The Ultimate Casting for a Donkey Kong Movie

The Ultimate Casting for a Donkey Kong Movie

A spin-off film focusing on Donkey Kong is the next potential franchise in line after the major success of The Super Mario Bros. Movie. The Donkey Kong game series is filled with dynamic and captivating characters, each of whom could be brought to life on the big screen by some of the most talented actors and voice artists working today. In compiling a dream cast list for a Donkey Kong movie, we have selected a diverse and talented group of individuals who would bring these iconic characters to life in an entirely new way.

Chunky Kong: Sylvester Stallone

As the biggest and strongest member of the Kong family, the voice of Chunky Kong should reflect an actor known for their tough guy persona and likability. Sylvester Stallone is the perfect choice, with his iconic roles as Rocky Balboa and John Rambo showcasing his talent for animated features. In Donkey Kong 64, Chunky spoke in the third person and did not come across as very bright, much like other characters previously played by Stallone.

Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross in the Expendables 4.

Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross in the Expendables 4.

Funky Kong: Owen Wilson

The easy-going surfer style of Funky Kong needed an equally laid-back and charismatic actor to take up the role in a potential Donkey Kong movie. Owen Wilson, known for his cool protagonists and animated series work, would add an everyman likability to the character of Funky Kong.

Owen Wilson smiling in Hall Pass

Owen Wilson smiling in Hall Pass

King K. Rool: Mark Hamill

Donkey Kong's main adversary, King K. Rool, needed to be portrayed by an actor with the ability to be both expressive and sinister. Mark Hamill, known for his iconic voice work as Joker in Batman: The Animated Series, would bring the same manic energy and menacing mayhem to King K. Rool.

Mark Hamill excited next to the Joker Voice Actors

Mark Hamill excited next to the Joker Voice Actors

Candy Kong: Scarlett Johansson

As Donkey Kong's main love interest, Candy Kong would bring needed female energy to a potential Donkey Kong movie and should be portrayed by an actress with a recognizable voice. Scarlett Johansson's skill for voice acting and her reputation for portraying powerful women would help subvert Candy Kong's reputation as an objectified love interest and turn her into a compelling three-dimensional character for the contemporary era.

Scarlett Johansson as Lucy Miller in Lucy

Scarlett Johansson as Lucy Miller in Lucy

Tiny Kong: Sarah Silverman

With fun-loving energy, Tiny Kong should be portrayed by an actress who could bring the energy and vulnerability that the part deserves. Sarah Silverman, capable of playing a smaller character with the power of packing a big punch, would be the perfect choice for this minor role.

An image of Sarah Silverman

An image of Sarah Silverman

Lanky Kong: Andy Samberg

An often-underutilized character within the Donkey Kong game series, Lanky Kong had an eccentric and goofy personality and would be perfectly voiced by Andy Samberg in the potential Donkey Kong movie. Samberg could bring the adventurous spirit of Rod Kimble from Hot Rod and the outrageous energy of Jake Peralta from Brooklyn Nine-Nine to the role of Lanky Kong.

Andy samberg brooklyn 99 across the spiderverse baking it

Andy samberg brooklyn 99 across the spiderverse baking it

Wrinkly Kong: Judi Dench

The deceased wife of Cranky Kong, Wrinkly Kong was a maternal figure who often appeared as a ghost within the game series. In a potential Donkey Kong movie, Wrinkly Kong should be portrayed by an actress with a flair for playing maternal figures with an older, soothing, and comforting voice. Dame Judi Dench would bring an elegant atmosphere to the Donkey Kong movie and would be the perfect choice to voice Wrinkly Kong.

Judi Dench as M in James Bond's Skyfall

Judi Dench as M in James Bond's Skyfall

Diddy Kong: Tom Holland

As Donkey Kong's sidekick, Diddy Kong would have a major part to play in a potential Donkey Kong movie, and the youthful appeal and energetic voice of Tom Holland would be the perfect choice for this important role. Having already showcased his adventurous spirit as Spider-Man, Holland proved his talent for voice acting and would be a fun and unique opportunity for him to portray an important secondary character in this potential franchise.

An image of Diddy Kong superimposed over the cover art for Perfect Dark with the original Smash Bros select screen in the background

An image of Diddy Kong superimposed over the cover art for Perfect Dark with the original Smash Bros select screen in the background

Dixie Kong: Zendaya

Completing Nintendo's power couple of Diddy and Dixie Kong, Zendaya's innate charm and expressive vocal inflection would work well for the character of Dixie Kong. As one of the biggest movie stars today, Zendaya's previous experience in voicing animated characters would make her the perfect choice for this role.

Dixie Kong Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze

Dixie Kong Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze