The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3: Top Weapons to Steer Clear of in the Early Game
Discover the worst weapons for your early game journey in Baldur's Gate 3 From the feeble Broken Club to the underwhelming Light Crossbow, avoid these 10 weapons to ensure success in your adventures
Not all weapons in Baldur's Gate 3 are must-haves in the early game, and players should consider other options for stronger builds and easier boss fights.
In Baldur's Gate 3 gameplay, players are advised to steer clear of the Broken Club, Sickle, Javelin, and Club during the early stages of the game. These weapons offer limited effectiveness when compared to other available options. Instead, players are encouraged to opt for alternative weapons such as the Cleaver, Mace, Morningstar, Quarterstaff, Light Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Shortsword, and Longsword. These alternatives offer greater damage output, versatility, and practicality.
Players of Baldur's Gate 3, set in the Forgotten Realms of Dungeons & Dragons, can easily immerse themselves in the game's vast selection of powerful builds, spells, and strategies, even in the first Act. However, as with any roleplaying experience, not all items encountered in the early stages of Baldur's Gate 3 are necessary for character development. In particular, certain weapons should be avoided in the early game as there are stronger alternatives that can make battling bosses more manageable. While some weapons may initially seem appealing, players should consider more attractive options.
10 Broken Club
Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning
Properties: Simple, Light, Dippable
In RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3, players will often find their characters appearing quite helpless in the early stages of the game. This is primarily due to the lack of access to top-tier gear and the limited recognition their adventurers have gained. However, wielding a Broken Club doesn't exactly align with the image of a wandering Bard, or someone destined to save the world.
Given the similarity in stats between the Broken Club and the Club and its stylized variants, it is more logical to seek out the latter weapons instead of sticking to the former. While the Broken Club's ability to cause Dazed through Concussive Smash may cause enemies to lose their Reactions, this advantage does not justify giving up the potential of a weapon that adds a touch of visual flair to the game's intricate weapon and armor design.
9 Sickle
Damage: 1d4 Slashing
Properties: Simple, Light, Dippable
Extra: Lacerate
Modern depictions of grim reapers have influenced the use of farming implements, such as scythes, as symbolic weapons for Dungeons & Dragons characters. The Sickle, a smaller alternative to the scythe, is often chosen by players who desire to embody the dual-wielding messengers of the Grim Reaper. However, it is worth noting that the Sickle may not be the most practical weapon, especially in the early stages of Baldur's Gate 3.
While equipping the Sickle provides a unique visual appeal, it also allows players to utilize the Lacerate Weapon Action, which can cause opponents to bleed. This status inflicts Disadvantage on CON Saves and deals 2 Slashing Damage to the enemy at the start of their turn. However, players who are interested in the Lacerate effect may also consider using the Cleaver, a weapon with 1d6 Slashing Damage. The Cleaver has a more brutal butcher aesthetic that aligns well with players who have acquired their Illithid Powers.
8 Javelin
Damage: 1d6 Piercing
Properties: Simple, Dippable
Extra: Rush Attack
For players who enjoy engaging in up-close melee combat while still maintaining a safe mid-range distance, the Javelin provides the perfect solution with its powerful thrusting capabilities. With the implementation of the Rush Attack Action, enemies can be easily thrown off balance, resulting in a disadvantage to their strength and dexterity checks, as well as attacks made against them being at a disadvantage.
However, if players are seeking a more practical alternative, they can opt to exchange the Javelin for a Spear. In addition to featuring the Rush Attack Action, this weapon also possesses the Versatile property, allowing it to be used either one-handed with a 1d6 Piercing damage configuration or two-handed with a 1d8 Piercing damage configuration.
7 Club
Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning
Properties: Simple, Light, Dippable
Extra: Smash
The Club in Baldur's Gate 3 may have a more appealing appearance compared to its Broken Club variant, especially for Multiclass spellcasters who rely on a reliable weapon in combat. Equipping the Club grants players the ability to use Smash, which is essentially a standard weapon attack.
However, it is more advantageous for players to find a Mace considering its overall damage capabilities. Similar to the Club, the Mace inflicts Bludgeoning Damage, but with a larger dice pool of 1d6. Additionally, the Mace remains Dippable and possesses the more lethal Concussive Smash Action, allowing for a more substantial increase in DPS.
6 Mace
Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning
Properties: Simple, Dippable
For a more thematic approach to playing a Cleric in Baldur’s Gate 3, players can consider equipping their divine spellcaster with a Mace alongside a shield. The Mace, with its spherical-tip, is a more impressive and sacred weapon compared to a Club. Although the Mace outperforms a Club, if we solely consider the number of dice used, a Light Hammer is a more suitable choice for a Bludgeoning weapon.
