The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

From heartbreaking betrayals to questionable choices, these 12 TV couples faced devastating storylines that threatened their love Discover the moments that shattered their relationships and left fans heartbroken

Warning: This article discusses instances of rape and sexual assault.

There is no disappointment quite like being a devoted television viewer, only to witness a beloved TV couple's downfall due to a poorly conceived storyline or plot. When great TV couples take a wrong turn, it can completely spoil the enjoyment of watching a show and push viewers to switch it off. In fact, if the experience is truly disheartening, it may even tarnish the cherished memories fans have for their favorite series.

12 When Ross Slept With Someone Else In Friends


Regrettably, despite the years of stellar chemistry between actors and impeccable writing that cultivates a captivating romance, the delicate fabric can swiftly unravel with the introduction of a single storyline. The damage can be inflicted through instances of uncharacteristic behavior, poorly crafted dialogue, or an irrational plot. It's disheartening to witness how a once harmonious TV couple can be instantaneously marred by a solitary narrative strand. What exacerbates the situation further is when tiresome relationships, which have overstayed their welcome, proceed to taint even the most exceptional series.

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

In "The One With The Morning After" episode, Ross swiftly engages in a sexual encounter with another woman, barely having the chance to process his recent breakup with Rachel. Despite their disagreement and subsequent split occurring just the night before, Ross awakens to find himself in the presence of a woman named Chloe. Sensing his remorse, Ross promptly checks his voicemail to discover an apologetic message from Rachel. When Rachel unexpectedly shows up at his apartment, he must conceal Chloe in the bathroom.

Although Ross and Rachel have a complicated timeline, this is one of the worst things Ross does to Rachel. In this particular episode, Ross showcases his selfishness by disregarding her feelings and failing to seek clarity before engaging in a one-night stand. Rachel makes the decision to end their relationship upon discovering his actions, and many fans argue that this outcome should have remained unchanged.

11 When Michael Came Back From The Dead With Memory Loss In Jane The Virgin

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

While Jane the Virgin drew inspiration from a telenovela, the revival of Michael's character added an overly dramatic twist. Throughout its five-season run, Jane and Rafael eventually got married, but the final season was overshadowed by the unexpected return of Jane's previously presumed deceased husband, Michael. The series delved into episodes of Jane grappling with her feelings for both Rafael and Michael, ultimately culminating in her decision to marry Michael.

Jane the Virgin experienced a three-year time jump, during which Michael tragically passed away, leaving Jane as a widow. However, due to his off-screen death, the audience did not fully experience the emotional impact. To make matters worse, his death had even less impact when he unexpectedly reappeared in season 4, suffering from amnesia. This storyline not only disrupted Jane's entire relationship with Michael, but also affected her romance with Rafael.

10 When Schmidt Cheated On Cece In New Girl

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

The terrible actions Schmidt engaged in on New Girl encompasses a range of misdeeds, yet none are as devastating as his act of cheating on Cece. At the core of their relationship lies a crucial element: Schmidt's persistent belief that he is undeserving of someone like Cece. This recurring theme revolves around the perplexity of how someone as remarkable as Cece could ever be enamored with someone like Schmidt. However, Schmidt's act of betrayal not only undermines this fundamental aspect but also shatters the integrity of their entire romance.

Toward the conclusion of Season 2 of New Girl, Schmidt, who was on a break with Cece at that time, rekindled his relationship with Elizabeth, a woman he had previously dated in college. However, upon reconciling with Cece, Schmidt chose to pursue a simultaneous involvement with both women. This decision raised significant concerns about his supposed deep affection for Cece, thereby making Schmidt an incredibly unlikable character.

9 When Fitz Declared War On Scandal

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

The decision of Fitz to go to war in Scandal in order to rescue his mistress divided the audience. In the episode "Where is the Black Lady?" Fitz initiates a war with West Angola with the aim of saving Olivia, who has been captured. It seemed like a narrative that pushed the boundaries too far for this "will they/won't they" couple. Aside from the ethical considerations, it was difficult to believe that Olivia Pope would actually be kidnapped and sold at an auction for a billion dollars.

Fitz exhibited minimal remorse for these violent actions and displayed a lack of concern for the avoidable loss of life they caused. Similarly, Olivia appeared unaffected by the fact that people died in her name as a result of her partner's decisions. Following this tumultuous storyline, Scandal faced difficulties in determining the future trajectory of Fitz and Olivia's relationship. There are limited directions that writers can explore when a character has already gone to war for their beloved.

8 When Amy Pressured Jake Into Having Children In Brooklyn Nine-Nine

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

In Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 7, the topic of children created a divide between Amy and Jake, who typically had a strong bond. Amy strongly desired to have a family, while Jake harbored fears of repeating his father's irresponsible actions. The manner in which Amy pressures Jake to start a family proves uncomfortable to witness and gives the impression that the writers were overly eager to introduce relationship conflict.

Even a casual viewer of Brooklyn Nine-Nine could easily identify this as a plothole. It seems highly unlikely that Amy, known for her meticulous planning, would have failed to discuss her future family plans with Jake. Moreover, Jake frequently expresses his excitement about the idea of becoming a father, especially when he spends time with Terry's daughters. Ultimately, this storyline deviated from the true essence of their characters and felt like unnecessary and forced drama purely for the sake of adding tension.

7 When Meredith Pressured Derek To Pick Her in Grey's Anatomy

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

This scene from Grey's Anatomy has become notorious and widely memed. In the show's second season, Meredith Grey passionately declares her love for Derek Shepherd in a monologue that reaches its emotional peak with the iconic phrase, "Pick me, choose me, love me." It is worth noting that even Ellen Pompeo, the talented actress who portrays Meredith, acknowledged the cringeworthy nature of this monologue.

