The Ultimate DS9 Reveal Timeline: Unveiling All Star Trek Secrets Since Sisko's Era!
Discover the enduring influence of DS9 in the ever-evolving Star Trek universe From beloved characters to galactic transformations, explore the captivating legacy of Deep Space Nine in this fascinating article
WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Lower Decks, season 4, episode 7, "A Few Badgeys More."
Characters from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine have appeared in multiple Star Trek shows, showcasing their ongoing significance and influence on the franchise.
Among DS9's notable contributions are Odo's esteemed role as a Starfleet officer, Quark's thriving intergalactic business empire, and the enigmatic rumors surrounding Sisko's vanishing.
Other notable updates include revenge involving the Changelings, the promotion of Worf to captain, the rise of DS9 as a popular tourist destination, and the ongoing connections between beloved characters such as Kira, Quark, Worf, and Odo. Despite the absence of a proper sequel series for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the larger Star Trek franchise has continued to provide updates on the stories of the iconic space station and its crew. There are various reasons for the lack of a DS9 follow-up alongside shows like Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: Prodigy. In addition to Avery Brooks' apparent lack of interest in reprising his role as Captain Benjamin Sisko, there is the concern that a sequel series could undermine the acclaimed finale of DS9, which neatly wrapped up the storyline. Alex Kurtzman has mentioned prior discussions about revisiting the DS9 universe, but as of now, no concrete plans have surfaced.
Despite the absence of a full-fledged revival of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine on Paramount+, several characters from the show have made their return in other places. Worf (Michael Dorn) from DS9 returned in Star Trek: Picard season 3, and unlike his appearances in TNG movies, his time on Deep Space Nine played a crucial role in his Klingon-centric storyline. The storyline of Picard season 3 came closest to creating a hypothetical DS9 season 8 in modern Star Trek. Nonetheless, the impact of Sisko and Deep Space Nine goes beyond Star Trek: Picard, as many other shows in the franchise have also explored what has transpired since the conclusion of DS9.
16 DS9's Odo Is An Honorary Starfleet Officer
In the Star Trek: Prodigy episode "Kobayashi", young Starfleet hopeful Dal R'El (Brett Gray) takes on the renowned Kobayashi Maru simulation in the holodeck of the USS Protostar. Escorted by a crew of esteemed Starfleet icons, Dal assumes the commanding position on the bridge of the legendary USS Enterprise-D. Among the distinguished officers, such as Lt. Commander Spock (Leonard Nimoy), Captain Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (James Doohan), and Lt. Uhura (Nichelle Nichols), is Constable Odo (Rene Auberjonois) from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Despite lacking an official Starfleet commission as a Bajoran officer, Odo's inclusion in the program glorifies his significant contributions to the Federation during the Dominion War.
15 Quark Has An Intergalactic Business Empire
Quark (Armin Shimerman) has expanded his business ventures beyond Deep Space Nine, as depicted in both Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: Picard. In addition to franchiseing his renowned establishment, Quark's Bar, Quark has licensed models of the space station and an engaging holographic board game hosted by General Martok (J.G. Hertzler). His unprecedented success, however, stems from stolen technology acquired from the Gamma Quadrant, consequently obligating the Karemma, Quark's former Dominion allies, to receive a portion of his immense profits. Furthermore, it has been discovered that Quark is associated with Ferengi gangster Sneed (Aaron Stanford), who once made an ill-fated attempt to set fire to Deep Space Nine.
14 There Are Conspiracy Theories About Sisko's Disappearance
Star Trek: Lower Decks unveiled a surprising revelation regarding the finale of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, suggesting that there are doubters within the Federation who refuse to accept that Sisko's journey ended in the Celestial Temple. In a Starfleet recruitment fair during Lower Decks season 3, Ensigns Bradward Boimler and Beckett Mariner found themselves interrogated by these conspiracy theorists. According to them, DS9's Captain was intentionally made to disappear to safeguard Starfleet's reputation by concealing Sisko's potentially scandalous acts. While Mariner attempted to alleviate these suspicions, it is thought-provoking to contemplate the reactions both within and outside the Federation to the enigmatic disappearance of the Hero of the Dominion War.
