The Ultimate Game-Changer: Unleashing the Power of Persuasion Checks in Cyberpunk 2077's Sequel
Enhance the RPG experience of Cyberpunk 2077's sequel with a game-changing addition: the incorporation of a persuasive system, allowing players to delve deeper into character builds and enriching gameplay (225 characters)
Cyberpunk 2077's focus on interesting characters and a compelling game world outweighs its light RPG features and systems.
However, the focus of builds in Cyberpunk 2077 is primarily on gameplay rather than narrative elements, leading to limitations in the influence of player decisions within quests.
By incorporating a persuasion system, the potential sequel of Cyberpunk 2077 could greatly enhance the player experience by enabling them to embody diverse character archetypes and substantially expanding the narrative content.
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While Cyberpunk 2077 is often classified as an RPG, it deviates from the typical RPG features and systems commonly found in other games of the genre. However, this unique approach does have its merits. Cyberpunk 2077's emphasis on captivating characters and an immersive game world can be seen as more appealing than traditional RPG mechanics. Nevertheless, the game does strive to deliver a full-fledged role-playing experience and introducing a persuasion system could assist in accomplishing this goal.
Although players have a fair amount of freedom when it comes to creating their character in Cyberpunk 2077, these decisions primarily impact gameplay in the moment, rather than significantly influencing the overall narrative. The chosen lifepath of the player and their attributes can unlock different dialogue options, but their impact on quests is generally minimal. As a result, the choices made when leveling up the protagonist, known as V, largely affect combat scenarios. While this can result in enjoyable situations for players embarking on a fresh Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough, it may be disappointing for those wishing to avoid combat encounters or adopt the role of a smooth-talking, non-confrontational character.
Cyberpunk 2077's Sequel Could Be a Better RPG by Including Persuasion Checks
The sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 should incorporate persuasion and deception options in dialog, akin to traditional tabletop RPGs. These options should be well-developed and viable play styles, enabling players to create a character focused on talking their way out of situations, charming or tricking NPCs to achieve objectives.
Recent RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield have effectively implemented persuasion mechanics, providing a source of inspiration for Cyberpunk 2077's sequel. By incorporating a similar system, the game would offer additional narrative content, rewarding players who invest in persuasion or charisma builds. This option serves as an elegant solution for players who prioritize the storytelling aspects of an RPG. The persuasion mechanic could take form as interactive interactions, similar to Starfield and other Bethesda RPGs, or it could be a dialogue check influenced by character stats, items, and other in-game modifiers.
The inclusion of a persuasion system in the RPG genre greatly enhances the sense of freedom. In Cyberpunk 2077, players are faced with important decisions that have meaningful consequences, increasing immersion, engagement, and replayability. However, this level of freedom does not extend to V as a character, as they are always portrayed as a violent mercenary. While this suits the pre-defined nature of V's character, a potential sequel could benefit from a more traditional RPG approach that includes a persuasion system. Such a system would allow players to roleplay as smooth-talkers, con artists, or pacifists, providing more diverse choices beyond just combat. Taking inspiration from games like Starfield or Baldur's Gate 3, the inclusion of an interactive persuasion mechanic would undoubtedly improve the role-playing elements of the game. It would provide an appealing alternative to the archetype of the violent mercenary and increase the variety of character builds. Ultimately, Cyberpunk 2077's sequel has the opportunity to carve its own path, but embracing this RPG staple would likely satisfy many fans of the genre.
Cyberpunk 2077 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.