant neon strips, fans will notice similarities between Atlantic City and the popular game Fallout: New Vegas, including the presence of eccentric characters.

Based on available information, it is evident that the three dominant factions governing Atlantic City will play significant roles in the forthcoming DLC. Among these factions, the Municipal Government stands out as the most organized and authoritative, overseeing the city's day-to-day operations. Notably, the Municipal Government possesses complete control over essential resources such as electricity, water, and food, granting it substantial influence over the city's population and other ruling factions.

The next faction in the Atlantic City Expedition of Fallout 76 is The Family, an organized crime syndicate that operates a variety of illegal activities throughout the city. Drawing inspiration from the 1950s aesthetic, The Family is expected to bear similarities to the real-life Mafia families that dominated the East Coast of the United States during that era. With gambling and vice prevalent in Atlantic City, The Family has established its dominance through extortion and loansharking, leveraging their extensive connections to grasp control over the city.

The third and final primary faction in Fallout 76's Atlantic City is The Showmen, a guild of entertainers characterized as chaotic. Comprised of individuals from diverse entertainment backgrounds, The Showmen unite with a shared ambition of staging extravagant performances throughout Atlantic City, free from external interference. Their formation likely serves as a counterforce against both the Municipal Government and The Family, making them an unexpected group that wields influence over the city.

The combination of these three factions creates an intriguing amalgamation of influential powers in the vibrant city of Atlantic City. It remains uncertain whether players can establish alliances with any of these factions or if they are all adversaries. However, it is certain that these factions will play a significant role in all the content provided by the upcoming Fallout 76 Expedition.

Fallout 76 is currently accessible on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.