The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring the Exquisite Royal Hunting Bow in Remnant 2
Discover the whereabouts of the formidable Royal Hunting Bow, one of the most powerful primary weapons in Remnant 2 Unleash its devastating impact as you embark on your thrilling journey
Bows in Remnant 2 might go unnoticed by many players, as they are all hidden behind secret quests. Among these bows is the Royal Hunting Bow, which sacrifices unique style for increased versatility.
Unlike the game's other weapon types, there is no Earth-made version of the Royal Hunting Bow. This means players cannot purchase any similar bows from Brabus, making it the only one of its kind capable of utilizing weapon mods. Fortunately, obtaining this weapon is relatively straightforward and does not require complicated secrets like the rest of its counterparts in Remnant 2.
Remnant 2: Royal Hunting Bow Location
The Royal Hunting Bow is a weapon crafted by the enigmatic and aggressive Fae race residing in Losomn. To embark on their journey in this realm, players have the option to start at either the Beatific Palace or the Morrow Parish. Regardless of their choice, they must locate a castle or a mystical Fae door that will transport them to the Postulant's Parlor, an unpredictable random dungeon that can manifest within Losomn.
The Postulant's Parlor stands out due to its distinct characteristics. Firstly, its map is unnervingly symmetrical and repetitious. Secondly, instead of the conventional boss battle, players will encounter a chilling statue positioned before a board game. Overcoming the guards, they must then challenge this statue to a game of cursed tic-tac-toe.
Form a line using the three white pieces on the board while preventing the opponent from forming a line of their own. Losing inflicts a Curse stack on the player, reducing their maximum health until the effect is cleansed. Winning opens the door behind the statue, revealing the Royal Hunting Bow on an ornate altar surrounded by candles.
The Royal Hunting Bow fires one arrow at a time at a moderately slow pace, with incredibly high damage-per-shot values. Its damage can be further increased with the right builds. This weapon is ideal for long-ranged playstyles, particularly with the Hunter Archetype, as it provides the best ranged damage buffs.
To maximize the effectiveness of the Royal Hunting Bow, players have the freedom to equip various mods. However, due to its vulnerability when facing large groups of enemies, it is advisable to opt for mods that possess crowd-control abilities such as Time Lapse and Scrap Shot.
Remnant 2 is currently accessible on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S platforms.