The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

Discover the comedic brilliance of Seinfeld with these top 10 unscripted moments From The Apartment to The Bottle Deposit, these iconic episodes will have you laughing out loud Get ready for hilarious surprises and unforgettable scenes in the world of Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer

Seinfeld, often referred to as the 'show about nothing', has effortlessly withstood the passage of time, solidifying its position as one of the greatest sitcoms ever created. This undeniable status has made it a cherished favorite amongst passionate fans. Throughout its run, the show has birthed numerous legendary moments that have become cultural touchstones.

While the script undoubtedly fueled the show's success, the cast members played a significant role in shaping its identity. Surprisingly, there were moments when the actors deviated from the script and created spontaneous magic. These unscripted moments became the prime contenders for the most memorable instances in the series.

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'


The continuing misadventures of neurotic New York City stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his equally neurotic New York City friends.

10. "The Apartment"

Season 2, Episode 5

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

Image via NBC

As the seasons of Seinfeld unfolded, Elaine's inclination for forcefully pushing others escalated. This behavior first manifested in Season 1, Episode 2 when she partially shoved Jerry in her elation upon learning about a vacant apartment in their building. Nevertheless, as the show advanced, her pushes became increasingly impulsive, often resulting in people being knocked off balance.

The push was an actual action performed by Julia Louis Dreyfus in real life, which eventually became a defining aspect of her character's identity. Although it was initially improvised, the moment was later incorporated into the script when the writers realized how positively it was received.

9. "The Couch"

Season 6, Episode 5

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

In the episode titled "The Couch," Jerry purchases a brand new couch which gets instantly spoiled. When Poppie arrives and sits down, Jerry is shocked to discover that Poppie has urinated on it. Filled with rage, Jerry seizes Kramer by the collar, exclaiming, "Poppie peed on my sofa!"

Sharp-eyed viewers observed that a surprised Kramer accidentally spills water during the commotion, spraying Jerry in the face while the scene unfolds. Both actors remain in character, unintentionally creating a humorous mistake that ultimately made it into the final cut of the episode.

8. "The Robbery"

Season 1, Episode 3

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

Michael Richards improvised Kramer's iconic entrance into Jerry's apartment. During the filming of the episode 'The Robbery', he almost missed the cue to enter and slipped accidentally. However, he stayed in character and continued with the scene, responding to the audience's appreciation.

7. "The Pick"

The way he effortlessly but unpredictably enters the apartment has become an iconic characteristic of his persona and is a major factor in his immense popularity among fans. The show itself features more than 350 moments of Kramer energetically springing into action.

Season 4, Episode 13

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

In the episode titled "The Pick", Kramer volunteers to snap Elaine's photo for a Christmas card. However, the situation takes an unfortunate turn when she discovers that she is unintentionally exposed in the picture. Amidst her frustration, George expresses his dissatisfaction about not receiving a card.

Exasperated, Elaine playfully grabs his head and playfully presses his face against her chest, declaring, "Here's your Christmas card." Julia Louis Dreyfus revealed that this particular moment was not part of the original script but rather a spontaneous improvisation during rehearsals.

6. "The English Patient"

Season 8, Episode 17

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

Gorge becomes fixated on learning more about Neil when the stunning Danielle confuses him for her boyfriend. In his pursuit of her affection, he challenges Neil. In the final moments of "The English Patient" episode, Danielle chooses to remain with Neil after he accidentally burns his face while making crêpes.

5. "The Contest"

Neil triumphantly declares his victory to George, causing resentment to well up inside him. In response, George angrily pulls out his intravenous line. Jason Alexander delivers this impromptu action, perfectly reflecting George's petty and vengeful personality, without uttering a single word.

Season 4, Episode 11

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

In the episode titled "The Contest," Jerry, George, Kramer, and Elaine engage in a competition to determine who is the supreme authority over their own lives. During a visit to the hospital to see his mother Estelle, George demonstrates a lack of focus, often neglecting the needs of others at the expense of his mother.

When George's mother requests him to fetch some food from the cafeteria, he dismisses her concerns. During this scene, actor Jason Alexander spontaneously delivers the line "Here, have some Tic Tacs," playfully offering them to Estelle. Estelle Harris, who portrays George's mother, admitted to being unable to control her laughter during the initial take.

4. "The Sniffling Accountant"

Season 5, Episode 4

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

In the episode titled "The Sniffling Accountant," Jerry, Kramer, and Norman become suspicious of their accountant's potential drug use. Determined to get to the bottom of it, they decide to conduct their own investigation. Kramer takes it upon himself to tail the accountant and engages him in a conversation, subtly probing him about his involvement with drugs.

3. "The Little Kicks"

Michael Richards demonstrates an impressive skill of chugging beer and smoking simultaneously. Despite an initial mishap where he burped out a cloud of smoke, the second take was a success and made it into the final cut. This unscripted moment truly captures the essence of Kramer as the eccentric neighbor.

Season 8, Episode 4

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

Image via NBC

Elaine's infamous dance performance, known as "the little kicks," is a defining aspect of her character. While the script intended to highlight her terrible dancing skills, the specific moves were actually improvised by Julia Louis Dreyfus.

During an interview, Julia Louis Dreyfus mentioned that she had to create her own interpretation of how the dance should look. Despite rehearsing the choreography, filming the scene proved challenging for Julia. Ultimately, they decided to shoot Elaine's dance sequence without music, resulting in a stiff yet surprisingly flexible appearance.

2. "The Boyfriend"

Season 3, Episode 17 & 18

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

In "The Boyfriend, Part 1" episode, George tries to prolong his unemployment period by pretending to have a job opportunity at Vandelay Industries. He provides Jerry's number as a reference.

Unfortunately, Kramer answers the phone without knowing about George's plan. Suddenly, George bursts out of the bathroom shouting 'Vandelay Industries'. In the process, he trips and falls, with his pants around his ankles. Jerry walks in and spontaneously ad-libs the line, "and you want to be my Latex salesman"?

1. "The Bottle Deposit"

Season 7, Episode 21 & 22

The Top 10 Unscripted Gems in 'Seinfeld'

During the production, the main cast members improvised several unscripted moments, but one of the most memorable instances occurred with a guest star. In the episode titled "The Bottle Deposit," an unforgettable situation unfolds when Newman and Kramer are compelled to flee after Newman commits an indescribable act and the farmer, who had shown him kindness, catches him with his daughter.

As Newman hastily escapes, the actress mistakenly shouts, "Goodbye, Norman!" believing that Newman's name is actually Norman. Despite the error, the crew found it amusing and decided to include it in the final cut, adding an extra comedic touch to the scene.

Editor's P/S

1. As a Seinfeld fan, I can attest to the brilliance of the show's unscripted moments. The cast's ability to think on their feet and create spontaneous comedy is truly impressive. My favorite unscripted moment is when Kramer accidentally spills water on Jerry while trying to comfort him about Poppie peeing on his couch. It's a hilarious moment that perfectly captures the chaotic energy of the show.

2. Another unscripted moment that I love is when Elaine playfully grabs George's head and presses his face against her chest. It's a sweet and funny moment that shows the close friendship between the two characters. These unscripted moments are a testament to the talent of the cast and the writers of Seinfeld. They add an extra layer of hilarity to the show and make it even more enjoyable to watch.