13 DS9's Changelings Sought Revenge For The Dominion War
Star Trek: Picard season 3 unveiled a shocking revelation - a renegade faction of the Changelings joined forces with the Borg Queen (Alice Krige) in a quest for revenge against the Federation. In a cunning act of infiltration, these Changelings infiltrated Starfleet and introduced Borg DNA into the transporter buffers. Consequently, every officer below the age of 25 was instantly assimilated by the Borg Collective. As part of their intricate scheme to cripple the Federation, the Changelings even took on the guise of Captain Tuvok (Tim Russ) from Star Trek: Voyager. This disturbing turn of events served as a poignant reminder that Odo's efforts to guide his people past the trauma inflicted by the Dominion War and Section 31's genocidal ambitions fell tragically short.
12 Worf Became Enterprise Captain After DS9
At the conclusion of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Lt. Commander Worf was granted the role of the Federation ambassador to the Klingon home world. Nonetheless, Star Trek: Nemesis offered a glimpse into this career change not lasting, as it seemed that diplomacy did not align well with Mr. Worf's nature. Subsequent to the events of Nemesis, Worf was appointed as the Captain of the USS Enterprise-E, succeeding Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). Benefitting from the guidance of Captain Sisko, Worf gained valuable insights into the challenges associated with the fourth insignia pip. The misfortune experienced by Worf aboard the Enterprise validated Sisko's cautionary advice, ultimately causing the Klingon to relinquish his command and instead become a freelance contractor for Starfleet Intelligence.
11 Deep Space Nine Is A Tourist Hotspot
Since the conclusion of the Dominion War, Deep Space Nine has transformed into a place of immense historical significance. Quark's clever marketing tactics have undeniably played a role in this. In the episode "Hear All, Trust Nothing," the crew of the USS Cerritos visited the station, and Ensign Sam Rutherford (played by Eugene Cordero) eagerly planned out an itinerary of activities. Among his interests were Chief Miles O'Brien's treasured dart board, the renowned Cardassian tailor Elim Garak (portrayed by Andrew Robinson), and the notable Jake Sisko (played by Cirroc Lofton). These references highlight the legendary status that the station and its inhabitants have acquired in the years following the Dominion War, solidifying its position as a thriving commercial hub.
10 Colonel Kira Is Still In Charge Of DS9
Colonel Kira Nerys, portrayed by Nana Visitor, remains as the commanding officer of Deep Space Nine, residing in the office formerly occupied by Sisko. In Star Trek: Lower Decks, it was revealed that she cherishes Sisko's treasured baseball, which serves as a constant reminder of their close bond and his influential role in her life. Lower Decks also disclosed that Kira has taken on the responsibility of overseeing Quark, Odo's closest companion, and intervening when his fraudulent Karemma scheme was exposed. Although Deep Space Nine is now firmly under Bajoran control, it continues to maintain strong connections with Starfleet and the Federation, a tribute to Kira's former comrades from the DS9 crew.
9 Worf & Odo Are Still In Contact
In addition to Kira and Quark, the Star Trek franchise has revealed that Odo and Worf have maintained contact since the conclusion of DS9. In Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard, it was disclosed that Worf became aware of a potential Changeling conspiracy through his longtime friend. Initially, Worf and Odo clashed due to the Klingon's reluctance to let go of his past as the Starfleet Chief of Security on the USS Enterprise-D. Considering how the Changelings were mistreated by Starfleet during the Dominion War, it is a testament to the level of trust Odo has in Worf that he reached out to him to warn him about the renegade faction plotting against the Federation.
8 Sisko's 2 Starships Are In The Starfleet Museum
7 Grand Nagus Rom Has Revolutionized The Ferengi Home World
Star Trek: Picard season 3 also unveiled that the Starfleet Museum above Athan Prime displayed both the second USS Defiant and a restored USS Saratoga as exhibits. Although renowned as the Bajoran Emissary and commanding officer of Deep Space Nine, Sisko had connections to both starships. The Defiant played a crucial role in Starfleet's defense against the Dominion, whereas the Saratoga was among the 39 starships lost in the Battle of Wolf-359. Given that the museum houses several Enterprises and the USS Voyager, it is only fitting that Sisko receives a commemoration on par with them.