While the Light Hammer exhibits comparable attributes to the Concussive Smash Action, its ability to wield a larger 1d8 Bludgeoning damage dice renders it a more pragmatic one-handed smashing weapon of choice for adventurers who carry shields.
5 Light Hammer
Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning
Properties: Light, Thrown
Extra: Concussive Smash
The Light Hammer is a thematically fitting weapon in Baldur's Gate 3 for players who lean towards either good or dark characters. It serves as a simple weapon, often chosen by Clerics or Paladins, and can easily be upgraded to a Warhammer.
However, despite its imposing appearance, the Morningstar is a more intimidating and practical choice for an upgrade. Along with its 1d8 Piercing Damage, it also inflicts Chest Trauma, which forces the target to have Disadvantage on CON Saves and reduces their number of Actions per turn. Additionally, it has the ability to induce daze with its Concussive Smash attack.
4 Spear
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (1H), 1d8 Piercing (2H)
Properties: Simple, Versatile, Dippable
Extra: Swift Assault
In terms of combat tactics in Baldur's Gate 3, the Spear proves to be a sensible option for versatile mid-range engagements. While it is initially a two-handed weapon, players have the flexibility to switch to a one-handed grip and utilize a shield for additional defense if necessary. Alternatively, they can opt for a two-handed grip, enhancing the Piercing damage from 1d6 to 1d8.
However, despite the advantages of the Off-Balance Weapon Action, the Quarterstaff proves to be a more practical choice for mid-range melee attackers. It shares similar properties, but instead of Off-Balance, it offers the Topple Weapon Action. By utilizing Topple, a target must succeed on a Dexterity Save to avoid being knocked Prone. Additionally, the Quarterstaff is one of only two weapons that can be used with the Shillelagh Cantrip, allowing the wielder to automatically deal 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage and utilize their Spellcasting Ability for both Attack and Damage Rolls.
3 Shortbow
Damage: 1d6 Piercing
Properties: Simple, Two-Handed
Extra: Hamstring Shot
The Shortbow in Baldur's Gate 3 is a reliable long-range weapon for players in need. It is classified as a Simple Weapon, making it accessible to most characters. One of its notable abilities, the Hamstring Shot, can reduce an opponent's movement by half, providing players with a debuff to create an opportunity for repositioning.
However, for those seeking a weapon with similar qualities, the Light Crossbow proves to be a more practical choice before venturing into the realm of Versatile Weapons. With a 1d8 Piercing damage dice, it has the potential to inflict more damage. Additionally, its Piercing Shot can cause Gaping Wounds, which deal an additional +2 Piercing Damage whenever the affected creature is attacked. This advantage grants the Light Crossbow a higher level of DPS.
2 Light Crossbow
Damage: 1d8 Piercing
Properties: Simple, Two-Handed
Extra: Piercing Shot
The Light Crossbow is a sleek two-handed long-range weapon in Baldur's Gate 3 gameplay, offering players a more effective option than the Shortbow. With its ability to inflict 1d8 Piercing damage and the potential to add +2 bonus Piercing Damage with Piercing Shot, it becomes a practical tool for long-range combat, even for inexperienced fighters.
1 Scimitar
However, individuals who have undergone training are encouraged to swap out the Light Crossbow for the Hand Crossbow, which offers a greater level of practicality. Despite its smaller 1d6 Piercing Damage dice, the Hand Crossbow surpasses its counterpart with the availability of Piercing Shot and the added perk of Mobile Shot. The Mobile Shot ability enables players to make a ranged attack after moving, utilizing a Bonus Action once per Short Rest. Additionally, even without utilizing this action, the damage output of the Hand Crossbow scales with a player's Dexterity attribute, making it an excellent choice for dual-wielding and maximizing damage per second.
Damage: 1d6 Slashing
Properties: Martial, Light, FInesse
Extra: Flourish, Lacerate
Players who are fans of Dungeons & Dragons lore may be interested in the Scimitar, as it is said to be inspired by the original Drow design in Baldur's Gate 3 gameplay. The Scimitar deals 1d6 Slashing Damage and can be used as a melee-ranged weapon, similar to a Shortbow. It also offers various Weapon Actions like Off-Balancing Flourish and Bleeding-inducing Lacerate, adding versatility to gameplay.
Although the Scimitar, including its more common variant, the Goblin Scimitar, has a unique appearance in the RPG, there are two other weapons that are more practical choices. The first is the less common Shortsword, which has the same statistics and Weapon Actions as the Scimitar. The second option is the Longsword, another versatile weapon that offers a wider range of Weapon Actions, including Lacerate, Daze-inducing Pommel Strike, and Off-Balancing Rush Attack.
Baldur's Gate 3 is currently available on PC with a MacOS and PS5 release slated for September 6, 2023.