The Ultimate Genshin Impact Fontemer Aberrants Farming Handbook
Encounter the menacing Fontemer Aberrants, common enemies lurking in the Fontaine region of Genshin Impact Unleash your farming skills to conquer these foes and delve into their various locations, including Belleau, Court of Fontaine, and Beryl Prepare for an epic battle!
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Types Of Fontemer AberrantsHow To Farm Fontemer Aberrants
Fontemer Aberrant Locations on Land
Following the launch of Genshin Impact's 4.0 update and the introduction of the Fontaine region, players have come across unfamiliar adversaries known as Fontemer Aberrants. These aquatic creatures can be spotted all across the Fontaine region, both above and below the water's surface. Their presence diversifies the game's ecosystem, offering players fresh obstacles to conquer while venturing through this uncharted territory.
Fontemer Aberrants in Genshin Impact consist of a variety of marine creatures such as crabs, seahorses, seals, octopuses, and others. They come in different colors and exhibit varying levels of aggression. While engaging and defeating them is generally simple and straightforward, except for the miniboss versions known as Local Legends, there are a few important details to bear in mind. It is important to note that all Fontemer Aberrants drop the same material, Transoceanic Pearl, along with its rarer forms, Transoceanic Chunk and Xenochromatic Crystal. These materials are necessary for character ascensions and talents, particularly for characters like Freminet and the Hydro Traveler.
Types Of Fontemer Aberrants
There are currently 7 Normal Fontemer Aberrants and 3 Elite variations, which are generally more powerful and can be encountered on both land and in the sea. It's important to mention that Elite variations have a greater likelihood of dropping the rarer versions of the talent and ascension material, while Normal variations mostly drop Transoceanic Pearls due to drop chance modifiers.
In contrast to their more docile counterparts, Elite Fontemer Aberrants display a more hostile nature. They will automatically engage players upon detecting their proximity, regardless of any prior aggression. Additionally, when encountered on land, these Elite Aberrants possess a shield that mitigates incoming damage. It's important to note that this shield does not render them invulnerable, unlike the shields utilized by other adversaries such as Abyss Mages or Abyss Heralds. Here is a list of the various types of Fontemer Aberrants players may encounter:
Normal Fontemer Aberrants
Angelic Sea Hare
Armored Crab
Ball Octopus
Bubbly Seahorse
Hat Jellyfish
Hunter's Ray
Elite Fontemer Aberrants
Bubbler Seahorse
Cherubic Sea Hare
Sternshield Crab
How To Farm Fontemer Aberrants
There are nearly 500 Fontemar Aberrant spots in total, with a majority of them being underwater. Due to this, it can be challenging to follow a specific farming route. However, it is advisable for players to prioritize farming the land-based Fontemer Aberrants, as they have a higher chance of dropping rare materials. After that, the in-game enemy tracking guide can be utilized to locate the underwater Fontemer Aberrants. It is recommended to also farm any other enemies encountered along the way to the next spots. The enemy tracking guide conveniently displays groups consisting mostly of Elite Fontemer Aberrants (unless there are none left), although there may also be regular versions mixed in.
It is important to mention that while players can use their character's skills on land to defeat Fontemer Aberrants, it is recommended that they utilize the abilities of nearby Xenochromatic Creatures for the underwater ones. These Xenochromatic Creatures include the water blades from Hunter Rays, sonar waves from Blubberbeasts, and armor from the Armored Crabs. Players can easily locate these creatures as they will have markers indicating their abilities on their heads. By aiming at the Xenochromatic Creatures and using basic attacks, players can acquire their abilities. It should be noted that players can defeat Fontemer Aberrants without acquiring these abilities, but it will take longer and they will be more vulnerable to enemy attacks.
For the Fontemer Aberrants on land, players can use their usual farming team. However, it is recommended to focus on applying multiple elements, ideally including at least one Hydro character, to deplete their shields with Elemental Reactions. During their shield mode, Fontemer Aberrants will unleash stronger attacks of their respective element and gain a 60% resistance to all elements and damage types. Bubbler Seahorse acquires an Electro shield, Cherubic Sea Hare gains a Cryo shield, and Sternshield Crab gains a Pyro shield.
Fontemer Aberrant Locations on Land
Here are some routes players can follow on land to find the Fontemer Aberrants easily:
Fontemer Aberrants at Belleau
On the southern part of the map, players will stumble upon the first Statue of Seven when they reach Fontaine. This area is known for its numerous island formations with an abundance of Fontemer Aberrants. To reach this location, the nearest teleport point is either the southernmost point in the Beryl region or, ideally, the artifact domain in Belleau Region. From there, players can navigate around each island and the nearby coastal regions. For those looking to fully explore this route, they can even dive between the islands to discover the underwater Fontemer Aberrants along the way.
On the south part of the main island of Belleau Region, there are also more Fontemer Aberrants easily reachable through the nearby teleport point.
There are also two additional Fontemer Aberrants locations located in the middle and northern parts of the Belleau Region. Nonetheless, it is advisable to combine farming these locations with exploring underwater areas since the teleport point on land is not conveniently nearby. By utilizing an underwater teleport point, players can encounter a greater number of enemies to farm and enhance the efficiency of their farming route.
Fontemer Aberrants at Court of Fontaine
While there may not be many specific areas on land where Fontemer Aberrants can be found at the Court of Fontaine, the limited locations available are teeming with both elite Fontemer Aberrants and their regular counterparts. One such location, depicted in the image above, can be found in the northern section of the Court of Fontaine on the western side of the map. Players will encounter a substantial number of Fontemer Aberrants after teleporting to the designated teleportation point.
Upon teleporting to the designated teleport point marked on the map, players can head west along the shoreline to encounter additional Fontemer Aberrants. It is worth noting that the eastern portion of the Court of Fontaine's land region does not host any land-based enemies of this type, although there is an abundance of them underwater in the vast body of water in between.
Fontemer Aberrants at Beryl
Fontemer Aberrants can be found scattered along the shorelines of Beryl, including the inland lakes in the central region of this area. To locate them, players can conveniently teleport to the nearest points and follow the shorelines diligently.
The north shoreline of Beryl offers numerous accessible spots for players, thanks to the teleport points located nearby. Genshin Impact is currently accessible on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version currently being developed.