The Ultimate Guide to Dark Souls 3's Epic Dragonslayer Armour: Unraveling Hidden Secrets for Both New and Veteran Players

The Ultimate Guide to Dark Souls 3's Epic Dragonslayer Armour: Unraveling Hidden Secrets for Both New and Veteran Players

Dark Souls 3’s Dragonslayer Armour pays homage to the series' iconic bosses, surprising seasoned players with its intricate visuals and a challenging second phase empowered by butterfly magic

In Dark Souls 3, there are references to earlier installments that help connect the worlds of Lordran, Drangleic, and Lothric. However, one specific reference to the popular boss duo Ornstein and Smough creates an intense fight that challenges expectations set by the previous games.

This reference can be found in the boss battle against Dragonslayer Armour in Dark Souls 3. This fight takes place in Lothric Castle towards the end of the game and is not an easy challenge. Additionally, it introduces a new version of the Dragonslayer that has a unique connection to both dragons and the agile spear combat style of Ornstein.

Dragonslayer Armour is More Smough Than Ornstein

The Ultimate Guide to Dark Souls 3's Epic Dragonslayer Armour: Unraveling Hidden Secrets for Both New and Veteran Players

The most notable difference between the Dragonslayer Armour and its predecessor, the Dragonslayer Ornstein, is its choice of weapon. Unlike Ornstein's spear, this boss wields a massive axe reminiscent of Smough's hammer from the first Dark Souls game. As a result, the fight takes on a slower and more methodical pace, similar to battles with slower demon-type bosses in previous games, rather than the fast-paced duels with Ornstein.

While this may initially make it seem like defeating the Dragonslayer Armour in Dark Souls 3 will be easier compared to the original Ornstein and Smough encounter, the game's new pacing actually elevates the challenge. In Dark Souls 3, even the slowest attacks can be unleashed quickly, and the heavy axe swings of the Dragonslayer Armour are no exception. This means that players must be on par with Ornstein's agility and speed, while also contending with the increased damage from the boss's formidable weapon. Failing to dodge even a single one of these devastating attacks brings the player perilously close to death.

Dragonslayer Armour's Butterfly Empowered Phase Two

This results in a surprising fight for longtime fans of the Dark Souls series, initially appearing as a slower rendition of a familiar battle, while still maintaining the speed found in previous Dragonslayer Armour encounters. However, the devastating damage output becomes evident as the boss lands just a few hefty axe swings, overpowering even the sturdiest of builds. To compound the challenge, the transition into phase two introduces two cunning maneuvers that can catch players off guard, especially if they are unsure of what to expect from the boss and the arena.

The Ultimate Guide to Dark Souls 3's Epic Dragonslayer Armour: Unraveling Hidden Secrets for Both New and Veteran Players

Once the Dragonslayer Armour reaches approximately half of its health, it will kneel down, creating an impression that it is vulnerable for a riposte. However, attempting to exploit this moment will only result in the boss retaliating with a powerful slam attack, which can cause significant damage. This deceptive move often catches inexperienced players off guard, leading them to mistakenly believe that it follows FromSoftware's traditional parry and riposte system, even though they have witnessed the boss's counterattack multiple times.

Furthermore, during the second phase of the battle, the distant decaying butterflies also join in the defense of the Dragonslayer Armour. In the lore of Dark Souls 3, it is suggested that these butterflies are the true bosses, as they manipulate the lifeless Dragonslayer Armour to safeguard Lothric Castle from intruders. This ultimately leads to an even more chaotic battlefield, encouraging players to persevere and swiftly defeat their opponents if they wish to endure. Dark Souls 3 can be played on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.