The Gripping Tale of 'Fall'
Embark on a heart-stopping journey with 'Fall,' a riveting film that delves into the extraordinary exploits of two fearless women, Becky and Hunter. Their audacious attempt to conquer an abandoned TV tower, reaching a staggering height of 2,000 feet, sets the stage for a spine-tingling narrative that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.
Hunter in Fall tries to save Becky
As the story unfolds, the gripping cinematography and the intense premise of 'Fall' have captivated viewers, propelling it to the forefront of cinematic intrigue. The harrowing predicament of Becky and Hunter, stranded at an unimaginable elevation with limited provisions and no means of communication, delivers a nail-biting experience that defies the boundaries of fear and suspense.
Becky and Hunter look up at tower in Fall
Unveiling the Fictional Reality
While 'Fall' may appear to be grounded in actual events, it is, in fact, a masterful work of fiction that draws inspiration from the depths of human emotion and universal fears. The towering concept of the film arose from the creative minds of filmmakers Scott Mann and Jonathan Frank, who were driven by the profound exploration of the fear of heights and the captivating notion of falling.
Becky and Hunter on the tower in Fall
Immersed in the process of crafting 'Fall,' the duo found themselves drawn to the enthralling conversation surrounding height and the innate dread of plummeting, a theme that resonates deeply within the core of humanity. This powerful motif became a pivotal device in shaping the spine-chilling essence of the film, captivating audiences with its relentless and bone-chilling narrative.
Becky and Hunter sitting on the tower in Fall
The Tower's Terrifying Reality
While 'Fall' may not be tethered to a specific real-life incident, the towering structure that looms over the narrative is undeniably genuine. The KXTV Tower in Walnut Grove, California, standing at a towering height of 2,049 feet, serves as the formidable backdrop for the film's fictional tale of survival and terror.
Becky and Hunter on the poster for Fall
The monumental presence of this colossal structure breathes life into the harrowing narrative of 'Fall,' instilling a profound sense of trepidation and awe. Director Scott Mann's relentless pursuit of the perfect location led to the discovery of this awe-inspiring tower, a formidable character in its own right, that encapsulates the essence of fear and danger at its towering summit.
KXTV TV Tower in California