The Ultimate Guide to Dominating The Sims 4 with Game-Changing Cheats

The Ultimate Guide to Dominating The Sims 4 with Game-Changing Cheats

Gain an unfair advantage in The Sims 4 with our comprehensive guide to the best cheats Enhance your gameplay, overcome challenges, and unlock exciting features that take your Sims experience to new heights Cheating has never been so rewarding!


Cheating in The Sims is a community tradition that unlocks hidden content and makes building easier, adding to the storytelling experience.

Builders utilize cheats in The Sims 4 to surpass restrictions, uncover concealed items, and guarantee the integrity of their builds. Additionally, several Sims 4 cheats can effectively resolve bugs and other gameplay issues, resulting in a more seamless experience.

Cheating in The Sims has become a time-honored tradition among the community, promoting the discovery of hidden content. It simplifies the construction process, allowing for the perfect backdrop for storytelling, as well as capturing memorable screenshots and videos. In addition to these advantages, cheats provide access to exclusive build and buy mode items that were originally intended for the developers' use.

Contrary to its name, cheating in video games, including The Sims, is not about taking a moral stance or seeking a shortcut to victory. The game mechanics in The Sims can sometimes be frustrating, such as object placement issues or bugs, and cheats serve as a means to modify the game and address these challenges. However, cheats are not limited to fixing bugs; they are also essential for overcoming various gameplay obstacles, such as using money cheats to adjust household funds. These types of cheats are particularly valuable in build challenges within The Sims 4.

The Ultimate Guide to Dominating The Sims 4 with Game-Changing Cheats

To activate cheats, players must access the cheat console. For PC users, this can be done by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C while in-game and entering the cheat codes individually. Money cheats have been a staple feature in The Sims, offering various benefits such as bypassing tedious aspects of Sim legacy building or engaging in build challenges with specific amounts of simoleons. The cheat codes have remained unchanged since the original series, so experienced players will likely be familiar with them. One such code, "kaching," adds 1,000 simoleons to your account.

rosebud: Add1,000 simoleons.

motherlode: Add 50,000 simoleons.

Money [#]: Change household funds to an exact amount.

FreeRealEstate [on/off]: Enter in neighborhood or world view to make all lots free.

Household Autopay Bills: Enable or disable automatic payment of household bills.

Build mode in The Sims 4 is the most advanced compared to previous versions of the game, and players have created astonishing builds using its tools. However, due to the snap-grid limitations, objects may not align perfectly or constructing roofs can be challenging. The following cheats are valuable for building and decorating lots, and they are commonly used by the top builders in The Sims community. It is recommended for fans to thoroughly test all builds with Sims to ensure proper Sim pathing and functionality.

bb.moveobjects: Allows the player to ignore the grid when placing objects.

bb.showhiddenobjects: A debug cheat that unlocks items from build and buy mode that cannot usually be seen by players.

bb.showliveeditobjects: Unlocks more items, use after bb.showhiddenobjects.

bb.enablefreebuild: Build anywhere, even on locked lots.

bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: Buy items locked by careers.

Using Cheats to Overcome Issues in The Sims 4

The Ultimate Guide to Dominating The Sims 4 with Game-Changing Cheats

Although The Sims 4 performs better on PCs compared to The Sims 3, it still encounters issues with lagging and glitches when there is a high population of Sims or numerous objects like farm animals in a specific area. Notably, events such as parties and weddings in The Sims 4 often suffer from various bugs. These problems can manifest in Sims getting trapped in repetitive actions, disappearing unexpectedly, or becoming immobile. Managing the needs and aspirations of multiple Sims simultaneously can also be extremely frustrating, and that's where these cheats come in handy.

resetsim [firstname lastname]: Resets a stuck Sim.

sims.give_satisfaction_points [#]: Gives a Sim an amount of satisfaction points.

sims.fill_all_commodities: This command fills the motives of all Sims in the household.

Storytellers and Sims modders often employ specific cheats to capture screenshots or record videos. These cheats help in eliminating special effects and providing valuable information.

headlineeffects [on/off]: Enables or disables overhead effects such as plumbobs and speech bubbles.

hovereffects [on/off]: Disable hover effect when hovering over a Sim.

fullscreenToggle: Makes the game fullscreen/windowed.

fps [on/off]: Display the FPS on screen.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.