The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

All Jujutsu Kaisen's major characters perfectly embody their respective zodiac signs, like the compassionate Pisces Yuuji Itadori and the adventurous Sagittarius Satoru Gojo Each character's astrological alignment adds depth and authenticity to their personalities and actions

Jujutsu Kaisen, currently one of the biggest anime/manga franchises, has fans pondering which character aligns with their zodiac sign. The Western Zodiac believes that a person's personality and behavior are influenced by the stars and constellations they were born under. Each sign possesses strengths and weaknesses that serve as guiding principles in life. Additionally, these signs are associated with specific symbols or figures that encapsulate these traits.

While the curses they exorcise are not tied to any star, the sorcerers of Jujutsu Tech tell a different tale. From rookies like Yuuji to seasoned professionals like Gojo, they embody a range of signs. With numerous beloved characters, it's natural for fans to speculate which ones align with their own zodiac sign.

10 Yuuji Itadori - Pisces

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

Yuuji, born on March 20 under the zodiac sign of Pisces, embodies the friendly nature and sincerity that his sign is renowned for. Like other Water signs, he is emotionally sensitive and consistently acts with selflessness and a strong sense of justice. His motivation to consume Sukuna's fingers is not driven by personal gain, but rather the desire to eradicate Sukuna's evil.

Coincidentally, Yuuji shares his Zodiac sign with Yuuta Okkotsu from Jujutsu Kaisen 0, who was born on March 7 and also possesses typical Pisces qualities. Yuuta, like Yuuji, demonstrates selflessness to an extreme extent, willing to sacrifice his own life or endure lifelong isolation to protect others from harm caused by Rika. Additionally, Yuuta's profound love for Rika, coupled with his inherent sorcerer potential, inadvertently subjects her to a cursed state.

9 Megumi Fushiguro - Capricorn

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

Megumi, born on December 22, kickstarts the start of Capricorn season. Clad in the auspicious black, symbolic of the Goat, he dutifully fulfills his role as a jujutsu sorcerer in a manner befitting Capricorn traits. Adhering to a strict and unrelenting moral code, Megumi decides which lives to save, firmly believing that only the virtuous merit his assistance, as saving the wrong person could potentially harm others in the future.

Compared to his more agitated comrades and instructor, Megumi may appear distant and detached. With fervor, he willingly puts himself at risk to vanquish curses, a tendency that Gojo must actively steer him away from. Despite his rejection of the Zen'in clan and his father Toji in Jujutsu Kaisen, family remains an integral aspect of Megumi's life. He holds his stepsister Tsumiki in high esteem, showcasing the significance of familial ties to him.

8 Nobara Kugisaki - Leo

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

7 Satoru Gojo - Sagittarius

Nobara exhibits her Leo pride in Jujutsu Kaisen not only by dyeing her hair a sunny orange to come to Tokyo, but in various other ways as well. Being born on August 7 under the sign of the Lion, she displays unwavering confidence and determination while defeating curses. Fearlessly, she takes on even the most perilous battles. Just like Leos who are fond of luxurious living and have exquisite tastes, Nobara showcases this by leaving her small town to explore Tokyo and indulging in shopping sprees with Yuuji. Furthermore, she exudes energy both inside and outside of battle, making it effortless for others to become her friends. As a Fire sign, she always gazes ahead, never dwelling on the past.

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

Gojo, born on December 7, falls under the sun sign of Sagittarius, known for their limitless enthusiasm. A true Fire sign, he radiates playfulness and a great sense of humor, much to the delight of his companions. Megumi, on the other hand, finds herself constantly exasperated by his antics. Gojo's carefree attitude also manages to stir up anger among the higher-ups in the jujutsu world, not that he gives much importance to their opinions. He stands as one of the most idealistic jujutsu sorcerers, possessing the strength to uphold his beliefs.

6 Mai And Maki Zen’in - Aquarius

Gojo, with a larger-than-life personality and an immense amount of power, goes above and beyond to offer a second chance to both Yuuji and Yuuta, halting their impending executions. He prides himself on his brutal honesty, fearlessly speaking his mind and exuding unwavering confidence. However, when it comes to achieving his goals, he keeps his intentions shrouded, revealing them only when necessary. Over the years, Gojo has matured and adopted a more ethical and optimistic outlook on life.

