The Ultimate Guide to Equipping Gear at High Levels in Diablo 4

The Ultimate Guide to Equipping Gear at High Levels in Diablo 4

Discover essential tips for maximizing your endgame potential in Diablo 4! Unleash the power of your character by equipping the most valuable gear Streamline your gameplay and minimize downtime with expert insight into the key stats to prioritize Level up your loot hunting skills today!

In Diablo 4, endgame builds often rely on specific stats to maximize their potential. Thankfully, a helpful video provides a useful cheat sheet to aid players in determining which items to keep and discard for all classes. While many fans have voiced concerns about Diablo 4's itemization, one positive aspect is how affixes are categorized across different item types. For instance, offensive stats are mainly found on gloves, while chest armor and pants offer the most in terms of a character's survivability.

Before referring to the cheat sheet, it is important for Diablo 4 players to have some understanding of their build's stat priority, though comprehensive knowledge is not necessary. Sorcerers, for example, may view boots as a crucial part of their equipment and prioritize acquiring Defensive Skill ranks on them. However, certain item slots such as rings are universal across all Diablo 4 classes, which makes them easier to obtain through farming.

The video, posted by Raxxanterax, a well-known content creator for Diablo 4, effectively explains the priority of attributes and how certain attributes can render an item worthless. What makes Raxxanterax's system exceptional is that it enables players to quickly assess the value of an item, which is a highly beneficial skill in a game like Diablo 4 where affixes on an item can be disorderly.

In the video, Raxxanterax demonstrates a helpful trick using the sort function in Diablo 4 to group item slots together. For instance, every Diablo 4 class prioritizes Cooldown Reduction in a helm. Therefore, if a player comes across a helm without this attribute, it is best to sell it and continue on. In the case of Legendary items, unless it's a well-rolled Legendary Aspect that is necessary for the player's build, it is essentially useless. The sort function is advantageous as it also displays the highest item power on the left, making it convenient for Diablo 4 players to sell weapons that fall below a certain threshold.

Please ignore Sacred Rares and focus on obtaining Ancestral Rares in Diablo 4. These items offer the best stat rolls and should be prioritized at endgame. It is crucial to acquire items with the highest or near-highest stat rolls as they do not improve with item upgrades. While this may not completely address the issues with the game's endgame, it greatly simplifies loot farming and reduces the time spent managing inventory. Diablo 4 is playable on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.