The Survivor Romance of Ozzy Lusth and Amanda Kimmel

The Survivor Romance of Ozzy Lusth and Amanda Kimmel

A deep dive into the romantic relationship between two Survivor favorites, Ozzy Lusth and Amanda Kimmel, and their journey from the show to real life.

Survivor Romances: A History of Jungle Love

Survivor season 16 brought together two of the show's most beloved castaways, Ozzy Lusth and Amanda Kimmel, and sparked a romance that captured the hearts of viewers.

Ozzy Lusth in Survivor:Mircronesia.

Ozzy Lusth in Survivor:Mircronesia.

As one of the best reality TV shows, Survivor has a history of what fans have dubbed 'jungle romances' and showmances. A few of the show's relationships have made it after filming ends, with some couples still together. The show remains popular today, with Survivor season 46 coming soon.

Survivor players are placed in tribes with strangers and are forced to live off the land for 39 days. They all compete in challenges to win rewards and immunity, hoping to become the sole Survivor with a prize of $1,000,000. A big part of Survivor is playing an excellent social game and connecting with the other players.

Some castaways form romantic alliances, and Survivor season 16 even gave way to an all-couples partnership of Ozzy, Amanda, James Clement, and Parvati Shallow.

Ozzy and Amanda's Survivor Journey

Ozzy Lusth is one of the best Survivor players never to win the show, having played four seasons and spent 128 days in the game. He is known for his ability to dominate in challenges, especially the ones in the water.

Amanda Kimmel is known for her strategic blindsides and made it to the final three in Survivor season 15. Both Ozzy and Amanda returned as favorites for Survivor: Micronesia, where their immediate connection led to a budding romance.

Amanda Kimmel playing Survivor

Amanda Kimmel playing Survivor

Their relationship on the show lasted until Ozzy's blindside on day 27 with an idol in his pocket, marking a dramatic turn in their Survivor journey.

Ozzy & Amanda's Post-Survivor Relationship

Ozzy and Amanda dated throughout the filming of Survivor season 16 and continued their relationship after the season wrapped, from June to August 2006.

At the final tribal council, Ozzy confessed his feelings for Amanda, expressing that he was falling in love with her. They tried to make their relationship work in the real world, but their romance was short-lived.

Despite announcing that they were still dating at the Survivor season 16 reunion, Ozzy and Amanda broke up shortly after, ending their six-month-long relationship. Years later, Amanda is now happily married, while Ozzy is enjoying a single life traveling the world, marking the end of their Survivor romance.