The Ultimate Fix: How Raj's Cut Indian Wedding Could Have Saved The Big Bang Theory Season 12

The Ultimate Fix: How Raj's Cut Indian Wedding Could Have Saved The Big Bang Theory Season 12

Discover the missed opportunity in The Big Bang Theory's Season 12 finale as we explore 5 compelling reasons why Raj's cut Indian wedding would have revitalized the show's storytelling, character arcs, and avoided the cringey finale cameo Don't miss out on what could have been!


The Big Bang Theory

The final season encountered some problems, such as a poorly executed pregnancy storyline for Leonard and Penny, as well as the lack of a substantial personal narrative for Raj. The Indian wedding for Raj, which unfortunately never materialized, had the potential to address these critiques and provide a much-needed balance to the storytelling in season 12.

Raj, the only single member in his group of friends, deserved a happy ending and an Indian wedding could have brought the main cast together again, giving the show a satisfying conclusion.

The final season of The Big Bang Theory almost included Raj's Indian wedding, which could have resolved several issues in season 12. In 2019, CBS concluded one of the most popular sitcoms of all time with a special farewell to the Pasadena gang. Despite some inconsistencies and pacing problems in the last season, The Big Bang Theory managed to deliver a generally satisfying finale. Sheldon and Amy won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and Penny and Leonard discovered that they were expecting their first child. However, with some minor adjustments, CBS could have created an even better season 12.

Sheldon and Amy's conclusion was flawlessly executed, while Howard and Bernadette's fate was deemed satisfactory. However, the outcome for some members of the Pasadena gang in The Big Bang Theory was less than ideal. The pregnancy storyline involving Leonard and Penny was disappointingly executed, turning into one of the show's major letdowns. Nevertheless, the couple did experience significant character development. Conversely, Raj's personal narrative was severely lacking in season 12. Despite CBS's attempt to introduce a romantic plot for him, it ultimately amounted to nothing. Interestingly, early plans for season 12 of The Big Bang Theory included Raj's Indian wedding, but this idea was ultimately abandoned, as disclosed by writer Steve Molaro.

5 The Big Bang Theory's Scrapped Indian Wedding Would Have Made Up For Raj's Bad Ending

The Ultimate Fix: How Raj's Cut Indian Wedding Could Have Saved The Big Bang Theory Season 12

When The Big Bang Theory first premiered, it operated as a traditional ensemble. Each member of the original cast had their own storylines and character arcs. However, as the series progressed, Sheldon slowly became the focal point and de facto protagonist. Season 12 of The Big Bang Theory solidified this shift, as it primarily revolved around Sheldon's quest for the Nobel Prize. As a result, the other characters took on more supportive roles. The show attempted to provide Raj with his own personal arc by introducing Anu, a new love interest arranged by their parents. Their storyline revolved around the idea of an impending marriage.

Their relationship came to a halt until they made the tough decision to cancel their wedding. Molaro revealed that they ended things because they failed to establish a strong bond. Despite lacking the immediate chemistry seen in Penny and Leonard, as well as Sheldon and Amy, Raj and Anu possessed the potential for a great partnership. If The Big Bang Theory had chosen to explore their relationship further, witnessing their marriage through an Indian ceremony would have effectively addressed concerns regarding Raj's treatment on the show. Unfortunately, by the end of TBBT, Raj was not only left without a clear career path despite just starting a new job, but he was also single.

4 Raj's Wedding Would Have Balanced Out TBBT Final Season's Storytelling

The Ultimate Fix: How Raj's Cut Indian Wedding Could Have Saved The Big Bang Theory Season 12

The Big Bang Theory finale proved to be highly entertaining, but season 12 as a whole had its shortcomings. CBS' storytelling was severely unbalanced, focusing excessively on Sheldon and Amy's pursuit of the Nobel Prize. The sitcom dedicated an overwhelming amount of time to this storyline, introducing guest stars and even orchestrating a crossover with Young Sheldon. Unfortunately, this overshadowed the rest of the ensemble cast, with characters like Penny and Leonard's pregnancy conflict receiving inadequate execution and consequently facing significant criticism from viewers.

Had CBS gone ahead with the proposed Indian wedding for Raj and Anu, it would have added much-needed diversity to season 12 of The Big Bang Theory. This change in storyline would have shifted the focus away from Sheldon and Amy's narrative, as they would have been physically absent from Pasadena and Caltech. Additionally, the overseas trip could have allowed Penny and Leonard the opportunity to reflect on and openly discuss their differing opinions on starting a family. Ultimately, it would have been advantageous for Howard and Bernadette to embark on their first parents' trip earlier in the season, rather than reserving it for the finale of The Big Bang Theory.

3 Raj's TBBT Indian Wedding Would Have Left All The Pasadena Gang Members Married

The Ultimate Fix: How Raj's Cut Indian Wedding Could Have Saved The Big Bang Theory Season 12

Raj's pursuit of love in The Big Bang Theory was a continuous struggle amidst his friends' flourishing romantic escapades. Throughout the show, he embarked on numerous dates, even gathering all his past flames in a quest to decipher the reasons behind his failed relationships. Desperation drove him to the point where he sought his parents' intervention for an arranged marriage. What intensified the situation was the ironic fact that Raj was, perhaps, the most ardent romantic within the Pasadena gang.

2 Raj's Indian Wedding Would Have Given TBBT's Final Season A Collective Arc

: Raj being the only single member of his friend group was not just disappointing, but also deeply upsetting. It seemed completely unfair that someone like Sheldon could find love while Raj couldn't. If The Big Bang Theory had allowed Raj and Anu to stay together and proceed with their wedding, the show could have ensured that all members of the Pasadena gang found happiness in their marriages.

The Ultimate Fix: How Raj's Cut Indian Wedding Could Have Saved The Big Bang Theory Season 12

Despite its standout moments, The Big Bang Theory truly shined when it united its core cast. However, as the show progressed, these collective storylines became infrequent, giving way to separate A and B plots. Raj and Anu's Indian wedding presented a golden opportunity to reassemble the entire gang for an epic adventure before The Big Bang Theory came to an end. Organizing the event would have involved everyone, leading to more lively group interactions within the Pasadena gang. Furthermore, the journey to India itself would add an intriguing element, considering it had been quite some time since the gang embarked on a true getaway.

1 The Big Bang Theory Season 12's Scrapped Raj Wedding Would Remove The Cringey Finale Cameo

The Ultimate Fix: How Raj's Cut Indian Wedding Could Have Saved The Big Bang Theory Season 12

If The Big Bang Theory season 12 had included Raj and Anu's Indian wedding, the finale wouldn't have featured the somewhat tacky cameo by Sarah Michelle Gellar. Don't get me wrong, seeing the Buffy actress was a pleasant surprise, especially considering the show's sci-fi themes. However, her appearance during the Nobel Prize ceremony felt out of place and a bit tasteless. Raj holding hands with her, only to be reminded that she wasn't interested in him, added to the tragic tone of Raj's finale on The Big Bang Theory. It highlighted the fact that while his friends had found love, he remained alone.

Even if Raj had married Anu, The Big Bang Theory finale could still have found a way to incorporate Gellar into the episode. Perhaps the show could have come up with a better way to feature her than how she was utilized. Instead of simply having her sit in the audience during Sheldon and Amy's Nobel acceptance speech, maybe the whole gang could have interacted with her beforehand.