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

Both twins were born on January 20, under the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Despite their contrasting personalities, they embody the typical strengths and weaknesses associated with their star sign. Both siblings are known for their boldness in expressing their thoughts, and although they may be cautious in trusting others, once they pledge their loyalty to a cause, they remain committed. Mai is characterized by her assertiveness and superiority, often engaging in verbal sparring with her sister. On the other hand, Maki has distanced herself from the oppressive Zen'in clan, channeling her efforts into jujutsu training with the ultimate goal of dismantling their entire regime. The conflicting expectations placed upon them by their clan and each other provoke intense conflicts, causing them to be at odds.

5 Panda - Pisces

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

Born on March 5th, Panda is another individual who shares his star sign with the courageous Yuuji. (Perhaps the three souls that make up his being were also Fish.) It is evident from his relaxed and amiable demeanor. He treats everyone with respect and never holds grudges, even when his life is threatened. The inherent affinities of the Water sign for life, change, and constant motion seem to perfectly align with Panda's existence. To function properly, the three souls that compose his core must remain harmonious and steady. Without exemplifying the traits of Pisces, his very being may have crumbled long ago.

4 Toge Inumaki - Scorpio

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

Not able to say so, considering it is an atypical ingredient for rice balls, but Toge, born on October 23, is a Scorpio. Whether it is safeguarding his classmates during battles or restraining his speech to contain his formidable Cursed Speech, he consistently accomplishes his goals. Maintaining composure and control in all circumstances, Toge, like his teammates Maki and Panda, is a Water sign. This affable sorcerer enjoys the companionship of various fellow sorcerers and communicates effectively despite his limited vocabulary. With his resourcefulness and unwavering determination, Toge exemplifies the characteristics of an ideal Scorpio.

3 Aoi Todo - Libra

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

Aoi's September 23 birthday aligns with the zodiac sign Libra, symbolized by the Scales. Energetic, unpredictable, and sometimes confrontational, he constantly seeks companions who share his lively nature. Aoi highly values partnerships and strong connections, be it with a newfound "brother" like Yuuji or the girl of his desires, Takada-chan. Despite his erratic behavior, Aoi stands out among the characters in Jujutsu Kaisen for his exceptional intellect, which is a distinctive trait of Libras. He ranks first in his class and can always be relied upon to assist Yuuji, the newcomer, by filling in any gaps in knowledge, even in the midst of intense battles. Although Aoi lacks the typical diplomacy of a Libra, he never ceases in his efforts to seek out kindred spirits and form friendships, regardless of the challenges.

2 Kento Nanami - Cancer

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

Nanami, dressed elegantly in a white suit – the color of good fortune for the Crab, his zodiac sign – may not particularly relish the task of battling curses, but it is certainly preferable to mundane work. As a Cancer born on July 3, he embodies the typical gloominess and pessimism associated with this astrological sign. Engaging in his duties with an outward absence of enthusiasm, there is more to Nanami than meets the eye. He embodies numerous positive traits associated with Cancer. A fierce guardian of younger sorcerers, he possesses an unwavering sense of responsibility. Nanami chooses the path of a jujutsu sorcerer because he finds immense purpose in saving lives and alleviating the sufferings of others, endearing him to countless fans of Jujutsu Kaisen.

1 Suguru Geto - Aquarius

The Ultimate Astrological Guide: Discover How Each Jujutsu Kaisen Character's Zodiac Sign Perfectly Defines Them!

Geto, an Aquarius born on February 3, possesses darker characteristics of the Water Carrier sign compared to the Zen'in twins. While he remains determined to change the world, his intentions are not favorable for humanity. Unlike his benevolent nature in the past, Geto is now fixated on eliminating individuals who lack the ability to use jujutsu, viewing them as inferior to sorcerers.

Notably powerful and highly intelligent, Geto has fought alongside Gojo as an ally and currently stands as his rival. His eccentricity and boundless enthusiasm for his cause have allowed him to gather a devoted following who share his objective. Both his former classmates and present followers mirror his passionate nature, a trait that Aquarians seek in their circle of friends.

The cursed spirits and human sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen embody a multitude of personality types and approaches to life. Similarly, each individual reflects the positive and negative attributes of their corresponding Zodiac sign in a unique manner. The characters in the series remarkably align with their zodiac signs, showcasing distinctive traits that are readily recognizable among individuals sharing the same sign.