The Ultimate Cocoon Experience: A Game-Changing Review You Can't Miss

The Ultimate Cocoon Experience: A Game-Changing Review You Can't Miss

Cocoon by Geometric Interactive is a captivating puzzle game that ingeniously builds upon a straightforward concept, delivering an immersive and rewarding experience

Cocoon, at first glance, appears to be a simple game where a bug-like creature utilizes a colorful orb to activate platforms as it navigates through a diverse dystopian landscape. However, developer Geometric Interactive continually adds new elements to this concept, introducing different types of orbs with unique abilities. What initially seemed straightforward eventually transforms into one of the top puzzle games of the year.

Cocoon immerses players into the role of its silent protagonist without any tutorials or instructions. It presents the first orange orb and gradually teaches players a few mechanics. Primarily, the game introduces the idea that these orbs can power various machines when placed in special docks. Additionally, the protagonist can enter these orbs, leading them to entirely new environments. Each new lesson players acquire throughout Cocoon's 5-hour campaign builds upon what they have previously learned, steadily increasing in complexity.

An element that puzzle enthusiasts will truly appreciate about Cocoon is its hands-off approach. Rather than guiding players every step of the way, the game challenges them to trust that all the necessary information is within reach. By embracing a willingness to experiment with the mechanics, players are treated to a mind-bending experience akin to a Russian Nesting Doll that never loses its fascination. While there are indeed clear rules governing each mechanic, such as world jumping or the abilities of each orb, these rules may not be immediately apparent to the player. It is up to them to peel back the layers and discover the full potential of the tools at their disposal. For those who revel in solving puzzles, the sheer satisfaction of realizing that their proposed solution is the unequivocal answer is unparalleled.

The Ultimate Cocoon Experience: A Game-Changing Review You Can't Miss

Spoiling the surprises that come with the evolving mechanics would be a disservice, but it is important to note that Cocoon does not adhere to a predictable puzzle-solving routine. The introduction of a green orb adds a vertical dimension to the puzzles, followed by the gradual integration of the orange orb. The game embraces novelty and capitalizes on it, allowing players to use the unique abilities of each orb to solve puzzles. As the gameplay progresses, a third orb is introduced, intensifying the challenges and prompting players to dig deeper into their problem-solving skills.

In addition to the puzzle-solving aspect, Cocoon also offers action-oriented boss fights. These encounters revolve around the mechanics of each orb and serve as standout moments in an already extraordinary gaming experience. They are thoughtfully designed to provide a challenge without overwhelming the player. With the exception of a few timed puzzles, the game allows ample time for players to contemplate, experiment, and progress at their own pace.

There is an overarching aspiration for progress in Cocoon, but the narrative surrounding it remains somewhat elusive. The true essence of the experience lies in immersing oneself in the breathtaking scenery, marveling at the seamless world transitions, and seeking resolution to the next enigmatic puzzle. However, subtle hints regarding the lore of this world add an intriguing allure of its own. It is through the process of exploration and the tales players weave within their minds that the gaps in this narrative will be filled.

The Ultimate Cocoon Experience: A Game-Changing Review You Can't Miss

Geometric Interactive, the developer responsible for Limbo and Inside, has created a visually stunning game that possesses an engaging and diverse atmosphere, embodying its own unique identity. The vibrant yet sometimes oppressive design hints at a once tranquil world that has deteriorated over time. Each orb world in the game carries its own distinct personality, contributing to a cohesive experience despite the existence of separate "levels." It is evident that meticulous attention has been paid to both the intricately designed puzzles, ensuring players comprehend the rules and progress efficiently, and the purpose-driven world, offering a delightful transition between sections.

Although the puzzles require critical thinking, they also allow room for experimentation when the solution is not immediately apparent. Consequently, players may find themselves backtracking or transporting orbs from one location to another, which can become monotonous. The game adeptly presents the necessary information to players, but in moments of ambiguity, valuable time could be wasted searching for solutions in the wrong places.

Outside of that, however, Cocoon is an outstanding puzzle game that stands shoulder to shoulder with some of the industry's finest. With its breathtaking art design and presentation, ingenious level design, and an engrossing pace, it becomes nearly impossible to put down once you commence playing. While the initial impression may not be imposing, delving into the immersive world of Cocoon unravels an unforgettable experience.

The Ultimate Cocoon Experience: A Game-Changing Review You Can't Miss


Cocoon, a puzzle-adventure game created by Jeppe Carlsen, known for his work on Playdead's Limbo and Inside, features a captivating central mechanic that involves exploring various worlds. Players will navigate through a collection of imaginative stages filled with mind-boggling puzzles and formidable creatures using orbs that can be unlocked and utilized. Look forward to the release of Cocoon on September 29, 2023, available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.