The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

Discover the ultimate compilation of Loki memes that perfectly capture the essence of the MCU's God of Mischief From his countless escapes from death to his dramatic flair, polite demeanor, and emotional reunions, these memes showcase what makes Loki truly iconic Don't miss out on the hilarious Lokis, his love for the Tesseract, and his unbreakable alliance with Mobius Get ready to laugh and delve into the mischievous world of Loki!


Loki's ability to escape death repeatedly is a defining characteristic, as he has cheated death in multiple situations and returned to the MCU.

Loki's adoration for drama and theatrics distinguishes him, surpassing villains such as Thanos in the realm of presentation.

Through an ongoing cycle of demise, resurrection, and theft of the Tesseract, Loki exhibits his intrigue with this potent artifact and his unwavering determination to possess it.

Loki, a beloved character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), has inspired numerous playful yet complex memes. He first appeared in the movie "Thor" alongside his brother and has since become a prominent character in the franchise. As the God of Mischief, Loki possesses powerful magic abilities and is known for frequently switching between ally and villain roles.

Tom Hiddleston's charismatic portrayal of Loki has endeared him to many fans. Over time, Loki has revealed a vulnerable and emotional side, which has placed him in the role of an anti-hero in the series "Loki". Despite his apparent deaths in the MCU, Loki's journey is far from over, allowing these 10 memes to capture the essence of his character's development thus far.

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10 Loki Escapes Death…Again

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

In the MCU, Loki has become known for his remarkable ability to cheat death, a fact astutely observed by Reddit user Arkay518. His first appearance in the MCU seemed to mark the end of his life in Thor, but he cunningly escaped through a portal. In The Dark World, Loki was fatally stabbed, an event that was intended to be his permanent demise had it not been for negative test audience reactions. Avengers: Infinity War saw Loki being killed by Thanos within the first few minutes, yet he miraculously resurfaced in a solo series, only to be pruned by the TVA. Regardless of how often Death herself pays a visit, Loki somehow manages to find a way back.

9 Loki’s Love For The Dramatics

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

A love for drama and a flair for theatrics is synonymous with the God of Mischief. In this meme by andson-r - overlaying a scene from the movie Megamind - Loki challenges Thanos about the driving force behind his supervillain status. Megamind’s extravagant self-presentation adds to his appeal as a lighthearted character, while also contributing to his ability to intimidate. The same can be said for Loki, who may not possess the strength to rival Thanos single-handedly, but undoubtedly outshines him in the realm of showmanship.

8 Loki, God of Tesseracts

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

Apart from his love for drama and his uncanny ability to cheat death, Loki has always had a soft spot for the Tesseract. Introduced in the post-credits scene of Thor, the Tesseract, a mesmerizing blue cube, was later unveiled as the vessel for the mighty Space Stone. Over time, Loki's obsession with the Tesseract and its unfathomable powers grew exponentially, culminating in The Avengers, where the main objective was to prevent the mischievous God from acquiring it. As astutely pointed out by a YouTube comment and shared on Reddit by u/DefinitionEmpty9436, Loki has traversed an incessant loop of perishing, resurrecting, and ruthlessly snatching the Tesseract.

7 Loki, God Of Being Polite

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

6 Loki And Frigga

: Loki's incredible charisma is greatly enhanced by actor Tom Hiddleston, whose delivery infuses the character with authenticity in any situation. Surprisingly, despite his intense and dramatic nature, Loki is remarkably polite. Able-Monitor9189's meme highlights Loki's manners, showcasing how he respectfully addresses people, even when his subsequent actions may contradict his words. This politeness is what contributes to Loki's deceiving nature, seamlessly transitioning between a menacing villain and a helpful ally.

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

In spite of being adopted into the Asgardian Royal Family, Loki was always treated as Frigga's own. Raised by witches herself, Frigga imparted her knowledge of magic to Loki, making them both formidable sorcerers. While Loki's relationship with the rest of his family was tumultuous, he had a genuine affection for his mother, leading her death to prompt a reconsideration of his stance. This Tumblr meme highlights that, even though they are not blood-related, Loki and Frigga share numerous similarities, even down to the way they scream.

5 Loki The Trickster

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

4 Too Many Lokis

EVula's meme hilariously references a scene from Thor: Ragnarok where Loki transformed into a snake to deceive and attack Thor during their childhood. The meme format originates from the anime The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird, where a character mistakes a butterfly for a pigeon. In this artist's rendition, Thor spots a butterfly with green and gold wings, entertaining the possibility of it being Loki, only to realize too late that it is indeed Loki when the butterfly unexpectedly stabs him.

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

Loki's solo project not only made him a beloved character but also served as the MCU's primary introduction to the multiverse. The TVA's primary goal is to eliminate variants and timelines that do not belong. After Loki's initial pruning, he regains consciousness surrounded by numerous versions of himself. Naturally, Loki resorts to his usual mischievous tactics in an attempt to gain control. However, his efforts are futile as all the other Loki variants harbor the same intentions, creating an endless loop of Loki betraying Loki, as humorously depicted in this meme by VIRGIL69143.

3 Loki Gets Nerfed

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

There’s no denying that Loki was incredibly intimidating when he was first introduced in the MCU. Particularly after being the primary villain in The Avengers, he showcased both his meticulous planning and physical prowess. However, as Loki's character has progressed, he has become noticeably more subdued. He has even developed connections with others, most notably Sylvie throughout the events of Loki. Desperate-Ad2784's meme portrays a muscular Doge representing Loki in The Avengers, and a tearful, more vulnerable Doge representing his current state.

2 Loki’s Emotional Reunion

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

The premiere of Loki season 2 was a chaotic and urgent affair. One of the most heartbreaking moments occurred when Loki approached TVA agent Mobius, who no longer recognized him due to the events of the Loki season 1 finale. It was particularly devastating considering the close bond Loki and Mobius had formed in the first season. In a meme shared by @RoseBarnes94, the cameraman filming the scene is humorously depicted, capturing the tearjerking performance delivered by Hiddleston.

1 Loki’s Ally Mobius

The Ultimate Collection: Mind-Blowing Loki Memes That Redefine the MCU's God of Mischief!

Despite being originally referenced to Loki season 1, @ThoritoLokia's meme remains relevant and applicable to season 2. At first, Loki's arrival at the TVA is met with hostility due to him being an outlier to the Sacred Timeline. However, as Mobius gets to know him, the TVA agent starts defending him. This popular meme format showcases a scene from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills where Taylor Armstrong is seen pointing at someone off-screen while a perplexed cat sits on the right. This meme perfectly captures Mobius' unwavering support for Loki, as he stands up for the God of Mischief regardless of the accusations thrown their way by the TVA.