The Ultimate Guide: Mastering Earth Exploration in Starfield

The Ultimate Guide: Mastering Earth Exploration in Starfield

Discover the breathtaking journey to our home planet in Starfield Unveil the secrets of reaching Earth as you embark on an epic adventure like no other

How to reach Earth in Starfield

If you are wondering how to reach Earth in Starfield, there is a simple solution. In this futuristic game, which takes place 300 years ahead, humanity has already spread across distant star systems. However, rest assured that you can still return to your home planet. Before proceeding, please keep in mind that this guide contains spoilers.

To reach Earth in Starfield, you must first unlock the fast travel mechanic, which allows you to journey to the Sol system. Here is a brief overview:

Fast travel becomes available early on in the campaign, and the game truly expands as soon as you reach New Atlantis in the Alpha Centauri system.

Since the Sol system is in close proximity to Alpha Centauri, you can easily activate your grav drive to make the journey.

After arriving, choose the Earth as your destination and select a landing spot.

As mentioned earlier, we have spoilers to disclose regarding the Starfield rendition of Earth. Once you touch down, be prepared for a grim reality: the planet has transformed into a desolate wasteland. Centuries ago, the magnetosphere suffered irreversible damage, resulting in the extinction of all living creatures and the deterioration of the atmosphere. Comparable to the moon known as Luna, exploring Earth requires donning a spacesuit and helmet for your safety.

Thankfully, humans were able to escape aboard ark ships. First settling on Jemison and founding New Atlantis, the remaining humans spread across the stars, establishing bustling cities like Akila and Neon. Meanwhile, others embarked on interstellar journeys or engaged in illicit activities as space travelers or pirates.

The Ultimate Guide: Mastering Earth Exploration in Starfield

In Starfield, Earth is a derelict planet. On a separate note, despite its lifelessness, Earth still retains a few prominent landmarks that one can explore. Here are a few examples:

If you read the Oliver Twist novel found as loot in some locations, an icon for London will appear on the map.

If you read the Ancient Civilization of Egypt book, an icon for Egypt will appear.

Finally, there is a primary mission known as Unearthed that transports players to an unexpected location within North America.

Who knows what other mysteries await on our beloved planet? If you happen to uncover any, do share with us! This encompasses all you need to know about accessing Earth in the extraordinary world of Starfield. Don't despair if you are unable to visit our homeland right away, as there is an expansive galaxy awaiting your exploration.

Starfield is a massive game with numerous planets to explore. For other tips and tactics, you can visit our guides hub.