Although this is the big moment when Meredith realizes she loves Derek, it feels out of character for her to implore a male character for affection. Pleading with a man to abandon his current partner and choose her instead doesn't exude the essence of romance. Consequently, these words remained ingrained in their relationship, making it difficult to forget. Grey's Anatomy eventually flips the script on this awkward scene in season 19, as Meredith decides to prioritize herself over Nick.

6 When Dean Slept With Rory Despite Being Married In Gilmore Girls

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

The reunion of Rory and Dean in Gilmore Girls sparked mixed reactions among viewers. In the episode titled "Raincoats and Recipes," Rory and Dean reignite their romantic relationship and take it to a physical level. However, this significant moment loses some of its sweetness as Dean is already married to Lindsay.

Dean's actions as a married man severely damaged his reputation among numerous fans, particularly because it seemed like he was taking advantage of Rory. From the very beginning, Dean's marriage to Lindsay was a complete disaster, and matters only worsened when he reconnected with Rory. Throughout season 4 of Gilmore Girls, it was apparent that the two would become involved, but many held out hope that he wouldn't betray his wife. Considering how beloved Rory is as a character, she deserved to experience her first time in a far more respectful and emotionally genuine manner.

5 When Veronica Told Archie They Were End Game In Riverdale

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

The phrase "endgame" is widely utilized by online fandoms to indicate relationships that they believe will endure. Despite the light-hearted and peculiar nature of internet jargon, its usage in serious conversations between characters can appear tasteless. In the television series Riverdale, Veronica quotes her boyfriend over the phone, stating, "Because we're endgame, Archie," which manages to come off as both arrogant and cringe-worthy.

4 When Blaine Cheated On Kurt And Gaslights Him in Glee

The question of whether Archie should pursue a romantic relationship with Veronica or Betty has sparked numerous debates. Veronica, however, takes matters into her own hands and boldly asserts that she and Archie are destined to be together. Unfortunately, her poorly chosen words and subpar writing style have marred this romance for many. In the end, the finale reveals that Archie finds himself dating both Veronica and Betty, forming a unique polycule.

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

The relationship between Blaine and Kurt, also known as Klaine, in the TV show Glee, was one of the most popular pairings during the 2010s. Therefore, it was not surprising that many fans were deeply saddened when Blaine betrayed Kurt by cheating on him. Blaine's apparent love for Kurt was so strong that his decision to cheat came as a complete shock and caught everyone off guard.

3 When Chuck Traded Blair For A Hotel In Gossip Girl

Blaine's behavior towards Kurt was extremely toxic and unpleasant in hindsight. From the beginning, signs of being an untrustworthy boyfriend appeared when Blaine delved into Kurt's phone. Ironically, it was Blaine who initially cheated, despite accusing Kurt of infidelity. When Blaine finally confessed his infidelity to Kurt, he shifted blame onto Kurt for not moving to New York with him, exacerbating an already terrible situation.

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

Throughout the entirety of Gossip Girl, Chuck treated Blair terribly. Season 3 marked the pinnacle of Chuck Bass's slimy actions when he struck a deal with his disturbing uncle Jack, swapping a night with his on/off girlfriend in return for a stake in a hotel. Blair had no control over this toxic and manipulative behavior, and the situation only worsened when the true motivations behind it came to light.

2 When Daphne Tried To Get Simon To Impregnate Her In Bridgerton

Uncle Jack's true intention was to test the strength of Chuck and Blair's relationship, as well as his nephew's values. Upon discovering this, Blair naturally felt upset, but Chuck skillfully manipulated the situation to make it seem as though she was the one at fault. The toxic dynamic between Chuck and Blair was a captivating fascination for audiences, but this particular instance seemed to cross a line in their tumultuous romance.

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

Bridgerton's Simon and Daphne shared an intensely passionate relationship, creating one of the most sizzling romances in recent television history. Their electrifying gazes and lingering caresses captivated audiences, until an unexpected scene unfolded where Daphne breached a personal boundary. This shocking moment cast a shadow amidst a series celebrated for its embrace of sexuality, sex-positivity, and empowering portrayal of female pleasure.

1 When Spike Tried To Rape Buffy in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

The initial consensual scene in which Daphne Bridgerton initiates sexual activity with her husband Simon takes a concerning turn. Daphne proceeds to exert pressure on Simon during intercourse, actively discouraging him from employing withdrawal as a contraceptive method, despite being aware of his reservations about parenthood and his unreadiness to assume the role of a father. The portrayal of this moment in the Netflix series sparked discussions on whether it could be deemed as sexual assault. Unfortunately, this development proved to be a disappointing culmination for one of the most captivating couples on television.

The Ultimate Betrayal: How One Terrible Storyline Destroyed the Most Beloved TV Couples

Considered one of the most controversial episodes in TV history, "Seeing Red" from Buffy The Vampire Slayer depicts the unconventional and captivating relationship between Buffy and Spike. Despite his unwavering dedication to the slayer, their love story deviates from the typical TV romance. However, everything takes a dark turn when he unexpectedly assaults her in the safety of her own home.

In season 6's episode "Seeing Red," Spike pays a visit to Buffy's house in search of forgiveness after his intimate encounter with Anya. However, Buffy firmly expresses her inability to trust him and refuses to reciprocate his love, prompting Spike to respond violently. This results in a deeply unsettling and impactful scene, which significantly alters the course of the show and reshapes the perception of Buffy and Spike's relationship. Spike's subsequent journey towards redemption is overshadowed by the irreversible harm caused, revealing to viewers that their romance is far from alluring and instead riddled with toxicity.