The Terrifying Truth Behind Harold Biddle's Goosebumps Transformation

The Terrifying Truth Behind Harold Biddle's Goosebumps Transformation

Unravel the complex motives behind Harold Biddle's quest for revenge in Goosebumps, as an unexpected twist reveals the accidental nature of his demise Discover the truth behind this RL Stine antagonist's enthrallment with Slappy

In the sixth episode of Goosebumps, the truth behind Harold Biddle's (Ben Cockell) death is finally unveiled, leaving fans wondering who is truly to blame for his demise.

Margot (Isa Briones), Isaiah (Zack Morris), James (Miles McKenna), Isabella (Ama Yi Puig), and Lucas (Will Price) delve deeper into the enigma surrounding Biddle's fate and the involvement of their parents. Previously, fans were led to believe that their parents intentionally broke into his house and left him to perish in the fire when he was a teenager. As James exclaimed, "Oh my God, we're responsible for the deaths of these relatives!"

But there has to be a deeper layer to the narrative. It is difficult to fathom that four adolescents would intentionally and willingly conspire to kill a fellow student. Episode 5 of Goosebumps also unveiled the fact that Margot's mother shared a close friendship with Biddle and was one of the few people he considered as a friend.

The tale of Biddle's demise is significantly more intricate than initially assumed, and the motivation behind his haunting of his alleged former friends can all be traced back to a villain created by R.L. Stine. Be cautious, as spoilers lie ahead!

Harold Biddle became enamored by Slappy in Goosebumps

Upon their arrival in Port Lawrence, the Biddles come into possession of a house bequeathed to them by a family member. To their surprise, Harold Biddle discovers the presence of Slappy, the notorious villainous ventriloquist dummy, hidden behind the basement wall. Intrigued, Harold becomes increasingly captivated by Slappy's eerie allure.

The story commences in the 1920s, featuring a magician named Ephraim Bratt. Dissatisfied with his lack of success, he seeks refuge in Madam Zelda's magic emporium and stumbles upon a ventriloquist dummy. Uttering a Latin incantation discovered in his vest pocket, Slappy unexpectedly comes to life. The dynamic duo swiftly becomes the talk of the town, with Ephraim assuming the role of Slappy's loyal assistant. However, as fame takes its toll, Ephraim gradually neglects his family. As their popularity wanes, Ephraim's manager proposes an alternative, much to Slappy's disdain, eventually compelling Ephraim to transform him back into an inanimate dummy.

Soon after, an ominous package arrives at a hotel, resembling a miniature coffin meant for a dummy. Before reciting the incantation, Ephraim experiences haunting visions of death and inferno, instilling fear within him. Consequently, he secures Slappy within his case, preferring to keep him locked away. Several weeks later, Ephraim relocates to Port Lawrence, cautiously safeguarding Slappy. Aged and weathered, Ephraim discreetly hides Slappy behind a basement wall.

Years later, The Biddles arrive in 1993 after a real estate agent locates Ephraim’s closest living relative. Harold Biddle, a social outcast who was subjected to bullying at his previous school, possesses idiosyncratic interests such as collecting worms and preserving some of Ephraim’s belongings, including a mask. On his first day of school, his father presents him with a camera. It is through the camera that he crosses paths with Margot’s mother, Sarah, and Nora. While developing a friendship with them and others, Harold still struggles with being labeled a "loser."

In a fit of anger, he hurls objects in the basement, unintentionally creating a hole in the brick wall. To his surprise, he hears a voice and discovers Slappy. Reciting the incantation, Slappy springs to life and aids Harold in gaining popularity among his peers through ventriloquism. However, a sinister change takes place within him. Harold becomes consumed by Slappy and his own desires. One day, Nora witnesses their interaction and witnesses the living Slappy. She confides in Nora, growing increasingly concerned for her friend's well-being.

Things take a dire turn when at the school showcase, Slappy goes too far, exposing everyone’s secrets and insulting them. Nora and the others realize Slappy is dangerous.

Goosebumps reveals Harold Biddle’s death was an accident

In an effort to rescue Biddle from Slappy, Nora, Sarah, and their companions devise a plan to covertly enter his house and apprehend the ventriloquist dummy. However, they inadvertently trap Biddle in the basement, unaware that they have condemned him to a fiery demise.

As Biddle's life comes to a tragic end, he has already succumbed to Slappy's control, making him oblivious to the caring intentions of Sarah and the others who wish to aid him. Determined to assist, they agree upon breaking into Biddle's residence and absconding with Slappy. Ben, Isaiah's father, gains first-hand knowledge of their veracity when he ventures into the basement to retrieve Slappy and unexpectedly brings the malevolent dummy to life.

Biddle is present in the house when Slappy creates chaos by shaking the house, causing the lights to go out and the chandelier to come crashing down. Overwhelmed by fear, Biddle seeks refuge in the basement. The rest of the group, along with Sarah, arrive and express their desire to assist Biddle. However, Biddle doubts their intentions and locks the basement door.

Ben forcefully pushes the door, causing Biddle to stumble down the staircase, inadvertently dropping his candle onto a flammable liquid. With no means to open the basement door, Biddle is left trapped and at the mercy of the engulfing flames. The remaining individuals flee as the fire escalates, leaving Biddle to cry out in agony.

You can read more Disney content here, why the producers compare the series to The Conjuring here, everything we know about Goosebumps’ release schedule here, and premiere times here.