A Legendary Franchise
The world of Mario is a realm of boundless imagination and endless possibilities, where plumbers become heroes and princesses reign over magical kingdoms. With a legacy spanning generations, the Mario franchise has transcended the confines of video games to conquer the realm of cinema with its iconic characters and captivating narratives.
Peach looking hopeful in The Super Mario Bros Movie.
One of the most notable entries in the Mario movie saga is 'The Super Mario Bros. Movie,' a cinematic masterpiece that dazzled audiences with its vibrant animation and heartwarming humor. Directed by visionary talents Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, this animated adventure comedy took the world by storm, breaking box office records and solidifying Mario's status as a cinematic icon.
The Super Mario Bros Movie Mario in awe of the big mushrooms
Record-Breaking Success
In the annals of cinematic history, few movies have achieved the meteoric success of 'The Super Mario Bros. Movie.' This 2023 sensation shattered records and defied expectations, grossing a staggering $1.362 billion worldwide and cementing its place as a box office behemoth. With accolades including the biggest worldwide opening weekend for an animated film and Illumination's highest-grossing movie, 'The Super Mario Bros. Movie' proved that the allure of Mario transcends screens and captivates audiences of all ages.
Mario and Luigi looking at each other with Super Star abilities in The Super Mario Bros. Movie.
Trailblazing Legacy
While 'The Super Mario Bros. Movie' may have taken the world by storm in 2023, it was not the first Mario movie to leave an indelible mark on cinematic history. Two decades prior, 'Super Mario Bros.: The Movie' blazed a trail as the franchise's inaugural foray into film, showcasing the timeless tale of Mario and Luigi's heroic journey to rescue Princess Daisy from the clutches of evil. Despite facing critical scrutiny, this live-action gem emerged as the highest-grossing video game movie of its time, paving the way for Mario's triumphant return to the silver screen.
Dennis Hopper in Super Mario Bros 1993
A Tale of Resilience
The journey of Mario movies is a testament to resilience and redemption, as the franchise weathered both triumphs and tribulations on its cinematic odyssey. From the highs of record-breaking success to the lows of critical backlash, Mario's enduring spirit and unwavering charm have endeared him to audiences worldwide. With each new chapter in the Mario movie saga, fans are transported to a world where bravery knows no bounds and adventure beckons at every turn.
Bowser looking sad in The Super Mario Bros. Movie