In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's final season, Rom (Max Grodénchik), Quark's brother, becomes the Grand Nagus and brings about significant progressive changes. Gender equality is now established, and Rom has outlawed the Ferengi's criminal activities for profit. With years of experience working under his brother and learning from his son Nog (Aron Eisenberg), Rom acknowledges that greater profits can be achieved through hospitality and leisure. Rom's wife, First Clerk Leeta (Chase Masterson), stands by his side as an equal partner in all business negotiations.
6 The Ferengi Will Join The Federation - Thanks To DS9's Rom
5 DS9's Nog Is Still Remembered In The 32nd Century
Star Trek: Lower Decks unveiled the inclusion of the Ferengi into the Federation subsequent to the application made by Grand Nagus Rom. This significant development signifies a bold stride in the Ferengi's relationship with Starfleet and the Federation, paying tribute to the influential efforts of Nog and Ishka (Cecily Adams), who advocated for a more progressive Ferenginar. With the Ferengi now part of the Federation, their adept negotiation skills offer the potential to attract additional member planets. This momentous occasion marks the completion of the Ferengi rehabilitation initiated in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
The crew of the USS Discovery arrived in the 32nd century during the events of Star Trek: Discovery season 3. Their mission was to rebuild Starfleet and the Federation in this distant future. Surprisingly, the legacy of Nog, the first Ferengi in Starfleet, was acknowledged and respected by the institution. The USS Nog, an impressive Eisenberg-class starship, made a notable appearance alongside the USS Discovery. Furthermore, a heartwarming scene revealed a futuristic Ferengi who had risen to the rank of Starfleet Captain. This poignant tribute serves as a touching reminder of Aron Eisenberg's tremendous impact on the Star Trek franchise, even following his unfortunate passing in 2019.
4 Chief O'Brien Is The Most Important Man In Starfleet History
3 DS9's Chula Game Is Still Causing Chaos
If Chief O'Brien had not moved Deep Space Nine towards the mouth of the wormhole in Star Trek: Lower Decks, it is hinted that the Cardassians would have taken credit for discovering the wormhole and the Gamma Quadrant. This significant act changed the course of history for Bajor and the Federation, establishing Chief O'Brien as one of the most important figures in Star Trek lore.
In Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4, a surprising discovery was made in the anomaly storage room - a Wadi Chula game. This game brought chaos to Deep Space Nine as the senior staff found themselves trapped within its perplexing challenges. The fact that the game board is stored in the anomaly storage room confirms its presence in the Alpha Quadrant. Lower Decks shed light on the dark side of the Chula game, suggesting that there is a significant amount of shame associated with being unable to conquer its baffling trials. Rutherford, in a bid to escape, found himself trapped inside the game and was compelled to complete it quickly in order to return to the Cerritos.
2 DS9's Breen Are Still A Threat
The Dominion War could have taken a different turn for Starfleet if not for the Breen, who possessed incredibly advanced technology. Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 sheds light on the ongoing danger posed by the Breen, despite their withdrawal following the war. Captain Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis) and her away team stumbled upon a Breen invasion force on Brekka, surviving by a stroke of luck. It is highly plausible that the Breen's expansion into the Delos system continues, solidifying their status as a formidable adversary in the future of Star Trek.
1 Deep Space Nine Was Possessed By Badgey
In the seventh episode of the fourth season of Star Trek: Lower Decks, titled "A Few Badgeys More," the deranged hologram known as Badgey transfers his consciousness into the subspace network. This grants him complete dominance over all starships, space stations, and relay satellites. Deep Space Nine happens to be one of the affected installations, undergoing a vibrant yellow transformation as a consequence. Fortunately, Badgey's transcendence to a higher realm triggers a change of heart, ultimately averting catastrophe for the station. With Deep Space Nine still standing strong after all these years, there remains a glimmer of hope for a future revival of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 streams Thursdays on Paramount+.