The Ultimate Guide to Excelling in The Sims 4 Military Career
Master the challenging Military career in Sims 4 with our expert guide Discover essential skills, traits, and ranks to excel in this exhilarating career path Uncover the secrets to success and dominate as a Covert Operator or rise through the ranks as an Officer Don't miss out on our Sims 4 Military Career Cheat for even greater achievements Level up your Sim's military prowess today!
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How To Get Military Career Sims 4Skills For Military Career Sims 4
Traits For Military Career Sims 4
Military Career Sims 4 Rank, Job Titles, and Earnings
The Sims 4 Military Career Cheat
The military and army professions are widely recognized as being extremely challenging occupations. While not everyone possesses the courage to pursue such a path in reality, The Sims 4 offers players an excellent chance to experience the military career in a virtual realm.
In The Sims 4, players have the opportunity to take on the role of a courageous soldier through the Military Career. This career, one amongst several others, consists of 10 levels and offers two distinct branches: Covert Operator and Officer. In this guide, we will delve deeper into this career and explore what players can anticipate when pursuing it in The Sims 4.
How To Get Military Career Sims 4
The military career was not originally included in The Sims 4 but was later introduced in the StrangerVille expansion pack, which was the 7th pack released for the game. This expansion pack introduced a new town in the Sims world that was plagued by a mysterious disease. Once players have installed the StrangerVille expansion pack, they can access the Career Panel on their phones or computers to choose the Military Career from the list of available options.
Skills For Military Career Sims 4
Skills that Sims will need to focus on are.
Fitness Skill
Leveling up this skill is required to reach the 5th level of military career. Sims need to head to the public gyms, work out, and jog to upgrade this skill.
Charisma Skill
Players seeking an officer branch for their Sims must level up this skill. It can be done quickly by interacting with fellow Sims in the game.
Logic Skill
Acquiring the skill of logic is crucial in The Sims 4 as it plays a vital role for Sims aspiring to join the covert operator branch. To excel in this skill, engaging in chess matches is the optimal approach.
Traits For Military Career Sims 4
Players can select these traits for their Sims in CAS mode to excel in their military career.
Military Career Sims 4 Rank, Job Titles, and Earnings
The table below showcases ranks, job titles and daily earning for the military career in The Sims 4.
Rank | Job Title | Daily Earnings |
1 | Raw Recruit | $208 |
2 | Private Fourth Class | $272 |
3 | Lacking Corporal | $432 |
4 | Sergeant Minor | $568 |
5 | Warrant Officer | $768 |
Covert Operator Branch
Rank | Job Title | Daily Earnings |
6 | Evidence Eraser | $832 |
7 | Conspiracy Squelcher | $952 |
8 | Clandestine Investigator | $1432 |
9 | [Redacted] | $2376 |
10 | Sim-in-Black | $3376 |
Officer Career Branch
Rank | Job Title | Daily Earnings |
6 | Fourth Lieutenant | $832 |
7 | Courageous Captain | $952 |
8 | Lieutenant Colonel | $1432 |
9 | Brigadier | $2376 |
10 | Grand Marshal | $3376 |
Sims 4 Military Career Cheat
Achieve rapid promotion in your military career by utilizing cheats. Once cheats have been enabled, simply enter the cheat code "careers.promote military" in the designated cheat window and press enter to witness the enchantment unfold!
The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.