The Ultimate Apex Legends Character Rework: Revamping Revenant for Unparalleled Gameplay!

The Ultimate Apex Legends Character Rework: Revamping Revenant for Unparalleled Gameplay!

Revenant Reborn breathes new life into Apex Legends, paving the way for game-changing character reworks Discover the most deserving legend who stands to benefit the most from this monumental update

Apex Legends' seasonal updates have been bringing about noticeable changes, particularly in relation to its characters. In the early seasons, players were accustomed to getting a new weapon and a fresh legend with each new season, but the focus gradually shifted away from weapons. However, Apex Legends' roster of characters has continued to evolve, and Respawn has shown a willingness to explore different areas of improvement. Recently, there was a season that launched without introducing a new character, opting instead to introduce only a new face. The release of Revenant Reborn involved a complete overhaul of a character who had become stagnant in the ever-changing meta. While the possibility of future seasons skipping new character releases can't be ruled out, major reworks hold great potential.

Ultimately, Apex Legends' new characters face a potential issue with power-scaling. When comparing the original characters to the more recent additions, it becomes apparent that some kits have become considerably more complex. For instance, Pathfinder originally lacked a passive ability for quite some time, and while his current one can still be seen as somewhat underwhelming by certain fans. However, if there's any character in desperate need of a significant rework like Revenant, it would be Mirage.

Mirage is often regarded as a lower-tier character in Apex Legends due to the fact that his abilities are more gimmicky than effective. While the concept of clones is entertaining, it lacks real effectiveness. Seasoned players of Apex Legends can easily see through most attempts at bamboozling, while newcomers quickly learn to recognize the obvious signs. On the other hand, it's not feasible for Respawn to significantly enhance the Mirage clones, as it would severely limit counterplay options.

The Ultimate Apex Legends Character Rework: Revamping Revenant for Unparalleled Gameplay!

Mirage has his uses, particularly in his ability to provide a cloak while reviving a teammate. However, he doesn't fit well into the current Apex Legends meta, much like Revenant once did. At low-level play, Mirage can be enjoyable to use, but as players become more experienced, the gap between Mirage and other characters becomes more apparent. This is particularly true in Ranked play.

To improve this support character in Apex Legends, it may be beneficial to explore tactical uses of the cloak, abilities that enhance his escape capabilities, and finding better utilization for his clones. While Revenant had his totem ability removed, Mirage's clones are integral to his character. This does not mean that he is not a strong candidate for a rework similar to Revenant Reborn.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.